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Posts posted by transam

  1. So much ignorance on BOTH sides of the equation.

    Yep, perhaps your right but l don't give a shit as long as l and the family arrive safe. The Muslim faith should sort out it's problem element then we can get on with our lives instead of a religion telling every non believer they should be killed off, and sadly that's what the rest of the other religious and non religious world understand.

  2. If every Captain made that decision then so be it. Then would have planes for Muslims only, great really, nooooo problems. No bombers. :)

    That reminds me of an Ali G comment.

    But how then would you decide who is a Muslim, not all of them wear the kit. What if they just 'looked' Muslim? What you stop them from getting on the plane?

    And who looks Muslim anyway? Islam is not a race. Some Caucasians are Muslim to, we'd just have to stop flights altogether because of a one in a gzillion chance of there being a bomb on their plane.

    An interesting thought, don't think any Muslim would deny their faith, so something else for the new passport ''sim'' to record. :)

  3. so a minuscule thought by a captain and the safety of his passengers is admirable.

    Going by that sentiment, no Muslim should be allowed on a plane again, ever.

    Noooooooooooo, the captain had his reasons, we don't know what actually went on, only the written stuff but if l was on a plane and the guy in charge made a decision it was for my safety.

    And what if every pilot in every flight was to make the same decision?

    Anyway, as pointed out already, it was likely the passengers causing the problem to which I repeat: What narrow minded idiots.

    If every Captain made that decision then so be it. Then would have planes for Muslims only, great really, nooooo problems. No bombers. :)

  4. Google tells me that there are approx 27,000 flights, per day, in the US alone.

    To my knowledge, the last time a bomb was found on a plane was 31 Oct 2010, lets call it 210 days. So, since the last time a bomb was found on a plane approx 5.8 million flights have occurred without a bomb in the U.S. alone. If we want think worldwide, we are talking ridiculous numbers.

    And these people thought their plane was going to be bombed. What narrow minded idiots!

    BUT, the remaining passengers had a very nice ''worry'' free flight eh. :)

    Must add that the security worry is taken very seriously when l have had to take my shoes off to check them, and inspect my Buddha around my neck, so a minuscule thought by a captain and the safety of his passengers is admirable. If a Muslim started to do his thing in the isle of a plane l was on l would be a bit concerned and pissed off.Why, perhaps his last rights before his actions, WE perhaps don't know what he is doing cos we might not be of his persuasion.

  5. First of all SB..I never said he was an OK guy...right? I said everyone is entitled to a fair trial...not assasination by a nation!!

    And yeh i'm really really worried that by posting the truth on a forum will have the seals come over and take me out....you need a reality check son :D lol...Everything i have said is readily available on every search engine!!

    You poor americans are fed so much bullshite by your government that you dont know the truth anymore [ doubt that you ever did ]

    You and the the trans guy can only come back with blah,blah.blah...You can not dispute the fact that your country used and abused binladen and he came back at you..FACT!!

    Also you can not deny that he deserved a trial...guilty until proven innocent is not the way its done and you know that, or did you as an ex copper also reverse the practice?

    Look at all the distortion of the truth that is already comming out about this murder...your polititions and CIA spokesmen can' t even get the same basic story together...:D :D Just wait till wiki leaks or someone else gets hold of the real story...ooooppppssss :whistling:

    America...the laughing stock of the world!

    Whether or not he is a good guy, or even if he was guilty of anything or not, i don't know,and i haven't said that, but there is due process to follow, especially from the country that calls itself the ''Police of the world""lol..

    So you would have said no to the assassination attempt on Hitler. Yes/No.

    If it wasn't for the persuasive manner of Churchill in WW11 with the USA there would be no England .

    The European Jews will no longer exist,

    Bosnia would be a grave yard of women and children and Kuwait would have natives hung from every lamp post.

    Your view about the USA really makes me sick.

  6. I believed he was dead until Al Qaeda confirmed it.

    I've been looking for that woman I have seen with the Bin Laden T-shirt so I can taunt her. I was bummed Thaivisa thought a "Bin Laden is Dead" party was inappropriate.

