At Ubon, I asked what I need to bring when my under consideration ends, they said,
"Just your passport"....
So, do this and see what they say, after all, you have for filled the 60 days in the bank requirement thingy......????
Covid is alive and well, shots have saved a zillion lives in preparing folks bodies to deal with it.
But there will always be the bar stool dwellers, who poh pooh that fact........
Perhaps us normal size folk haven't noticed, or perhaps those who want to fly cheap understand how it can be done cheaper and accept their seat size.
But, those of YOUR size will always complain about their botty having a problem, with no concern on having their elbows stuck up a neighbour's nose whilst eating their cattle nosh......
Your type should cough up, and sit posh class.....................????
I thought they did provide seats to suit Mr & Mrs average, which will relate to the cost of that seat.
Now if YOU are a fat bloke, then YOU should pay extra for a fat guy size seat, which there are on 99% of flights.....
Or would you like a more expensive cattle class seat to fit YOUR size and give a reduction to average size folk....?
Sounds rather complicated to me, so it's all down to YOUR size paying extra in posh class, sorry about that...........
Near anything is fixable at a cost, which has to be weighed up....
I had a Chevy V8 where a side wall was cracked from near end to end, it was cleverly fixed and spent many years making sounds......????