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Posts posted by Boater

  1. What great news! Ive been looking for a Thailand map for my Garmin for ages. All I could find last year was an unknown product at an rip-off price.

    It looks like this Rottweiler guy (who had his thread closed for commercial advertising) has good (locked) maps for USD 100. Routeable and, from today(!), fully searchable on the Nuvi.

    BTW, anyone who needs maps of Malaysia or Singapore could do worse than visit www.malsingmaps.com

    It's an enthusiasts' site. All maps are free.

    Their maps work in the chaos which is KL, so I'm impressed!

    My company provided me with a Garmin GPS system, it came complete with the Thai Map built in

    It is ALL english and precise to about 1 metre, it is also very up to date, and i notice it updates itself with new roads....

    it is now something i cannot live with out now... :o

  2. Can anyone advise of a reputable hospitality training course in Phuket for someone without formal education. Unfortunately it seems the only way someone can get a start in the hotel/resort industry is with at least school credentials. I think this is a shame because I meet so many great English speaking girls working bar who could run rings around a lot of resort workers.

    Most of training courses will require a standard of education, i myself disagree with this, as this was the norm in the UK in 1955!!!!, but not anymore.... equal oppurtunitys...

    ' many great English speaking girls working bar who could run rings around a lot of resort workers '

    Very true, but you will find alot of these girls DO NOT want these jobs, i have meet alot in the past, and as they mention, a job in a hotel like you mention above pays 8 - 12 thousand a month... or they can be a working bar girl and earn 30+++++ ...... :o

  3. Anyone know if it is possible to purchase a new VCR here on Samui?

    I don't want an expensive professsional one as it is only for old family

    Videos which I should have copied to DVD but didn't get round to doing.

    Have tried Tesco and Home Pro with no success.



    you wont find a new one for sale anywhere,you are better to try Nathon, or the second hand shop in lamai, ( they may not have one, but at least you can ask them to keep an eye out)

    Better still, buy from ebay and post over... even those the posted charge could get you a very top range DVD :o

  4. Hi

    I have come to phuket and forgotten by Laptop charger.

    Where can you purchase a laptop charger only in Phuket?

    The laptop is a Thai Brand - SVOA


    Try the electrical shop on the ground floor at Big C. It's on the right side at the end if you are coming from the car park on the ground floor. Or there is a large computer shop on the same floor, infact there are 3 shops now selling PC stuff! Best of luck

    Excellent, thanks for your help

  5. Policemen earning extra income from farming

    Policemen from the Kosampeenakhon police station work as usual to serve the public but they also have another job to do to earn extra money to support their families.

    All of the station's fifty six personnel including the Deputy Superintendent and non commissioned officers have a supplementary occupation which helps them fulfill their duty as the family breadwinners. They spend their free time after work raising animals and growing plant

    Police Senior Sergeant Major Apiwat Chankesorn helped his wife to raise some 30 pigs, which in turn yielded an extra income of 3,000 baht each time he sold them. His father and his mother also sell fruit from their orchard.

    "I only do farming during my free time. It doesn't interrupt my work as a policeman," said Police Senior Sergeant Major Apiwat Chankesorn.

    Police Sergeant Major Bancha Kerdmeepote earns some 30,000 baht a month from selling chickens' eggs. With his chicken farm business going well, he's just started raising 50 cows.

    "I have little time to do this after work, but it generates good income for me," said Police Sergeant Major Bancha Kerdmeepote.

    Police Senior Sergeant Major Somsak Haengboon squad leader of the traffic police, also works at a cassava plantation. His hard work is paying off because one tonne of cassava now costs more than 2,000 baht.

    These are examples of the policemen who don't waste their time. They have supplementary occupations that help them earn enough money to spend on necessities and save for their children's education.

    --TNA 2008-02-12

    at first i thought the title read Policemen earning extra income from ferang!!! :o:D:D:D:D

    which would in fact be a more realistic topic heading !!

  6. The last Seatran ferry is 19.00 from Donsak

    There may be a good chance the ferry is full when you get there, so suggest the following:

    Book 1-2 days in advance

    Call Seatran 077251150 or 077251555

    They will tell you how much you have to pay for your ticket (car & driver only, passenger tickets you buy when you arrive at the terminal).

    They will give you a booking code number and you will also need your telephone number and car reg. number.

    If you have a Bank of Ayudhya account, you can pay at any of their ATM's, if not go into the bank and pay at the counter. Only Ayudhya have this service.

    Keep the slip, you have to present this at the ferry port when you collect your tickets.

    You MUST be at the port at least 30 mins. before sailing time.

    Hope this helps.B

    If you book with seatran directly in advance YOU NEED TO BE A MEMBER!! if you are not a member or have access to another members membership card, they will not allow you to board the ferry on your booked departure....

    So the best way is to book through the ATM. :o

    I had to wait a year before i got my membercard....

  7. Samui - All you want & more....

    Sorry, forgot to ask, when can I pick up my prize and where ? :o

    8,000 THB For a Return Airfare ticket

    700 THB For a 3 Km Taxi drive

    500 THB for a crappy Thai meal

    Watching your friend paying 20,000 THB because a Thai drove into Him - Priceless

    For everything else there is Mastercard *

    * Please note, Mastercard only accepted in 5 outlets in Samui, with a 97% service charge if you use it...........

  8. A Young man called Paul wanted to buy a Christmas present for his new


    They hadn't been seeing each other for very long and she lived a

    considerable distance away.

    He consulted with his sister and decided after careful consideration,

    that a pair of good quality

    Gloves would strike the right note, not too romantic and not too personal.

    Off he went with his sister to Harrods ladies dept and they selected

    a dainty pair of fur lined quality leather gloves.