    You think it is worthy of celebration of a cold blooded assasination of a guy who your very own CIA and ISI supported,trained armed and gave full support to in "Operation Cyclone" in another of the warmonging u s of a's covert ops against foreign powers in other countries.:ph34r:

    Where is the oft called 'Innocent until proven guilty"" ??? No way , just send the elite squad of nameless unidentifiable cannon fodder in and shoot to kill.

    Not the guys blame at all... just following orders!, but totally wrong IMO.

    uncle sam used bin laden in their covert ops against the soviet Union in Afghanistan...set him up and then later pulled the rug from under and left them to fight the blowback of guns, drugs ,and extremism that followed.

    In other words you yanks got all you asked for...you trained a pitbull in your methods and then kicked the pitbull in the guts....The pitbull came back and bit you on your collective backsides.....wonder why???

    Immagine if it all got to court and Bin Laden stared telling all he knows of CIA american involvement using Al quaeda to do their dirty work openly in many african countries, old soviet countries and south america to name but a few, all the while publicly calling them THE ENEMY!!..joke ,right?

    You yanks can come out screaming denial as much as you like, but the facts are well known to the world [places that aren't brainwashed by the CIA whitehouse that is.

    And you wonder why america is probably the most hated country in the world???:realangry:

    Do you honestly believe that other countries Special Forces have NOT taken people ''out '', that only the USA does it. If you do, your daft. :rolleyes:.

  7. You are of course entitled to your opinion, and now we have it.

    I thought he did give his opinion.

    The strange thing is, The Thai Musings rubbish is right next to the NEWS banner, it is posted out everyday in the TV update, and yet people here still know nothing about it!

    If you read it it is just sanctimonious tripe, something that you could write at home from a computer in Greenland.

    My gripe was that was it really necessary to post it where it was posted? It could have had its own thread within some forum sub topic, not as a banner!

    But it seems no one really looks at it anyway...so I'll shut my mouth!

    You must remember some like reading tripe, same as watching UK soaps, seems Tv is keeping everyone happy so ''read'' what's on offer here and do your own thing eh. :)

  8. You've been, you've seen, you didn't like, so don't go again.

    There are places on Thaivisa I don't go because I find them distasteful, I don't however insist that they are removed simply because I don't approve.

    You are of course entitled to your opinion, and now we have it.

    As it is, some are so easily offended or threatened by stimulation that they can avoid. As you stated before....if you don't care for such items, don't go there.

    Must agree, same with my posts eh. :lol:

  9. I wrote this post because I was in a good mood. I read Thai visa everyday, great source for guys living in thai. I read many postings about the negetive, wheather it's the girl that did some wrong thing to her guy, or the scam and corruption. Yes, I can tell some of my own , but I have found in Isaan, a good life, with good people, as I'm sure others have too. I wanted to share a little of that , and to those that have'nt found that great girl in thailand, maybe it's because your looking in the wrong place. Sometimes we see and get what we are looking for. What are you looking for,because I found it in a small Isaan town.

    It can happen. :)

  10. No, but they are both saying the same thing. ;)

    OK they say the same thing but in different ways. So explain the lies that have been given to the American and the world public. Everything has changed from the original announcement by Obama. why is that what is the motive?

    I am as glad as anyone if he is dead, but I just don't see any reason in lying about the circumstances. My Country has been in this 'war' from day one and we deserve a factual account of what happened, not some glorified hollywood script.

    LOOK, Bin is with his ladies now, end of his story. LET'S MOVE ON. :rolleyes:

  11. Did you try to kiss her in public? Right there solves your problem if you did. Thais aren't going to show that sort of affection in public. Try it in your apartment or somewhere away from other people.

    Maybe she's dated a westerner before and had bad luck with one who was just trying to get with as many chicks as possible.

    Rubbish. :rolleyes:

  12. From what can gather, the fiesta AT stands out when on the highway, but its figures are closer to the jazz in the city. Something to do with the gearing / gearbox perhaps.

    Yes and the Jazz is a fair bit taller and less aerodynamic.. By taller I mean more blunt thus less aero efficient..

    Bit like me. ;):lol:

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