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Everything posted by transam

  1. Not all of us after landing went straight to the bar girl joints with an engagement ring, sunbeam...????
  2. The thing is, when you pull into a gas station you have 10+ pumps to choose from, filling the tank takes a couple of minutes. Do these EV juice stations have numerous hook-ups to cater for long wait top-ups and multiple customers. No use planning on topping up at a place where they haven't got the infrastructure to cope with multiple customers.
  3. I can just imagine all the MG dealer car park full of folk like you, all queuing up for juice, picnic tables out, karaoke, stalls selling fried chicken and MG ball caps, so could be a bit of a blast whilst waiting hours to crack on.....????
  4. You would make a good shadow deputy leader, you have the same M.O as the present one.....????............????
  5. As far as I am aware, the limbo dance doesn't come into the equation, but, as we now know, Boris will carry on doing his job, whilst the opposition does what they always do, nothing.....????
  6. Oh, not landed yet, let us know how you get at Hyde Park Corner.........????
  7. You would have contempt for any Tory leader........???? Rule Britannia.......????
  8. I know you are upset, but he is still the UK's PM, it's no good you fluffing around with percentages, now is it..... ????
  9. Fink they heard there were no prostitutes in Pattaya...????
  10. Well now you are in the UK, you can do something about it, eh........????.....????
  11. No, I didn't have one on my Trans either, thought a bit OTT......????
  12. Go get Corby's suit brushed off, and get Abbott to do more rehearsing before she speaks, a winner for the lefty crowd, plus they have a special bond with terrorist organisations to keep us safe. ???? Your current "Sir" just isn't cutting it, and his sidekick has the mouth of a public bar tender..... Get to work chap....????
  13. Sunbeam, I have lived a longish life to come to my conclusions. I read many items from various rags and I dismiss near all where the Guardian is concerned, it should be re-named "Antimush". Newspaper articles are written by individuals, The Guardian is a paper that is full of anti-anything writers, probably carefully selected. Now, if you don't like my findings, tough. I rarely watch the BBC in LOS, no need too. ???? As for lefties, well, they near hate anything in their country, reminds me of when I was a kid starting work and listening to the union carp, it soon occurred to me these people are more interested in causing grief than sorting their woes out...???? Anyhoooo, you carry on, and please refrain from talking about Boris's haircut, for some reason, those who don't like the bloke seem transfixed on that, or what the butler heard through a glass on the wall...????
  14. I have confirmed it via PM with Dave, 1 year multi-O, no funds proof needed, same as it was before covid.... ????
  15. Get the comedy duo back, Corby & Abbott, you know you want them back to sort things out... ????
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