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Everything posted by transam

  1. The parents have already had their payment for their daughter, so no Sin Sod. But, it is expected to give a few quid as a gesture....???? PS. It really should be the other way round regarding a bung, after all, you are taking the now ageing single lady off their hands...????
  2. And why not, you should know that in LOS weddings are a very special occasion for the whole family, and costs bundles.........????
  3. Aaaaah, the money thing pops its head up again....????
  4. They didn't go there for better money then...? ????
  5. Thank god for that...... OK every one, panic over, KhunLA says, as he doesn't know anyone that has contracted Covid we can all relax now and go out...???? He also says, all those he knows that have not caught Covid didn't die from it either.....???? Who da thought.......????
  6. You cannot get a job as a Doctor, scientist etc by putting on your CV 1. Qualifications .........................Common Sense....................................???? Well, perhaps you would.....????
  7. If you use a vehicle for hire and reward, then commercial insurance is required, perhaps Grab has a block insurance, if not, then the rider is responsible for paying hire and reward insurance..
  8. So you want to treat all as "might not be able to pay" and send them straight to jail.....???? In my country, if a fine is given, they are asked how they want to pay, it is sorted in court taking into consideration salary etc, I believe the same everywhere, but you want then locked up at the expense of the taxpayer instead of bolstering the taxpayers coffers, how bright.......????
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