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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. 2 minutes ago, Bert got kinky said:


    I guess that theses 2 French guys can rest easy knowing that their number plate of ก-9999 is blurred out in the photos. ????


    BTW, that number plate would have cost a mighty packet and would not be on a tourists brand new Porsche 911.

    I'm guessing that these guys will have already paid paid for some local influential friends and the odd fairy godmother/s somewhere amongst the police ranks.

    Next stop Singapore?


    Yes.. somewhere else. Their pockets are going to be significantly lightened..


    "Influence" works best in the shadows.. No shadows here,

  2. 6 hours ago, nigelforbes said:

    If you stay and if you don't get caught, you may change your thinking on this subject. Most long term legitimate expats, the ones who really can afford to live here, get pretty pee'd off with the antics of the few that can't and who break all the rules. In retaliation, Immigration implements even more draconian rules which makes life even harder for everyone, even though most of us have played by the rules. The rule about seasoning the 400/800k, two months before and every month after, that's because of people like YOU.

    Says the fellow who joined AN 3 weeks ago..


    So you just found out about the forum, despite being a long term "legit"?

    • Like 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

    Julian Assange.


    Does Russia have allies imprison journalists in maximum security prisons who are neither Russian citizens nor citizens of the country imprisoning  them, because they exposed Russian.war crimes?



    That situation is still in play..


    But it's not a good look for USA.


    However.. Russia is indiscriminately targeting civilians.. in the so-called Russian majority areas of Ukraine. Toxic love..


    Away with ye, Russian apologist... unless you are actually Russian, in which case you are flying a false flag and your bias is understandable..

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    The risk is definitely up there and hasn't been this high since the Cuban missile crisis and it was quite high back then to the point where it was really really close to actually happening because of a miscommunication.

    As back then, neither side actually wants full nuclear war. 

    But once the insidious ladder of escalation gets going, irrational things can much more easily happen.

    Putin doesn't want nuclear war and the west certainly doesn't either.  

    Putin is using the threat of starting to use nukes to intimidate Ukraine and the west to give it all up. 

    That won't work and he must know that.

    So he's definitely playing with fire.

    To quantify the specific risk is impossible though. 

    That said there is a big difference between now and then.

    Back then it was MAD or nothing.

    Now the supposed option of a limited nuclear attack is in the conversation with the presumption that won't lead to MAD.

    That's very dangerous thinking because it probably would lead to MAD.

    Probably scenario if Putin starts.

    Some kind of limited use.

    The west responds with massive power without nukes.

    Then Putin responds. He would have already used nukes. How could he do something less in response?

    Putin might have enough control to authorize a tactical nuclear strike.. but Russia proper has been informed in advance what the Nato response will be. Complete annihilation of Russian troops and materiel in Ukraine, The "shock and awe " of the attack on Baghdad will look like a "son et lumiere" in comparison..

    At that point, Russians will resolve the "Putin problem" themselves, rather than escalate.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Formaleins said:

    Good for Thailand! Make a bit of a stand against this phony war, pursued by the Neocons and cretins of the Biden administration, war mongering imbeciles who have lost most of their credibility on the world stage, but backed by the despotic unelected, undemocratic sheep of the floundering mess that is the EU!

    Now that is a word salad! Well done...


    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, micmichd said:

    OP is about Indian tourists. Chinese tourists can come later. M

    I know it's off-topic but I'm just teasing you..


    Being a numbers guy (neurodiverse?) but i couldn't help noticing that unlike most posters, and all on this thread, that you have over 6K posts but only less than 2K likes/reputation.. most people have accumulated more likes than posts.


    So people are reacting to/liking less than one of every three posts. 1/3. Seems what you have to say isn't that popular...


    My advice to you is to go for the low-hanging fruit to rectify this imbalance.. ????

  7. 2 hours ago, Trippy said:

    I've got some decent

    for 250/g with a 10 gram minimum in Pattaya. Send me a message if interested.GDP.jpg 


    Mods, didn't know if this type of post is allowed, if not please delete.

    They look good but the buy-in is taking a chance.. maybe arranging a (paid) sample with interested people is the way to go..


    Have  to confess I had to use Google after racking my brain..


    Granddaddy Purple



  8. 1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

    I'm not sure your comment makes any sense.  Politicians have precious little to do with the dollar's rise. The Fed is an independent body, and it is the Fed that sets rates. Pols can scream at the Chairman, but he is under no obligation to listen to them.


    Also, the money spending policies hardly make the dollar rise.


