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Everything posted by transam

  1. Still all about me, now come on chap, pay attention, its about Liz & Rishi....????
  2. Search out an optometrist that also does the glasses. These High St. places in LOS are near useless, that's from experience....
  3. The performance numbers on it are very impressive, similar to muscle car V8's of yesteryear.........????
  4. You will soon post about the topic, not me, I could send you a photo,,,???? PS. I am not upset about being called right-wing, and be assured, I belong to no wing at all. ????...............????
  5. Well, all I got from that lot, besides you making excuses for the French, and my French comment was not sarcastic, it was fact, is we are all happy, Liz will get her chance in the big chair. Hip, Hip, Hoorah, hoorah....???? PS. Stop making assumptions about me, it is so tiresome and lefty, "I'm a right-winger"...................????.........................????
  6. Dunno, but bricks and mortar don't degrade, the concrete shell/frame is its strength, that is ironwork encased with concrete. Should have many years of life ahead of it. Here's my build at the time..
  7. That building is what I described. Those lines are etched in marking the frame edge, don't know why they do that. So, frame, infill with bricks, render it all with sand and cement, paint. You will get some cracks in the rendering in places with settlement. If this place is 30 years old it's doing OK, though that ground floor shot looks like the render has come away for some reason........ I would have a walk around the building to look for stuff that hasn't been toshed up in a while, get a bigger picture...
  8. Think some photos of the build would be helpful. Most builds now are concrete frame in filled with red bricks, my house is.
  9. Did I mention anything to do with War's.....No....???? Have you forgotten that Boris and the French bloke have had many "words", the French bloke even threatening to cut the electric off, yeah, we're friends alright............???? I could also talk about my exploits in France in the late sixties, but that is waaaaaaaaaay off topic..???? It would seem it is now a forgone conclusion that Liz will get the big seat, so the efforts here to get her trashed doesn't seem to have much of an effect.....????
  10. A "fool" that will get in a position to control the UK, how can you call her a fool, are you French, by any chance.....????
  11. Most seem to install their company Windows which usually has a time period, then it goes into renew it. That's how these shops can install a Windows for 300bht....A genuine Windows ups the price a lot..
  12. 1. I never said she was in situ, you know what she's going to do before she does it.....???? 2. Strange, you reply to most of my stuff... 3. You have posted 7 "sads" in one minute, the latest from last Thursday it is childish, grow up.
  13. Oh, look who's shown up with nothing on topic again....How tiresome. ????
  14. But she is not in the big seat yet, she has done NOTHING, you are just trashing because its a Tory thing.. Your calling trolling thing is really tiresome, so are you following me around with loads of "sads" in the space of a minute, it is childish and uncalled for...????
  15. So bluespunk knows more about Truss than Truss does, amazing..???? I thought you support a lefty party, because you trash anything to do with the Blue Party on any subject, but you can come clean if you like, even if you are a secret Tory chappy....????...................????
  16. Yes, we will all be happy, me, you and your Party....Bring it on....???? But, you really should wait to listen to the BBC interview, not tell us here what you think you already know.....????
  17. It doesn't bother me, the OP heading is incorrect, the girl is not a baby. The OP is just another UK slagging, he has a series going on, one deleted. I read this morning, your "useless" UK police have arrested a second suspect...????
  18. Yeh, yeh, yeh, you knock everything UK, whatever it is. The UK police is one of the best in the world for solving crime with the resources they have. No, question...
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