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Everything posted by transam

  1. I find electricity to be magic, I have never seen it, you only see it when it is doing something, though I have felt it on a couple of occasions..???? But, the thread is about do you believe in God, no I don't, plus I do not believe in going to a place and kneeling down worshipping a perceived person/thing, or the stories that are written in books about God sending his son down to sort stuff out, it was God who created man with whom they had the problem with. One day, waaaaay in the future perhaps man, if it is not extinct, will find out how it all started, after all, even in these early stages of man, we now know when and how long the dinosaurs of different types roamed Earth, and when and how man appeared on Earth, which was nothing to do with Adam and Eve....????
  2. Indeed, a planet doing what it wants to do via its formation, structure, and other planet positions, after all, if the sun were not there, nor would Earths living creatures, if it were to explode, then us pretty weak humans would be gone too. So no, I do not believe in "a" God, but there are mysteries regarding the Universe as us humans know it...
  3. They are mainly blokes being reunited with their wives after the C19 lockout....????
  4. If you buy a multi fit extension lead here, be sure it has a 3 pin plug on the end, many leads cater for 3 pin earthed plugs but have a 2 pin on the wall socket end...????
  5. Try again, I haven't a clue what you're talking about.....????
  6. I wonder why, if there is a God, a creator, why his planet Earth is filled with creatures that were created to kill and eat each other. Doesn't sound a very nice place for Galaxy holiday folk to come and visit...????
  7. Weeeell, when I had mine done in LOS by an army surgeon, the machine used to do the job of clearing the old stuff out etc had a voice telling him the progress and when to do this and that, it was a ladies voice in English with an American accentso I knew where the apparatus came from....????
  8. What I find interesting is that with all the MG glam I read here, the actual Chinese buyer seems to stick with a very reliable brand, which is probably more expensive too....
  9. The Triumph 3.0 V8 has been deemed the worse engine ever created. Though Triumph was then part of BMC/BL, they let Triumph continue trying to create a Triumph V8 when BL already had the Buick/Rover 3.5 V8 in their arsenal. It was a big mistake.... ???? PS. Daimler/Jag had the "little" V8, it was a 2.5..????
  10. Of course they were basically the same, the same as the Oxford and Cambridge, though the frog eye was very different visually in the beginning, in later years minor differences...
  11. I am sure, but just showing the OP a few things to consider as he is asking about stuff..????
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