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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. I have a basic Kohler version..


    Water (spray) on/ water off




    No electronics.


    I saw a documentary on the development of these toilets. The most critical was regulation of the heated water. 



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  2. 2 minutes ago, simon43 said:

    Yes, that's what I used to do.  However, I left my grains in Laos (not Myanmar as I posted).  I left Laos late last year on a "Covid evacuation flight" and we were only allowed to take 1 piece of luggage.  I had to leave one of my boxes at Wattay Airport and it had my kefir grains in it (as well as almost all my clothes, a radio ham mast etc etc!!)

    You are welcome to some.. I want to go through a couple more feedings to increase the volume of grains, probably a week or less.



  3. I have some..


    I just brought them back to life, The way to keep them alive when you aren't actively making kefir, and you probably know this, is to give the grains some milk and keep them in the fridge,


    My container was way in the back though, so out of sight, out of mind.  3 days ago I spotted my container and saw they weren't looking good.. At least 6 months without changing the milk.. Yikes!


    Poured everything through the strainer. Grains looked ok so put them into a clean container and gave them fresh milk. About 36 hours later they are healthy and white and multiplying.

  4. 41 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    I agree with you on all of that apart from the dinosaurs are having their rant bit. What do you think just because you are younger that this idea hasn’t been in the mind of people for decades and it’s the new thing? As soon as drugs (esp class A’s) are regulated the better. Then hopefully the heinous crimes like human trafficking, murder that go hand in hand with this trade is also stopped or at the least near non existent.


    And yes he deserves jail imo. He’s not in Nigeria, 99%of them on Suk are serving up and they <deleted> me off no end. Some have been there years whilst I have to jump through hoops to stay here.  If I want cocaine in Thailand , I at least wanna buy some off a Thai person for Christ’s sake!

    Social dinosaurs..


    I'm 71 years old, so no age discrimination...   555

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  5. 14 hours ago, bobbin said:

    That's where I was looking.. both regular Line and "Shopping Line".  Nada.


    I Googled and found a Twitter account.. don't do Twitter. But it has a Line link. Which led to a QR code.. which linked to a personal account of his but no menu of available buds. Sent a message,, unanswered so far..


    But i saw some vids on Twitter. Good looking plants and buds.


    Guess I have to hope that OP responds.

    He answered the message late yesterday. So the Twitter-Line (QR)- personal account works as a way to contact..

  6. 2 minutes ago, MrMuddle said:

    Perhaps he means on LIne (the app).

    That's where I was looking.. both regular Line and "Shopping Line".  Nada.


    I Googled and found a Twitter account.. don't do Twitter. But it has a Line link. Which led to a QR code.. which linked to a personal account of his but no menu of available buds. Sent a message,, unanswered so far..


    But i saw some vids on Twitter. Good looking plants and buds.


    Guess I have to hope that OP responds.

  7. On 10/24/2022 at 10:43 AM, dhupverg said:

    I haven't purchased anything from this group, but look for "EazyWeed" on line.  He's got videos of Colt45, kush mint and wedding cake for 280 gram.


    kush mint.jpg

    wedding cake.jpg

    I can't find this guy..


    Tried EazyWeed and @EazyWeed, also Eazy-Weed.


    No joy..

  8. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Isn't it just sooooo annoying when someone has the "wrong" ( as in not agreeing with you ) opinions?

    Easy answer... Yes.  ????


    More thoughtful answer... "There are none so blind as those that will not see"


    I won't engage further with you Mr. Beach, as I'm fully aware of your bias. You will not be persuaded to see the light, and I will not be "convinced by your historical revisionism".


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