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Posts posted by transam

  1. Firstly, before someone jumps in with mis-information, they're not the same car ;)

    Space-wise, both are similar.

    Fiesta has a 1.6L engine, vs Mazda2 1.5L

    Fiesta has 6-speed DSG gearbox, vs Mazda2 4-speed torque-converter auto

    Fiesta has Traction Control, Stability Control and Hill start assist, Mazda2 has none of these.

    For me it's a no-brainer.. :)


    And, is it pretty safe? And a decent car overall, or is my initial question like asking "which is better, getting kicked in the face or in the balls"? :D


    Fun post of the day. :thumbsup::drunk::lol:

  2. Ya makes me laugh too, Im totally into online games myself and have always been into games for the past 20 years. I dont drink, I dont smoke, dont waste my time going to bars, dont buy hookers... hmmmmmmmmmmm I guess if I hadnt been playing games during my leisure time instead of those other activities I'd be a much better person right? LOL, people AMAZE me with their strange vision of whats right.

    +1 :)

  3. We would all like a V8 under the hood but l think here in LOS a motor has been fitted for longevity ,cos once out of warranty then servicing goes out the window, BUT manufacturers reputation goes on after that. If they put fab engines in then failures would be astronomical if proper servicing wasn't continued. :)

    As for Spoonman, well, l know he has been involved with very quick drag cars and respect his thoughts. :)

    Must remember this is LOS and so a different approach to stuff is annoying but par of the course.

    Love to start the Vigo up with a 572 big block Chevy under the hood eh. :D

  4. I was quick to understand when I arrived that I could help these kids into a better life...The Thai people did not like to have a Farang instructing them on better way's of doing things. Jealousy came into the picture on every turn in all events and the Thai people would not hesitate to dob you into the authorities all for the sake of "face".

    This explains everything. Your belief that your ways and your ideas and skills are better then theirs instantly sets you up to fall. How are your ways going to give 'these kids' a better way of life living in their own culture? How are your ways "better" then theirs? The word is DIFFERENT not BETTER.

    You have segregated yourself by thinking you are better then them... these statements make it abundantly clear that they have picked up on your attitude to them being inferior or beneath you in some way because you think your ways are better. And to say that 'jealousy' is always present is absurd.. that is wholly your own projection of what you think they think of you and even more indicative that you think that you are better then them.

    Once you understand the simple fact that Thais are not farang, don't think like farang and don't live like farang, you magically seem to fit in a whole lot better. :D

    Maybe my choice of words was somewhat rushed when writing the posting. I was not trying to indicate in any way that I (Farang and all that) are better than them.!!

    What I was indicating was that life in a village here in Isaan can be better for all. Have you ever lived in a small Thai village, if so you would understand.

    The village that I live in is composed of 2 families. Each with about 12 people per family! Amongst those two families their is jealousy, and a lot of it!


    Par of the course in Isaan. You just have to deal with it and not let it deal with you. :)

  5. I taught in a Thai University for 10 years, and then ran a scholarship scheme for Thai students (with overseas funds). Now I feel I have earned the right to relax, and let others do things for me for a change.

    Most (apparently not all) village schools are keen to get farangs to teach their students conversational English; no qualifications required. I was asked to do so... but I must admit, teaching a class of ten-year-olds is not my idea of heaven!

    That's interesting. Thought for teaching you must have qualifications and work permit or risk deportation for either. :huh:

  6. OP, LOS isn't for everyone. For sure you will not survive IF your head is still in farangland and you want things to be the same here. I don't doubt that those with deep pockets can make a near farangland life but it's very difficult. :)

  7. Yes perhaps I phrased it poorly but I meant they (others)

    could also make the claim that they torture to gain info to save lives.

    Very true, but they torture regularly anyway - and far worse than water boarding.

    Let's save our pity for an enemy that tries to follow the rules and has a little compassion for innocent human beings, rather than targeting them with highjacked airplanes and suicide bombs.

    And lets not forget Bins lot enjoyed making a bad job of cutting an innocent guys head off on video for the world to see. ;)

    People here talk about Bin was unarmed, think himself lucky he didn't have HIS head removed with a blunt knife on video.

  8. Although technically you can use your UK licence here for 6 months. Try explaining that to Plod on the street here.

    I suggest everyone coming here has an International Permit and if here for a longer stay has a Thai licence.

    I have both Car and Bike in Thailand and the fines have stopped.

    I got pulled up by the BiB years back and showed my IDL and he started to write a ticket out, good job the mrs was with me to explain what it was :rolleyes:, he didn't, unfortunately nothing written on it in Thai. ;)

  9. 15 years ago I went to a psychiatrist for a problem, not alcoholism. It was a business problem and I had great insurance so I got hooked up with one of the most expensive and well thought of psychiatrists assisting business leaders and corporations ($500 per hour). He had written books and had a great educational background including degrees in pharmacology in addition to his MD's and other degrees.

    After to talking to me he suggested I may have a problem with alcohol and his advice was for me to stop drinking for three days so he could put me on medication.