    His sister bought a pair of knickers for herself at the same time.

    Harrods had a free gift wrap offer but the assistant mixed up the two

    items, the sister got the gloves and Paul got the knickers.

    Good old Paul sent off his gift wrapped present in a parcel with the

    following letter:

    Dear Sasha,

    I chose these because I've noticed that you are not wearing any when we

    go out in the evenings.

    If it had not been for my sister I would have chosen the long ones

    with buttons, but she wears shorter ones (which are easier to remove).

    These are a very delicate shade, but the lady I bought them from

    showed me the pair she had been wearing for the past three weeks and

    they were hardly soiled at all.

    I had her try yours on for me and she looked really smart in them

    even though they were a little bit tight on her.

    She also said that they rub against her ring which helps keep it clean.

    In fact she hasn't needed to wash it since she began wearing them.

    I wish I was there to put them on for you the first time, as no doubt

    many other hands will touch them before I have a chance to see you


    When you take them off remember to blow into them a little bit

    because they will be naturally a little damp from wearing.

    Just imagine how many times my lips will kiss them during the coming year.

    I hope you will wear them for me on our next date.

    All my love


    P.S. My mum tells me that the latest style is to wear them folded

    down with a little bit of fur showing

    very good

  9. on my beach there is nothing you can do to avoid the dogs. it's thailand, deal with it. i have 3 dogs myself, and i like to take them to the beach. they get a bit rowdy sometimes running around, but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

    but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

    this is exaclty the same as what the lady said about her Dog before it savaged a 4 year old to DEATH in the UK,

    ALL DOGS CAN TURN!!!!, they must always be kept on leads.....



    If responsible owners train their dogs properly they will be the most loyal and trustworthy creature you can hope to meet

    and a lot nicer than a lot of humans.

    Not Nonsense... but FACT

    yes you can train your dog, and yes they can be loyal, i do not disagree with this, but the fact is any dog regardless of its breed and training can turn...... similar to Humans if you what to compare.....

    With regards to the beach dogs, i have encounter on 2 occasions where a beach dog has bitten a tourist... and its not nice, and with these wild beach dogs, there is no loyalty or domestication in them... only eat, sleep and reproduce!!!!

    They should do what they are doing in bangkok by rounding them all up.........

  10. on my beach there is nothing you can do to avoid the dogs. it's thailand, deal with it. i have 3 dogs myself, and i like to take them to the beach. they get a bit rowdy sometimes running around, but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

    but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

    this is exaclty the same as what the lady said about her Dog before it savaged a 4 year old to DEATH in the UK,

    ALL DOGS CAN TURN!!!!, they must always be kept on leads.....


  11. I have just had the pleasure of waiting to receive another edition of the Samui Express Paper on line.


    All I can say is what a total load of rubbish and wonder if any one else agrees. I have no idea what they think about what could be perceived as "interesting stories" about local news in samui. They seem to have lost the plot entirely with the current edition and believe that in general it has been a downward spiral of the papers contents.

    Stories included that have hardly any connection with the Island and seem to drag on and on by some "wanna be" writer

    Totally agree, only ever here negative reports about this paper including my own...

    The team at Samui express need to read Pattaya City News or Phuket Gazzette to see how to produce a PROPER local western Thai newspaper!!!!

  12. It would appear that I am not even allowed to look for someone interested in sport fishing..? Both of my earlier posts have been 'deleted' by someone..? Thanks, Maestro. :D

    maybe there was something " fishy " about you posts :o:D:D:bah::D

  13. hi

    i am after a PS2, will pay around 4 K maybe more if come with alot of games....

    If anyone knows of one for sale, or is selling a ps2, PM me.....

    Must be collectable from Phuket or Samui only


    I will have to check with my kids, and get back to you. They were talking about upgrading to either PS3, or another make..? Will PM you when I get their answer.

    Thanks, look forward to hearing from you!!,

    PS ... persuade the kids to go for the PS3... :o

  14. The first and most important document you need is a cashier's check for at least $100,000 CASH, which you hand over to the one you're madly in love with. They may ask you to change your will, leaving her "everything". All your ex-wives, and children from various failed marriages will get ZIPPO. The third document, well, it's not really a document, it's your ATM card, with a minimum cash advance limit of $600 per day.

    For any other documents, see a lawyer, who no doubt will find a way to get themself listed as a beneficiary in any insurance policies he/she/shim sets up.


    Hopefully this is a mariage of love :D and the above is not the case ;)

  15. It won't have much of an effect on Pattaya because such a large percentage of bars are open air.

    I cannot seeing this working.... in samui that cannot even police people whereing helmets, let alone smoking!!!

    as mentioned above most bars are open air.... so how will the law work with that? and with night clubs, the owners will pay a little tea money for the ploice not to come in :o

  16. Ok thanks for all your help her number does not start like any of them sadly it starts 0836, ill keep trying it for now.


    if the number begins 083 , the service provider is TRUE

    One questions those, is the ' Friend ' a lady?

    As i dont want to jump the gun, but if it is a special lady, sounds like she may be with another fella, ( they have different numbers not to get caught out ) and you just happen to ring her when she changed her sim to check messages, and she quickly had to cut you off so the other guy not noticed.....


    saw it twice while sitting in a beer bar in patong.. funny really :D

  17. Hi all,

    I've got a basic grounding in Thai language - did a month long course in Bangkok 2 years back and have been learning bits and pieces ever since. I need to improve my skill level further and would like to start some private tuition. Any of you lot can recommend a decent Thai language tutor?

    Thanks & regards,


    Are there any schools in phuket that teach Thai?


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