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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. 9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    OK. They got into a fight. It was the driving away, after the man hit the pavement and is clearly knocked out, or possibly dead, that is the troublesome part of all this. 

    Yeah, that was a thought I had as well.. But it's not easily answered..


    If two people are fighting and one party receives a finishing blow, do you immediately render assistance or, more likely, make yourself scarce?


    This a very unfortunate incident.. I see the farang doing the fighting being deported, after a sizeable payment to the family.. And the farang with a Thai wife and children being allowed to also pay but be allowed to stay.. To do otherwise is to make his wife and children victims also.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 1 hour ago, BonMot said:

    Ukraine are kindered (sic) folk of Russians.


    Their histories date back over 1200 years.

    Families don't fight? It's not common but they do..


    The issue is that Ukraine is a sovereign Nation, a fact recognized by all governments, including Russia.


    Interfering in other Nations from afar is a common theme for the West, but the "interference" is temporary...


    Russia has attacked it's cousin and neighbor, Ukraine, and it's stated goal is to annex a good portion of Ukrainian land. Permanently.


    The Soviet Union obviously encouraged ethnic Russians to settle in the former Soviet states, and now uses that fact to intimidate it's neighbors with threats of intervention to "protect" these ethnic Russian minorities..


    Maybe it's time for the Idi Amin "solution".. Wholesale repatriation to the Motherland.

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  3. 39 minutes ago, MasterBaker said:

    Strange looking hash.. I'm tempted to say that it's home-made but not sure from picture..  Stating it's made from GodFather is unusual, and I've never seen anything resembling the stamp shown.


    Would not be a bad thing if somebody in Thailand has learned to replicate the originals of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.


    Are you an experienced hash consumer? Would you know the difference?

  4. Best advice I can give you is to start "collecting" vendors who are selling on Line.


    I've got about 12 of them so far.. Most "harvested" from various posts in this thread and others here. Also use Line search in "@Line Shopping"..


    250/350gm for good Thai stuff... as little as 390gm import.

  5. 4 hours ago, harrycallahan said:

    I did kickboxing and that final move by the French guy was known to us as the 'put the guy in ICU'. Every single time it will put the guy in ICU. The Thai guy was intentionally restraining his offense with non-ICU kicks and punches but the French guy took it to the next level and therfore should be judged differently. 

    Please explain more..



  6. You make a lot of assumptions...


    You only have to scroll back a few posts to see me responding to a poster looking for GDP... I told him how to find what he's looking for.  You are not the thread police. We have admins for that.


    And for your information, you won't even get a look in at dispensaries or "legacy market" (black) in the jurisdictions, other than Thailand, that have legalized recreational weed if you are looking to buy at your desired pricing..


    And if you weren't participating in "how the cheap you can find it contest", then what was the purpose of your post?


    We have had a frank exchange, but any more back and forth risks having the exchange removed..

  7. 14 minutes ago, Mark1066 said:



    To be honest, if you need to try and look down on others in order to feel better about yourself then I pity you - especially if you need to brag about how much you spend on weed - that really is pathetic. I can honestly say that I've never met a single successful or wealthy person who felt the need to look down on others or brag about their spending habits. Quite the opposite in fact.

    Well, you did take it personally didn't you?


    Who said I was "bragging" about spending more than you?


    This thread has degenerated into a contest over who can spend the least amount of money on pot..


    Of course I'm not advocating bankrupting yourself buying weed. I'm happy that prices are falling.


    But let's face it.. If your major concern is how little you are spending versus how good the weed is that you're smoking. then you are obviously a "dabbler".


    The "you" in the previous sentence is in the plural, not specifically aimed at you (singular)


    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Mark1066 said:

    Not sure whether your comment about one-upmanship was directed at me as well but if it was, you're way off the mark. I'm just sharing my experiences. I agree that it's a little nicer to smoke premium bud but like I said, I'm not going to pay 100 times as much for it. Again, I didn't buy brick, it was bud.

    Don't take it personally Mark, you have plenty of company on this thread. That was my point..


    But I just reviewed your post and it's very possible you are the Winner.. so far.


    7.9 Baht/gm.    ????

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