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Everything posted by transam

  1. Thank god for that...... OK every one, panic over, KhunLA says, as he doesn't know anyone that has contracted Covid we can all relax now and go out...???? He also says, all those he knows that have not caught Covid didn't die from it either.....???? Who da thought.......????
  2. You cannot get a job as a Doctor, scientist etc by putting on your CV 1. Qualifications .........................Common Sense....................................???? Well, perhaps you would.....????
  3. If you use a vehicle for hire and reward, then commercial insurance is required, perhaps Grab has a block insurance, if not, then the rider is responsible for paying hire and reward insurance..
  4. So you want to treat all as "might not be able to pay" and send them straight to jail.....???? In my country, if a fine is given, they are asked how they want to pay, it is sorted in court taking into consideration salary etc, I believe the same everywhere, but you want then locked up at the expense of the taxpayer instead of bolstering the taxpayers coffers, how bright.......????
  5. What are your qualifications to quote "There is no longer any good reason"...?
  6. Your country doesn't lock people up for minor road stuff because the fines are probably hefty, that's why your drivers tend to behave on the road. As a teen 1965, I ended up in front of a judge for excessive noise on my scooter, I was fined 2 quid, half my week's wages. ???? Tell me what other countries lock folk up for minor traffic offences, I mean, if you think you know best, then there must be others doing it, pray tell...
  7. No rich kids where I came from, and I/we also played in the dirt when we were not having fun at infants school. Best of both worlds....
  8. .......Until they have grasp it, that is the idea of a test, in LOS it's about handing over a few quid....????
  9. When I was 3, I thoroughly enjoyed going to infants school, being with all the other kids, going home with water colour on my face from the days fun in the classroom. But then again, back then, I suppose we were not treated like babies year after year, learning was much more fun....????
  10. Here's a clue, zebra crossings are for the use of pedestrians to cross a road safely, that's why they are there.............????
  11. Nothing wrong with schooling at a young age, and one can catch Covid anywhere...????
  12. The vid is comments from folk who try and develop stuff to save life.... Recommended...????
  13. But, I reckon 99.9% of bikes here belong to banks etc that hold the books.....????
  14. An interesting vid, a little off topic but relative.........
  15. A little off topic, but well worth a watch as it does have a connection....
  16. Yes, in this country you HAVE to look left when turning left as well as the right before moving, you never know what you may meet, could even be a cow. ????
  17. The Austin and Morris Mini were just another ride built by the British Motor Corporation/British Leyland, of which there were many. When BL went down they all went down. Austin Mini, Morris Mini, and Cooper variants, Riley Elf Mini, Wolseley Hornet Mini, Mini Moke and the Mini Van...
  18. They use the Mini and Cooper name for their retro Mini.....As far as I know, nothing else from the Rover Group purchase...
  19. They haven't got any subs or fighters to sell. Now who is going to pay for it....?
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