    Even with all of his education and experience he suggested I go to AA to stop drinking for a while.

    AA convinced me not to take the first drink. I had problems with the higher power thing as I am an atheist. But it is not a big problem. If I pray to a God or have Buddha statues in my living room so what. Do I believe in God or an afterlife? No. Do I pray every day? Yes. Is that logical? No. Is life logical? No. I don't drink. Who cares how or why or what happens. I don't drink and I don't take the first drink. Not drinking is very difficult unless you follow a couple of rules. 1. Don't drink. And, 2. go to meetings. You want to stop drinking? Don't drink and go to meetings. Thinking is not necessary. 12 steps are great. But all you really have to do is don't drink and go to meetings.

    $500 an hour :o, NOW l need therapy, where did l go wrong. :)

  10. Thank you everybody for taking the time to add something here. As you can see, I am new to this Forum or any forum come to that. I have been so exasperated with this whole Ford saga I didn't know which way to turn, this is why I thought I would write something on this great Forum. I am very pleased I did. I can tell you this, after 6.5 months I was told on Saturday my car is fixed. The car is now on its way to Bangkok Training Centre for final tests. I am not going to hold my breath until I get the call to collect it.

    I have taken note of your advice and intend to sell as soon as I can, it is a pity because this car is like 'new' less than 10,000 KMs on the clock. I don't want to buy another Ford again, however, because it seems Ford does not hold its price for resale, maybe I might get a super duper offer on another Vehicle. I actually want to buy a Honda CRV, but, at this moment in time I have no idea how much I would have to add.

    What would be a good choice in that price range? Does anybody actually recommend a Ford Escape or Everest. I think it a good idea to go for a 4 x 4 this time as opposed to a car. Ideally, I am looking for a short-wheel base. Can anybody suggest a good model please?


    We do have some super advice here (not me) so be more specific with your needs and vehicle usage and am sure you will get the best pointers. Nice to see a happy bunny on the forum :).

  11. I think anyone referring to having their children taken from them as "freedom" shows the real truth of the matter. Perhaps the judge saw something we don't in this topic.

    Perhaps if you've been there you might look at things a bit different.

    Financial settlement hearing is totally different in the eyes of a judge, l've been there and came out on top and l am a male.

  12. Your poll is worthless as the options are off beat.

    You perhaps haven't noticed that the Thai style amongst the educated classes is not point to other people's faults. Better to let them get on with it knowing that it will keep them from ever threatening your higher position. (cynical?) So if you learn what society expects from you, and you deliver, you will have few problems. If you flaunt your western ideals here you can expect to be found at fault.

    If you want to slow the guy down, pour oil and water over the road outside your house daily for a week or two. He'll find a new route or need a few skin grafts. Either way, problem solved.

    Alternatively report his bike stolen from a disposable cell phone. Daily...

    Yes your right my poll is worthless...it is the first one that i have done....I only noticed the mistakes after I had left the forum and them came back . I am not a writter and make many clerical errors. But my issues remain the same.

    Sorry about the poll, there had been so many answers I didn't want to delete it and start over from scratch. I will try harder next time to get it right the first time.

    100% good answer. You yourself did good anyways (in my eyes). :)

  13. Amazing read here, seems some would side with Hitler or Stalin and others at the time of their departure. ;)

    Anti-Americanism has few limits.

    For sure but l can tell you when my dads back was against the wall he smiled, smoked a few cigs and sunk a few beers with, yes you guessed it, U.S guys. :)

  14. Since when has anyone, anywhere in Thailand worried about how fast motorists travel at??....I think you'd be fighting a lost cause :o

    IMO, the Op was lucky it was a farang and not a Thai, otherwise he most probably wouldnt have seen the retribution coming..and more likely would have got a visit from the "offender" and all his 7 mates.:whistling:

    Anyway, last time i checked, roads are supposed to be the domain of cars and bikes, not a childrens playground....just because Thais let their kiddies play on the road it doesnt mean you should. :unsure:

    Would you let your children play in waters that were known to be shark infested, or run wild in a location that was known to have savage dogs roaming about....sheez

    What a load of <deleted>, this is Thailand, not New York or London. Here, very similar to when l was a kid in UK, there things have changed but drivers are responsible, except the drunk ones. Beggars belief really that you and others side with a drunk, as if we must lock the kids up to accommodate the local moron. :rolleyes:

  15. If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

    I have children and I NEVER let them play on the street. If they are playing on the street it means that they're being disobedient. Leave the sois for soi dogs and their shit.

    Were do the play ...? on the railroad tracks? I don't know how old your child is or what kind of shophouse you live in but this is a respected village.... When your child gets older and wants to go to his friends...will you go with him? I was right there with the children, when we noticed him they started to get out of the way. He didn't afford them the time. I have a feeling that your child is very young and if your child isn't very young then maybe there is an issue with micro managment. We have to let our children grow....hopefully just not like the idiot that i had to fight with.

    You are right in my and others eyes, you cannot be at kids shoulders every minute of the day cos they do their thing but some want to cradle their kids and not mix and grow up and do their thing.

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