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Everything posted by transam

  1. There goes his bonus, with 50 lashes on his return....???? Face lost big time, and a stewards' enquiry....???? The General is lost for words, too....????
  2. Another one that has forgotten the thread title and talks about ignorance...????
  3. Sorry, not sure what you are talking about....????
  4. Every area in LOS has it's own area colour design, such as........
  5. You can sell the plate, the ride gets a new number..
  6. No, that's "envy" ol' chap.....????
  7. You see, you are going round in circles after I wrote my reason...????
  8. Our PCX white plate had two letters at the top, area under that and "1" under that. Seems they only have a number for the month, if you want that number you have to wait till the next month for availability. When we bought the PCX we paid 500bht extra for "1", when the plate and book turned up it wasn't "1", they fluffed around and seems the lady who did our stuff pocketed the 500bht. Anyhoooo, went to the LTO and told them, they said you can have "1" in two months time, 500bht, go back to Honda and get your money back. After telling Honda what LTO said they gave us our money back. Our "1" plate turned up as promised. Mrs. T's weee run-about car has a coloured plate, not "1", but cost 40,000bht, and no, I didn't pay for it....????
  9. No, no point, round and round we will go over a word....You carry on chap...????
  10. Oh no, no, some of you have been going round in circles with the same ol' stuff for most of those pages, I pop in every year just to see what's happening, but it's the same.... Please carry on, will pop in next year....????
  11. We had no. "1" on a white plate on our Honda PCX, we ordered it, cost 500bht about 10 years back...????
  12. Eeeeeeeeeer, do read the thread title again, I know it's probably been a long time since you saw it. Lack of imagination of what, that I do not believe in a "God"... Perhaps you have been on this single thread to long chap....????
  13. Weeeeell, as the machine was American I just took a wild guess....????
  14. Then I think the word "God" is not relevant to you...????
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