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Posts posted by Boater

  1. The only good thing about this hotle is the nightclub downstairs,

    If you are looking for a good hotle nr, go to Royal Benja. And above the 17th Floor it was refurbished a year or so ago so is really nice and cost me only 18 $$ !!

  2. Narcotics Suppression Bureau apprehend major drug traffickers and seize over Bt16 million in amphetamine pills

    The Narcotics Suppression Bureau has arrested major drug traffickers and seized over Bt16 million in drugs.

    The Deputy Commander of the Narcotics Suppression Bureau Division 2, Pol. Col. Pittaya Sirirak ( พิทยา ศิริรักษ์), conducted a press conference to report on the arrest of Mr. Pattanapong Kertkhumthong (พัฒพงศ์ เกิดขุมทอง), a major drug trafficker in Samut Prakan and Nonthaburi provinces. Authorities were also able to arrest several accomplices, and identify a drug trafficking network linked to the northern region, in adddition to seizing over 54,000 amphetamine pills, worth more than Bt16 million baht.

    Pol. Col. Pittaya reports that undercover officers monitored the suspect and an accomplice for several days until a drug exchange occurred at a Robinson Department store on Rattanatibet (รัตนาธิเบศร์ ) road today. Authorities arrested Mr. Pattanapong and his accomplice on the spot and pursued the individual who purchased his drugs. The drug buyer was apprehended at a separate location on Rattanatibet Road along with 4 other accomplices.

    The Narcotics Suppression Bureau believe the drug traffickers may be linked to a drug network comprised of Thai Yai (ไทยใหญ่) or Shan tribes in the northern region of Thailand. Additional arrests are expected soon.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 20 September 2007

    54000 pills ,thats a big bag .........

    Sometimes in doesnt take sherlock homes to suspect a potential drug dealer/trafficer in northern Thailand driving through the Paddy fields in a blacked out 07 Merc S500 :o

  3. From what i can see, the driver overtaking is to Blame, this happens all to often in Thailand, here in Samui, many cars and trucks (yes Trucks) are always overtaking on hills, blind corners and the best one is one there is on coming traffic with a flash of the highlights to say F%^k off i am coming through

    If the overtaking driver is to blame, he should be charged with death by dangerous driving and givin the Max Sentance ( not sure what this in thailand is!)

    Well there is my 5 cents,


  4. Just been to the new Big C , as usual i will split with the bird so i can look around the non boring stuff ECT ECT and she will ring me when the food shop ect finished, but to my surprise, no phone signal??, when i finally found her, she had no phone signal either inside. only when i went directly outside did i get a signal??

    Has anyone else noticed this? I am on True and she is on AIS? maybe the roof material they use?

    But this is very annoying! as if you lose your other half ect ect, you cannot ring!


  5. I'm willing to bet that it's converted to life in prison on appeal.
    Good news

    Agreed, same as when the two Thai raped and murdered Kathreen Horton a couple of years back on new years eve in Koh Samui, They where both given the death sentance, then when the hype was over that they had caught them , given them the death sentance ect ect, there sentance was reduced to Life Imprisiment! some even say they have been released as it may not of been them that the police just needed to show to the worls that they can actually do there job :o

  6. do you really think Thais will appreciate nosey farangs getting involved in things which are none of their business, regardless of the need to do so or the best intentions ?

    agreed, you would be trending in very deep water, what you seem to want to do is slighlty different to complaing about your nxt door neighbour!!!!!!

    What is happening is happening, mostly for the good, but where there is good, there has to be a bit of bad !

    Dont be silly and think that you can stand up to most of this, as if you get in the way of a well connected thai about to make a million dollars, i can assure you it will end up in tears on your side

    Think first

  7. Construction company's

    Should Construction companies be held liable for sand/mud run off from their sites onto the road.

    They cut into the side of the hills and start the foundations of their million dollar villas with no safety in mind for the motorist driving passed the site - I've seen numerous accidents where a person travelling on a bike hit this sand or mud which ended up in a crash. There's not even as much as a caution sign on the road alerting the drivers to slow down

    One really bad area at the moment is north Chaweng, instead of turning left to the airport keep going straight, don't know the name of the construction company building on the left hand side but whoever they are they have no regard for safety.