    A number of things are responsible for the current blowoff top in the dollar. First is the US is not dependent on russian gas, so its near term prospects are better than the EU. Second, UE is at a multi-decade low, brought down to 3.5% from the 6.8% 45 left in his wake. Interest rate differentials---as the Fed raises rates---also favor the dollar. Other countries---Thailand included---have to be more cautious raising rates to keep up, as Household and corporate debt are massive after the debt-fueled "boom' from 2011-2019. Let's also toss in that markets tend to move in a direction that hurts the greatest number of people. Much of the world went to one side of the proverbial boat---believing the dollar could only go down. Believing that, companies were comfortable borrowing in dollars. That's all well and good until the dollar begins to rise. Dollar debtors then have to buy into a rising dollar market to get the $ they need to service their loans.


    EVERY nation in the world is wildly indebted. Worldwide debt is approaching $300,000,000,000,000. The US may be the biggest sovereign debtor, but on a relative basis it is better off than some, including Japan. Other nations mask their debt by its presence at different levels, like States, Provinces and Municipalities. EVERY nation mortgaged its future. What the US might have going for it is its relative energy independence, its diverse and robust economy, its military strength, the size of its financial markets and ease of entry/exit, and the relative strength of its banking system after the moves Obama made post 2008 (reduce leverage, sell off bad debt, issue new equity), which is the polar opposite of what Europe did. (Europe printed money, gave it to banks, then told banks to buy sovereign debt of EU nations----that lowered rates for sovereign borrowers and manufactured capital for banks,, but they're interdependent; if EU rates rise, all that manufactured bank capital falls in value and makes the NPLs in a banking system that is 3x EU GDP---vs .8x in the US---an issue again.)


    The next few years in the world are likely to be quite ugly, as the combo of the worldwide debt bubble and climate change will hit everything from employment to food production. The dollar's current meteoric rise is a harbinger.

    Thank you for a well-explained post.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Aussieroaming said:

    Maybe rain, maybe fine, maybe hot, maybe cool. 


    What to check today's humidity? Stick a dry noodle outside and depending on how far the noodle bends in an hour determines the percentage humidity. That's about how scientific weather forecasting or modelling is done here.


    Thailand's meteorologists rely on models developed by other countries as they have never done their own models and the data in the current models being used is scant as Thailand wasn't the primary area being modeled when they were developed. Thailand predictions were a secondary consideration. Hence why forecasts here are often wrong or just approximations of the days weather.

    Interesting.. I have often noticed the difference between Google Weather and what's happening outside.

  10. 2 hours ago, siftasam said:

    The question I always asked myself (long before I endured watching 'Flight' with Denzel Washington and an abysmal part for John Goodman ) was would I want the pilot of my passenger jet (e.g. a Boeing 777 this year) to have taken drugs that morning or even the night before....


    and I mean any drugs - including  alcohol.


    MANY of us have a responsibility towards other people. If you haven't, do what you like. Go knock yourself out.

    Well then you are not gonna like this..


    When a first world nation, like Canada, legalizes cannabis, users have the same rights as users of the other main "social lubricant", Beer!


    This means that members of the Armed Forces have the right to indulge, subject to similar regulations existing in Civil Aviation, Heavy equipment operators etc..


    12 hours bottle to throttle..


    Canadian Armed Forces personnel being the defensive arm of the Government are a little less constrained.. I believe you cannot use within 8 hours. of driving the tank, firing the artillery, and flying the fighter and bomber aircraft.



  11. 10 minutes ago, bobbin said:


    It's actually not difficult to disprove the "urban legend" that Thai Sticks were "dipped" in opium..  I'll explain..


    There is now a "nouveux cannabis" product called Pop Rocks. These are dense (must be to survive the process) buds that have weed/hash oil applied. This process almost certainly is done by hand. The oil must be warmed beforehand for ease of application. The buds are now very sticky and will stick to their neighbor. This problem is solved by rolling them in kief cannabis "dust" after allowing for some drying time..


    Have you ever seen opium? It has the consistency of thick axle grease. Even warmed it's going to rip the heck out of the buds, destroying their aesthetic appeal. You edited your post to say "some" were apparently treated this way. I never saw any...


    I think it would be better to delete any reference to this.. not least because conflating cannabis with opium does none of us any good.. Shades of the old (also false) "gateway" drug argument.


    I forgot to add that these Pop Rocks cannot be used in joints. Too sticky so they don't burn that well..


    Bong/pipe with some regular cannabis to facilitate the burning is the way to go..


    The same problem would be faced by the mythical "opium dipped Thai sticks".

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