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Everything posted by transam

  1. A what, what......?
  2. Me too........He's a Mr. Anti..........😋
  3. I have told you once that you cannot use an emoji as a post, what don't you understand...........? Perhaps writing English is difficult for you, just take your time..........😉
  4. And.........?
  5. I do not recall anyone referring to those who use extensions being called "Tiny Fools"...... I think you are exaggerating a tad............🤨
  6. Says the troll.................🤭
  7. You sound like a bit of a wimp.......😘
  8. You can talk....................😂
  9. Doubt it, trolls never prosper.............🤭
  10. You think too much, sadly.................
  11. Us Brits don't think like that with German or Japanese folk, why are you different...? 🤕
  12. I don't believe it.......Unless the bloke had balls-ed up, and they are going to make a few quid over it, but I don't believe that either...😉
  13. Or perhaps they are being selective with locations folk are coming from.... I think this is just a matter of waiting till we have a few member reports, after all, the consulate will be in for losing a nice few quid, but then again, it could be instructions from the new gov boss....😏
  14. To me, it looks like you are the one who is biased, but then again, those with an agenda usually are, eh....😉
  15. No, I just looked at their site, hang on I will post a link.... https://savannakhet.thaiembassy.org/th/page/visa-fee?menu=5d84a44c15e39c26b4004542
  16. But you go by and jump on other poster's wagon..........🥴
  17. You are the one destroying the thread with your agenda, the agenda you don't like the replies too..
  18. You are not supposed to use an emoji as a post, please pay attention, ...................
  19. Getting like Big Brother now, all the trolls and baiters instantly know who's lurking, this place is going backwards....🥴
  20. You talking about sad, you jumping on terrorist supports wagon is incredibly sad.......😯
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