2 similar cases I know of..
1. Mrs.T's family have a large bit of roadside land split up with different houses. The gov made a new road, but it was built up by near a metre. They could not enter the land in a vehicle. The gov did nothing about it, the land now floods in the rainy season from off the higher up roadway.
2. A guy I know has a specially built entrance gate with surround and roof. Gov built a new road, raised it up, the drive before his gate was shortened to a couple of metres, now can only see the top metre of his gate from the road, I believe he was charged 150,000bht to sort something out.
3. I have about a 15 metre drive on gov land up to my gate, it seems they are going to make the road wider, I will probably lose quite a bit of the drive, will have to see what probs I will end up wiv......????