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Posts posted by transam

  1. "Sorry about my comparison but an Alsation dog is an Alsation dog where ever it is born, a rabbit is a rabbit, where ever it is born, a buffalo is a buffalo, where ever it is born and should be the same for all earth's creatures, including man. :huh: JUST so we all know"

    An Alsation is also know n as a German Shepard. Just so we all know.

    Think you know what l mean. :)

    A German Shepard born in UK is still a German Shepard.

  2. the whole question hs vague illegal feeling about it.... if u are legit, then u have prescriptions or paperwork to help u aquire what u want to import. if u dont have either, it sounds illegal in which case this thread will close. either u list the stuff u are looking for, or u present your case as a legit one (research, medical, industrial), or the thread gets it.

    there is a list i think maybe pinned but can be found , of illegal substances/legislation for thailand. its a long list, and harsh puishments. find it. read it. and beware.



    Any one who is legit knows the answers, not need ask here. :rolleyes:

  3. Due to the bad US economy and also increased xenophobia (for example the racist Arizona law) a large percentage of Mexicans have self repatriated. Please no more of the fantasy that everyone in the world wants to get into the US. It isn't true now, and it was never true.


    Also note, ease of class mobility (in other words the chances a poor person can become wealthy) are now significantly better in western Europe than the USA. Not to mention the gap between rich and poor in the US, which is arguably more extreme than in Thailand.


    Yes there is truth to what you say with the exception of Arizona laws being racist. Since when is it racist to not desire illegals living in your country, overcrowding your schools and hospitals, sucking social services such as food stamps and welfare, not paying taxes, sending much of their money back to Mexico and not spending it here, taking American jobs, lowering job standards and wages to name a few. And I am not talking about the drug smugglers or scores of Mexican felons heading up to the US to steal cars, break ins, etc.

    Okay now let's look at Mexico's policy. Any American traveling without a passport can be arrested and imprisoned/extradited on the spot. Never mind living there. Name one country in the world that does not actively seek and extradite illegal entries?

    I'd suggest you either wake up or read up before being so loose with your statements.


  4. Not really French, check out the name. It's the same all over Europe. Immigrants from certain parts of the world being responsible of most of the crime in Europe these days.

    But they certainly were born in France and carry a French passport....

    Sorry about my comparison but an Alsation dog is an Alsation dog where ever it is born, a rabbit is a rabbit, where ever it is born, a buffalo is a buffalo, where ever it is born and should be the same for all earth's creatures, including man. :huh: JUST so we all know.

  5. When I was younger and backpacking round the States I holed up for a while with my dad's American pal and family in Vegas. 20 years later and the thought of his homemade sour cream and onion dip with a monster bag of tortilla chips at 2 in the morning still gets me drooling.

    I have to say when it comes to comfort food the yanks have got it sorted.


    Fond memories of Denny's (USA) breakfast, and l am English. :licklips::)

  6. If one has spent 15, 10 or even 5 years in Thailand and has established no mode of lifestyle he/she is unwilling to leave behind I guess that says something in-and-of itself.


    I think we were ALL willing to leave a lot of lifestyle behind...LOS 10 yrs ago was a very different place then it is today...a much friendlier place, pre Red Shirt Yellow Shirt, pre Thai Rak Thai, pre US goes to war with the world, etc etc..

    The nationalistic sentiment was always there but it was far less pronounced. Asia was coming out of the crisis and the West, the US in particular was still experiencing the end of the tech boom. Exchange rates were favorable and Western films and music were still #!...fast forward 11 yrs, Baht at 30 as opposed to 40 plus, FAR fewer western movies released, Asian MTV and VH1 replaced by Thai MTV and Channel V Thailand, English Language radio stations kaput, more concentration on things Asian...and believe me, I am not saying this is a bad thing...it was bound to happen as Asia takes over as the dominant region on the planet, however, these changes do not suit me personally...I am sure there are many on this forum who have no issues with it, but I do...

    Most of all the great thing about LOS was that you could live a 5 star life on a 3 star budget...not the case any more...and of course the women...and that is still FAR better then the West...so as I said splitting time is really the best solution for me...and getting the hell out of BKK as it has become a very tough unfriendly city...CNX in a year or two...

    Your last line, yes, following the rest of the worlds major cities as it ' progresses '. :ermm:

  7. I live in Canada but pretty much the same as the US except maybe not as run down, the economy here never took the huge hit the US has. Never the less I came back because my Thai wife very badly wanted to come to Canada. Its great for her, she was given an opportunity and she has made the best of it. In just 6 years she has over a million baht in the bank and owns her own restaurant.

