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Posts posted by Boater

  1. According to Samui Express - Beckhams have bought 7 Rai on Laem Hoi Hill in Maenam for 200 Million with plans for a house - The land is being checked by forestry dept to see whether it can be built on or not for private use .

    Lets just think about it 7 Rai of hillside land for 200 Million THB, WITHOUT building permit!! Now if this is true, he has got seriousily ripped off, and could you see the news if he could not build on it, !!!

    Just to not if you read this edition of SE, they clearly state edinburgh is in fact part of england, and if you watch BBC world, beckham has bought a new mansion in LA, so there could be a chance they got there facts wrong AGAIN!!! as LA and Samui could get mixed up together :o

  2. I am glad somebody else saw the coconut-bike-babies.

    Then for sure I am not going mad and hallucinating.

    Regards the availability of baby sized helmets.

    I have not actually seen such an item, but the smaller sized helmets they do give away often with a new scooter would fit in a better-than-nothing manner.

    These things are cheap, very cheap. Bike shops give 'em away. Can buy for 200 to 300 Baht.

    Surely wouldn't cost much to have a thousand made up by the company who makes the ones at the shops?

    Just need to get some funding, some corporate sponsorship stuff like.

    I want to toss this idea around some, better than tossing kids brains around, eh?

    Back to y'all.

    My next door neighbour has one for his child, a harley davidson thing from a shop in lamai, they also sell them in some shops in lamai

    But note, the child rarly wears it!!!

  3. I saw a really freaky one yesterday. I was coming home from work and saw a coconut bike up ahead. You know, the old bike, old lady riding, big plastic baskets full of coconuts on each side hanging off a thin strip of bamboo.

    As I approached I noticed that the top coconut in each basket had pale coloration and quite a lot of hair.

    The bike, which was traveling erratically down the road at about 50 kph, actually had two tiny kids, perhaps 2 years old, actually sitting IN the plastic basket each side.

    I just didn't know what to think, I was shocked, had to pull over a bit because I was starting to totally freak out myself.

    Forget the cops, forget the so-called "government" or "authorities'... WE need to find a solution to this one.

    I have some ideas, does anybody else have some ideas?

    All I know is "that really sukcs"

    I saw the same lady!!!, the kids must of been about 2-3 years old, in a basket attached to the side of the bike with a bit of string only!!

    I was nearly considering calling the police as the baskets looked very unstable and if the string broke or the kid lean to far forward, surley it would be serious!

    But what to do, the police do not give a s*&t, nor do the locals, as it is traditonal!

  4. Hi Forum. Seems like nobody posts much new stuff lately so here be new stuff.

    I would like to know what other people think about "mothers" who carry babies and small children on motorcycles with no helmets on the kids head.

    I recently met some looney, local Thai kids, nice kids but way-gone-looney. Their parents calmly told me "oh, he fell off his mothers bike when she was parking it when he was one year old" and "oh, she fell off her mothers bike when mum hit another bike".

    Me: "where they wearing helmets". Them: "what?". Me: "helmets, were they wearing them". Them: "no, she didn't have one for the kid then".

    Um... what is wrong with this picture please? Is the life and brains of a child worth less than the 200 to 300 Baht cost to buy a helmet?

    Perhaps they would happily sell me their kids for 300 Baht and I could put 'em to work pickin' bananas? At least they may live longer, eh?

    What really kills me is the totally, utterly, completely moronic Farangs who do this. Now and then when I really crack the sihts about this I pull 'em over on the road and offer to purchase their kid/s. They really think I am sick in the head.

    I KNOW they ARE sick in the head if they care so little for the life and welfare of their kids.

    I have ideas on how to help this problem, especially with the (apparantly) under educated and impoverished "locals".

    I'd like to hear some feedback here first before I make definite decisions on possible actions or the lack thereof.

    back to y'all now, y'hear?

    .Totally agreed, if this was the UK for example, the Parents would be arrested, jailed and Kids put into care!!!

    On another note, most of these journys they do are only 500 metres up the road! Also i no of 3 families who have road transport, but still put there 1 week old babies on the bike!, not to mention the other 3 kids and weekly shop at tesco!!

    But there is no excuse for the child not to have a helmet!!!

    Police should seriously crack down on this one, instead of worrying about the use of a mobile phone, as per another topic

  5. Well, he does move pretty fast :o

    The Telegraph:

    David Beckham, watching the concert from his own personal box at Wembley appeared as a surprise presenter too introducing Take That, of whom the Princess was a great fan.

    This again is a rumour! but they do have police outside the hospital for 2 days know patroling who comes in and out, so somthing is up

  6. mine is from jsat.tv, very good service..

    have over 2,000 channels,

    over 300 in English

    I watch all my TV via the PC, get all UBC channals, + Sky TV from England. Just connect laptop to TV, good quilty and cost nothing!

  7. Just tried to log into the Samui Express Web Site and had the following response:

    This Account Has Been Suspended

    Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

    Let's hope it is just an oversight and nothing more serious

    May be the SEX editor can clearify.....

    Looks like someone forgot to pay the monthly hosting charges

  8. live on samui, new here.

    i am-

    chinese mandarin speaker,understand cantonese, speak fluent english, trained in university .used to work in a international school in beijing.

    would like to try some other kinds of jobs...

    like teaching mandarin, or things to do with chinese business, translation,clothes...

    Please PM me for work

    PM? what does it mean?anyway, thanks. can u pls tell me what kind of work?

    It means personal message (pm)

  9. live on samui, new here.

    i am-

    chinese mandarin speaker,understand cantonese, speak fluent english, trained in university .used to work in a international school in beijing.

    would like to try some other kinds of jobs...

    like teaching mandarin, or things to do with chinese business, translation,clothes...

    Please PM me for work

  10. I just tried to call tourist police 1155, no answer at all. That is now a total of 5 published police numbers that have been called at not a single one answered.

    As far as being too busy to answer an emergency number that is just ridiculous. Maybe one time but I have been calling the Nathon police station since yesterday and all day today.


    Thanks for finding out now, didn't you know it was like this?

    A lawless Island, it seems, wait til the VIP's have an emergency! :o

    Dont worry about the VIP's they all have a special number to call!!! a bit like the bat phone, you will see it in the cheifs office, big red thing!

  11. Does anyone have any alternate numbers to the Nathon police station other than Tel: 0 7742 1095, 0 7742 1097-8?

    These numbers are everywhere as the number to call the Nathon police station but have been trying to call since yesterday and nobody answers any of the numbers.



    I just tried to call 191 (police emergency) but nobody is in!!

    Maybe they have a meeting in a noodle soup shop or at the coffee corner.


    Thats how you can start your story!!

    Drove past there yesterday and they where very busy!, but still no excuse not to answer the phone, probably bogged down with alot of cases, as from what i noticed BKK immergration are here rounding up all the Burmase Aliens and dropping them off in the cells in Nathon causing them a big headache

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