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Everything posted by transam

  1. More assumptions from the terrorist supporter...........
  2. Will have to wait till the bloke comes back from his hols............🤭
  3. To even mention emojis is questionable, please stay focused.........🤭 Plus, I have never been on a retirement visa, seems daft if one is married and just show 400k in the bank for 60 days. But you carry on, stash your cash over a few extra printouts.......... In your own words, you made your bed, now lay in it........😂
  4. Is printing off a few extra pages of stuff too difficult for you...........? 🤭
  5. Very good explanation regarding the hospital "bombing", with screenshots etc, that even Hamas supporters here 'may' understand and stand down...........😋 I bet they don't watch it, will spoil their agenda............😝
  6. There is no crater..................🤣
  7. Yep, you're cornered...................🤭
  8. Bang on queue, how surprising...........................
  9. Why not wait for further news reports, get off that wagon chap.......
  10. Well do it in the garden then.................😂 Many vids on YouTube showing the same procedure........🤭
  11. Temperature.....
  12. Yes, do not throw a "dead" one away, for the bloke that laughed, watch this easy fix............😉
  13. You "believe", oh well, we better move on then.................
  14. Fink the bloke doing it has gone to Butlin's...........................😂
  15. You can bring a "dead" non-chargeable one back to life if you have a spare good one to do it with.........😋
  16. Situation...
  17. Really, I thought the USA were usually asked.............
  18. I miss the page-up thingy..............😋
  19. Perhaps the ladies have heard of your 40 year girlie bar stuff and are staying weeeeeell clear of you.............😝 Mind you, do you tell them your name is Goat.........😂
  20. Perhaps he's going to arrest him.........................🤣
  21. Perhaps the other bloke went in wearing flip-flops and his gardening shorts....😂
  22. In any war, civilians take a hit, London 1940 on, most of Europe until the tide turned, then Germany suffered the same. Japan, exactly the same... Gaza's rulers started something they could never finish, now the civilians take the flack. I can't think of any war where civilians didn't take the flack....😧
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