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Posts posted by Boater

  1. Does anyone know if Mnet movie channel on Samui cable has been removed for good? The channel on now is dreadful quality and the movies not worth the money.....Does anyone know if there is any other cable/satellite operators available for residents?

    Try manual programming and search for a different signal. I get it on two channels on my TV, 12 & 44. On 12, the quality is total crap but on 44 it's much better.

    Its back now on channel 33

  2. Hi

    I currently have a 2.7v Fortuner, and do around 1000 Kilometres a week on buiness. At present the Fortuner drinks petrol at a very high rate and is turning out to be expensive to run.

    What is the most economical car aviable in in Thailand? the car does not need to have much torque, but agood top speed. Also must be 5 Door, can be saloon.

    Please advise your thoughts... i have around 1 million THB to spend and the car can be second hand but maybe no more then 2 years old


  3. i will be in pattaya sat and sunday.. i have 3 buiness meetings.... all in the south/north pattaya area.. I was thinking of renting a car, but not sure the roads in the pattaya area, thus i was thinking of just using taxi's..... but do the taxi's in pattya use thier metres????? and do they generally honest drivers, or do the try to rip you off....


  4. Gambling is illegal in Thailand-- a poker tournament is illegal, it doesn't matter if its for prizes or not.

    And promoting illegal activities on the forum is against forum rules. Hence the deletion.

    There was no intention of promtion, I just wanted to see if what they where doing was legal or illigal. I was under the impression it was illigal, but they must have sent the invitation to everyone on Koh Samui!, it is somting i would be interested to attend, but i do not want a nasty surprise of being arrested by the boys in brown.


  5. After the report in the Samui express that 109 Taxi drivers where arrested for not using thier meters ( this will probably do nothing to stop them over charging again ect ect ) and that they will HAVE to use there meters, i thought i would see how many people would actually use the taxi's if they used the meter ( Same as BKK ) then present to Samui express.


    Thanks to all those voting so far!!

  6. No one was arrested over this. The term is a result of the Thai-English the paper unfortunately uses. An actual copy editor would be nice.

    This would be a good subject for a self-produced YouTube video of trying to find a cab that would use the meter.

    I can't recall exactly, someone can help me here, but looking at the mileage chart in the back of taxis in Bangkok, a trip to Lamai to the airport would be something under 200 baht, so the rates here are extortionate.

    It's hard to break up a racket; think outside the box and figure out a way to compel the drivers to use their meters.


    Hi, so what was the actual outcome for the taxi drivers then? as correct, i dont think they were arrested as there was no mention of a charge or fine ect ect for not using the metre

    In responce to the last paragraph, yes you are right it is very difficult to break up a racket of this nature, hence why i am doing this Vote. Hopefully the outcome should be a least 80% + people will vote for yes, with this and depending on how many people vote, it might show these taxi drivers that using the metre will in fact increase there buiness!


  7. Has anyone ever bought insurance for a laptop in Thailand? I know that they don't cover accidents like dropping your laptop but are they worth getting? I've noticed that most compaq laptops come with 1 year warrantees. It is a bit worrying as I have seen asus brands with 2 year warrantees and fujitsu with 3 years. Do laptops generally break within a couple of years (assuming you don't treat them roughly or drop them?)

    yes, worth it, i insure mine, it cost 1% of the value to insure it.

    As i no a few people who have had laptops stolen, so i thought the cost was worth it!!

  8. Now that I have your taste buds going!

    My mother is retiring and is a Louisiana Certified Gourmet Cook and she has recipes that will honestly make you take back things you didn't steal!

    In this forums opinion, would a Cajun Food Resturant work in Phuket? Nothing fancy like the jazzerant or Green Man, but just plain old bada$$ Cajun food.


    Seafood Gumbo

    Chicken and Sausage Gumbo

    Chicken and Sausage Ettoffee

    Red Beans and Rice...

    Andouie Sausage

    Pan Pare Doux

    I mean seriously delicious Cajun Food prepared by a Award winning Cook?

    I would just like to know if anyone of you would think it would be a good alternative to German, British and Thai places.

    Ofcourse, Gerd would eat for free!

    Let me know when you open!!!!! fantastic Idea, you will be packed!

  9. Hi

    I have signed up to watch ITV ( UK ) channel 4 ( UK ) and i have user name for the new i Beeb service ( All the bbc channels LIVE and also backdated for 7 days )

    Now the problem is that it states my IP address is outside the UK and i cannot watch

    I had the same promeblem before for BBC Radio 1, but some way it works now

    Can any advise please?


    After spending 2 seconds looking on google, I came up with this;

    "We do not hold international rights to all of our programming so video content is supplied only to users with IP addresses in the UK. Some users in Britain may be affected by such geographic blocking if their internet service provider uses servers outside the UK."

    Below is a link to the site.


    thanks, i had seen the same thing, but is there away for the server to think your IP address is coming from the UK? when in fact you are in thailand?

  10. Hi

    I have signed up to watch ITV ( UK ) channel 4 ( UK ) and i have user name for the new i Beeb service ( All the bbc channels LIVE and also backdated for 7 days )

    Now the problem is that it states my IP address is outside the UK and i cannot watch

    I had the same promeblem before for BBC Radio 1, but some way it works now

    Can any advise please?


  11. Has anyone else noticed the new signs advertising "AQUAMINIUM" ? Somebody forgot to do their homework.

    Aqua = Water

    Minium = Red Lead or Vermilion

    No doubt it wont take long for us locals to be refering to it as "Bloody Waters"

    so what product are they advertising?

  12. After the report in the Samui express that 109 Taxi drivers where arrested for not using thier meters ( this will probably do nothing to stop them over charging again ect ect ) and that they will HAVE to use there meters, i thought i would see how many people would actually use the taxi's if they used the meter ( Same as BKK ) then present to Samui express.


  13. Hello forum,

    New member here. Can anyone tell me where would be the best place to find UK car magazines. I'm specifically looking for EVO or CAR.


    The blue book shop attached to all the coffee worlds sell that magazine, sorry cannot remember the name , somethin like bookazine

  14. I ordered a burger from Novotel in Siam Square via room service when i was staying there on buiness, and for 300 THB, ( which is very cheap for this brand hotle) it was very good,

    Perect fresh burger bun toasted

    Ripe tomatoes

    Fresh Iceburg Lettuce

    Onions ECT ECT

    Prime home made beef patty, not to big and not to small

    Also cheese and REAL bacon

    On the side Potatoe Wedges, Cooked just right!

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