    For me not so great, just before it was time to leave Thailand to bring her to Canada I remember thinking about it while I was looking at a beautiful book of diving in Thailand at a bookstore in phuket town, and I while I was looking at all of these beautiful pictures of Thailand I started to break out in cold sweat thinking this a mistake. Well 6 years later she is doing great but the last 6 years for me has been predictably very stressful and frustrating. The reason I left canada from the beginning is because i was fed up and disgusted with high taxes, over regulation, massive mounds of paperwork regardless of what you do ect. ect. not to mention the shear arrogance and ignorance of the everyday people here. Now I have 3 times the stress than ever before because now I have to do all admin, taxes, paperwork, schools ect. ect. not just for myself but for her, her son, and the restaurant she runs.

    In a nutshell its been great for her, hell for me. So what I am trying to say is its all a matter of persepctive. For the Thai foriegn workers here they work, put money in the bank and if they are smart and dont send it all home they can go back to Thailand with a miilon baht in 3 years. For me who has to pay mortgage, high taxes, and high everything else it's just a day to day struggle to meet the bills. Now I'm coming to Thailand by myself this year simply because I cant take it any more. So ladies and gentleman if your Thai spouse or partner is working on you to take her back to your country. I have three words of advice. Dont do it!

    I have never read a truer reply posted on this forum Thank You ! (every body take note)


    My pal in UK took his Thai wife to UK to work for their future in LOS. Three years on she doesn't want to come back to LOS for his retirement and has buggered off with another bloke. :huh:

  8. I think anything is better than nothing.

    The odd few up here that wear one don't do the strap up so it's useless anyway as the hat will go one way, the rider the other.

    Seen a few with copies of the US army helmets, think made of plastic :huh:. Saw a guy with a proper open face helmet that was on back to front :rolleyes:, god knows how he could see. :lol:.

  9. Buy a late or new Fortuner then quit worrying eh. :)

    .............And become the king of the road in front of whom everyone has to bow and give way..................

    As for safety, I am not really sure that Fortuner is THE solution. It is after all a wannabe SUV built on a pick up truck platform, with a bit of make up. Brakes are far from reliable, given the weight of the "monster".

    Fortuner/Vigo Nov 2008 and later, brakes on par with Benz S classe, thats 44 meters from 100-0 kmh. Porsche Cayenne slightly better tho :rolleyes:

    That will please MRO, though l am sure he knows it. :D

  10. Buy a late or new Fortuner then quit worrying eh. :)

    .............And become the king of the road in front of whom everyone has to bow and give way..................

    As for safety, I am not really sure that Fortuner is THE solution. It is after all a wannabe SUV built on a pick up truck platform, with a bit of make up. Brakes are far from reliable, given the weight of the "monster".

    Bit of a daft post. King of the road, hmmmm, you are saying Fortuner drivers are all of the same mindset, bit like those who drive big powerful cars have small dicks, in YOUR eyes that is.:rolleyes:

    Fortuner has a different designed platform to a Vigo, it's also shorter which makes it safer and has stabilising soft/hardware. Think you are confusing it with an MU7.

    2009 up Fortuner/Vigo have better brakes but even before had better brakes than other SUV's have now.

    .Reliable brakes, eeer, they either work or they do not, never heard of Fortuner/Vigo brake failure.

    My 2007 Vigo. Yesterday, up country a dog run across the road in front of me into the path of an oncoming car which braked, the bastard dog stopped turned and run back in front if me, me doing around 70kmh. I slammed on the anchors, it stopped in no time, no skidding and stayed in a straight line to a stop. :) .

  11. It has got to be morally wrong for anyone who has not lived in the UK and paid tax, even from Europe, to get anything. If You have lived in the UK then yes, you should be entitled to What you should get, but how far does it go,People leave the UK for what ever reasons if they still pay tax then they should be able to claim, If They live Abroad from the UK then they should be offered there pension to take with them. At the rate it was when they started to pay into it ,It amazes me when people just keep milking the system for every thing they can get,because the system is wrong.To me anyone who lives abroad has money or they would not be able to do just that.I know its there choice and they have probably worked to do it. they should be offed the choice of taking there pension lump sum or at a set rate.. The NHS was set up to treat people who where on the poverty line or below.Not to treat fat people or injury's caused by smoking or Drink related self inflicted Injures, Like fighting on a Saturday night, or falling over psst and getting injured. The same goes for Druggies,and health Tourist and car accidents. When are the people who stay in the UK and work here all our lives get anything. Why should people who have moved to Spain get heating allowance when OAP here in the UK are cold and cannot get any help.Also at what stage does your contributions run out, and what about the treatment that you have already had, does that not get payed for or is it for Indefinite.I am not against people who are entitled to what they should get, just people milking our System, and then the people who the whole thing was set up to help get nothing.Strong views maybe not right but maybe some truth.

    Then put your efforts into the foreigners that are trying everything to get into the UK just to be looked after, which they will, and are and have never paid a cent into the system.

    A UK guy gets a married pension even if his UK wife has never worked, whats the difference.:rolleyes:.

  12. So whats your post about. You want to get high legally or concoct something to help people give up smoking in LOS, what is it? :rolleyes:

    If your a junkie then crawl back where you come from BUT if your intentions are good for LOS then lets hear it to advise. :).

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