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Everything posted by transam

  1. So the UK is the only country with inflation probs, is that what your Guardian told you, or Corby's lot.......? ????
  2. So why give a 160,000km battery guarantee, surely that is a head scratcher for a buyer...? ????
  3. I thought we were talking battery replacement, not you heading to the local MG dealer for juice........????
  4. Is that car 8 years old, or are they getting it ready for 8 years time.....?
  5. That was one of my points, for those who change their ride ever say 3 years, probably not a problem, but for those who hang onto their ride, a big problem..
  6. I watched a vid on some guy changing an EV battery. My thoughts were, surely that ride is not 8 years old, and blimey, the car was in bits, so a very, very expensive job...
  7. Hey, YOUR EV brand tells me that is their limit for the batteries for a warranty, not mine, if the batteries were that good at this time why state a warrantee of 8 years OR 100,000miles, which could be reached weeeeell before 8 years....
  8. Lefty/anti facts from The Guardian is not on my "take notice of" list..????
  9. That is a factor, my thoughts are that their cost will come down a lot in perhaps the near future, depending on the quality of a particular brand's battery, bit like my first home video player, cost a fortune, to come down to a cheap TV accessory... Battery manufacture for a particular brand car, well thinking of basic battery brands, for home use etc, there are good ones and cheap carp ones, when I see the cost of batteries at Mr.DIY, I wonder how they can be made and sold so cheap, but they are. So I wonder about the EV batteries and quality.
  10. I am sure you all realise that in the not too distant future we will all be riding around sitting on a battery. I thought a thread discussing all aspects or concerns, costs etc, in this early stage of EV's we could talk about. Are today's batteries good enough, actual distances achieved, battery degradation etc. I see that many brands give an 8 year guarantee on batteries, but, that 8 years is "OR 100,000 miles", about 160,000Km. ???? Now, if you cover many Km's in your EV, the batteries could be stuffed well before that 8 years. What about when you want to buy a new EV, is the value of the car going to be carp because the battery life or Km is near, whereas, here in LOS gas car's hold reasonable value till old age, in other words, trade in value. Would like to hear views or thoughts, especially if you have concerns...????
  11. Correct, if it were a general election it would be a different matter, not for who empties the dust bins.....????
  12. Total Tosh, stop reading The Guardian, try The Sun or Titbits, has bigger pictures.....????
  13. I did have a good laugh that the "Liberals" won the seat, a Party that has never done anything but hang-on. It would have been worrying if it were Labour, but the thought of Kier & and the bar maid sidekick would be a step too far for many....???? PS. At my watering hole, was having a weeee discussion about Boris, this bloke kept going on and on about his choice of hairstyle, that was it, nothing else, but I reckon there are many that judge Boris by his hair cut, sad but true.....????
  14. "Cowardly Party", where has the cowardly party come from, explain yourself....?
  15. E20 has been here since around 2008, my E20 car is near 8 years old, designed to run on E20... ......
  16. ..............wiv no water added...........????
  17. "Did not realise" is probably a no-no for you....????
  18. You should read the whole story about the guy, or didn't your rag go that far, just the bits that bar stool gossip feed on...?
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