    Does Samui have a road sweeping truck?

    i have seen 1 yes 1 roadsweeper in samui, the same as europe! but it is only a small one, the same they use in london for pavement cleaning

  8. Sorry, NOT my mistake. And let the people who are going to destroy the island go bankrupt. Wishful thinking!

    I think this is a very negative attitude, the people they you stat are ' Desroying the island ' are infact developing for the better. This destructiona as you call in is creating income for the locals, creating jobs for the locals/nationals, bringing in more tourism as the infrustructure and facilitys on the island improve.

    Unforunalty paradise islands that attract over 1 million Tourists a year cannot stay 'green' , they need to modernise with the times.

    The parts i can agree with, but this is slighlty improving, is the way they sometime go around it, IE 300 KMH Trucks never cleaning up up after the dump a mess on the road ect ect.

    Anyway, i await the cristisism that i am sure to get :o

  9. hi guys fly back from krabi ..last day of our holiday at 22.00

    fly out back home next day 10.00

    so would like nice hotel not far from airport for me and my wife ,

    thank you great site been a big help to me ..

    www.novotel.com it is reight opposite terminal, 5 mintue walk, and there is also a eat as much as you like buffet, which is actually one of the best i have ever ate, an i dont like a lot of food :o

  10. i have posted about this problem before... i have a dog (on koh phangan) which i have raised since a puppy. she is very lovely and well behaved. she sleeps in my house. i have two other dogs as well - i am not worried about them as they were originally street dogs. but this dog ('puppy') does not know how to survive without me. i would like to go travelling in october, for 2 1/2 months (home to NY and then to south america for a bit). this would be from around october 20th through new year. i need someone to watch my dog for me! i am willing to pay! i will also provide all food. if someone wants to stay in my nice house and watch her they can do so for free during that time. or i can bring her to theirs... i have tried putting up flyers to no avail, i have tried asking PAC and they said no, i don't trust the monks at the temples because of past experiences with them, and the people in my village (TNPY) either have too many dogs themselves or are gone during that time as well. if anyone knows anyone with a nice yard and a covered porch area who can puppysit for awhile, please send them to me! thanks for any help...

    There are kennels now in samui, but i think both centres charge about 300THB a Day!, otherwise i belive the dog rescue centre can take care while you are away, as long as you pay for the food, and give a donation to help the other dogs and the running of the centre.

  11. Am I missing something here?

    Today I called in with my laptop to use the facility. To my dismay my lan port was malfunctioning and I was unable to connect through this route.

    Ok, no problems I thought, I'll connect through their WiFi - wrong!

    "So sorry Sir, only available through a monthly subscription"

    "But I'm only here for the next few weeks, and as such I do not require an ongoing service"

    "Sorry Sir, suggest you send your laptop to Bangkok and repair the lan port" "Then you can return and connect"

    Despite my pleadings they refused to allow connection through the WiFi route and continued to insist it was only available via a monthly subscription contract

    Why is their WiFi connection not available for hourly use?

    You can pay in blk hours, i think the minium is 300 , maybe less. for 15 hours or so.

    Also the benfit is you can use your laptop at home or hotelif you can get a connection,

    Just go back in and speak to someone else, there is a ferang manager called bern or bernd, ask to speak to him , he is quite tall with a pony tail

  12. ive booked a room for two weeks in the first residence hotel over christmas, just wanted to know if anyone had any reveiws on this place.thanks

    This hotle has just opened correct? it looks very nice from the outside, and i know they spent a good 3 years building!!

    Out of interest, what was the price, as the quote them selves as a budget residence

  13. Heard recently that the investors where coming to Samui to treat Alan and Bruce to a beatdown ?

    To many investors have gone to Samui and seen them in the Blues Bar acting so smug like everything is no problem and decided it's time to get them to take a more serious approach to the situation.

    Their attitude to the situation has begun to infuriate people to point of taking the situation into their own hands.

    coco's empire is crumbling ,coco china house seems to have closed its doors ,wonder how long before coco blues does the same :o

    Also his black merc hasnt been seen in a while

  14. I've not seen it open for months now. Will make some enquiries over beer tonight :o

    It has been shut for months, the police upgraded the Tea money to 30 K a month for him to stay open and he refused to pay. As the club seems busy everynight, but the majority of people in there where Bar Girls after a free dance.

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