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Posts posted by Boater

  1. VIENTIANE – Fugitive premier Thaksin Shinawatra pretended to be surprised yesterday when told of reports that there might be assassination attempts being planned.

    Speaking from his temporary home in Laos, where the controversial coup-ousted former prime minister met with supporters for a Songkran rally, Thaksin effectively mimicked the reaction of someone being told something he didn’t know already when asked by reporters if he was taking security measures due to rumors of hit-men being sent after him.

    “I cannot believe or understand why anyone would want to hurt me, as I have only tried to help people all my life,” Thaksin said with a straight face. “It’s the first I’ve heard of such a thing.”

    The polarizing political figure, whose disruption of Thai society through populist rhetoric and the unprecedented consolidation of power through multiple election victories led to new divisions in society and violent protests by both supporting and opposing forces since his ouster in 2006, further expressed credible wonder at the very thought that some people might be angry with him.

    “Thais are such peaceful people,” he stated, in direct contravention to immediate evidence. “Where would they find assassins?” he asked, pretending that his own rise to power didn’t require an intricate knowledge of the shadowy Machiavellian practices of Thailand’s murderous military and social elites.

    Thaskin also insisted that he wasn’t taking any special precautions, claiming that he believed in karma.

    “My return to Thailand will be peaceful and I hope that it is the start of reconciliation and healing,” he added, with what sounded remarkably like sincerity.

    source - http://notthenation.com/2012/04/thaksin-feigns-shock-at-reports-people-want-to-kill-him/

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  2. Can see this thread becoming the same old debate as in the many other dedicated and non-dedicated threads on this subject, which will inevitably descend in to BA are very naughty people coffee1.gif

    Yeap, agree. They talk about a 2 billion Baht project and 1,490 Rai. (works out at 1,35 Mio per rai for land alone which is too cheap). Unless people give the land for free, but then we all now whats free on Samui tongue.png

    unless it is a compulsory buy out based on the official Land Value from the Land Office

  3. what hotel/area are you staying?

    A place called Samui Natien Resort near Chaweng north.

    Last time they drove us to the airport, so i guess it works the other way around too smile.png

    Don't think it was their own minibus but not certain.

    Will contact them when we get closer to our vacation and if they don't have that service we just hop onto a cab in the airport and cross our fingers wink.png

    They do , just email reception and ask for a transfer... maybe 200 THB, but its a saving ........

  4. I can live with the 400 Baht from airport to Chaweng North and 400 baht on return day since our travel agent wants 4200 Baht for the same thing, but on the sign it also mentions price pr person.

    Is there a risk that 2 persons are charged 800 Baht from Airport to Chaweng North because the driver says the 400 is pr person?

    The first time we visited Samui booked a cab from our travelagent because we didn't know the local prices and the second time we just walked up to the small booth and paid 400 Baht to the person at booth.

    Is it still the same procedure where the man at booth get all the money or do we pay the cabdriver now?

    Will come back in a few months for 3 weeks holiday.

    First time ever we have booked a 3rd trip to the same location.

    Looking forward to come back to Samui smile.png

    If you are planning to see the Island, Rent a car from Avis, costs about 800 THB a day if you book in advance ... and you can collect from the airport

    If you are staying in a hotel, get them to pick you up ,,, most do !, and saves you a few THB ...

    We don't have the balls to drive around on Samui by ourselves in neither car or scooter.

    Really like the island but the traffic there gives me nightmares, wink.png

    The hotelpickup sounds like a good idea.

    Gonna check out if they have such a service and if i can order in advance.


    what hotel/area are you staying?

  5. I can live with the 400 Baht from airport to Chaweng North and 400 baht on return day since our travel agent wants 4200 Baht for the same thing, but on the sign it also mentions price pr person.

    Is there a risk that 2 persons are charged 800 Baht from Airport to Chaweng North because the driver says the 400 is pr person?

    The first time we visited Samui booked a cab from our travelagent because we didn't know the local prices and the second time we just walked up to the small booth and paid 400 Baht to the person at booth.

    Is it still the same procedure where the man at booth get all the money or do we pay the cabdriver now?

    Will come back in a few months for 3 weeks holiday.

    First time ever we have booked a 3rd trip to the same location.

    Looking forward to come back to Samui smile.png

    If you are planning to see the Island, Rent a car from Avis, costs about 800 THB a day if you book in advance ... and you can collect from the airport

    If you are staying in a hotel, get them to pick you up ,,, most do !, and saves you a few THB ...

  6. Here's the airport Taxi list...


    Airport to Big Buddha, 400 THB !!, Criminal ! ( that could be the most expensive taxi ride in the world???? )

    its about 2 km to Big Buddha, so based on this link - http://most-expensive.net/cab-fare - and the fact that the 2 km ride is 12 Dollars, and the most expensive city is priced at 18 Dollars for a 3 KM Ride, Koh Samui is in fact the most expensive place smile.png

    It is ridiculous, but not the most expensive in the world. Some examples: Minimum taxi fare from Barcelona airport is Euro 20 (THB800), Startingfare on meter from Schiphol (Amsterdam airport) is Euro 7,50 (THB 300).

    but when you take into consideration, Fuel Cost, Labour Costs, ect ect ...... it works out worse !, considering it is 35THB for the same ride in bangkok , that is a massive mark up !,

  7. I beg your pardon, but last year in the afternoon, just before it started to rain, and after I parked in the area near the tent shops, there was a local guy (or two?) waving people away from the main parking area who had strayed in with "non-big bikes." Sure, they can find parking anywhere else, but not with the big boys.

    I parked my Honda Click in between the big bikes last year, no one said a thing

  8. Why is anyone responding to this post? It's obviously a poor attempt at propagandizing Samui. Tsunamis are a function of under water earthquakes. Even Chicago-no where near the sea- is, in theory, susceptible to an event. And, Samui just plain sucks unless you are between the ages of 18 and 22, or if you are absolutely loaded with cash. Loads of white women in I'll-fitting bathing suits, no thank you

    Loads of white women in I'll-fitting bathing suits, no thank you

    are you referring to pasty white over weight women?

  9. sorry to hear about that.... but can happen anywhere..

    i have been robbed/attempted to be robbed twice in in central london, but never anything in Thailand ... suppose, wrong place wrong time !

    they have CCTV there , go to the local police station ( not the BIB on Foot ) , and they do investigate your case... lumpini police station is really shit hot now, they seem to have some new guys intent on cleaning up the area, no tea money paid to help !

  10. Steelmaking reborn at Teesside site

    Metal production is back under way at one of the UK's biggest steel plants, with the first usable slabs of iron due to be produced within days.

    Photographs have been released of the blast furnace being relit at the plant in Teeside in the north-east of England, which was rescued from the prospect of closure a year ago by Sahaviriya Steel Industries (SSI) of Thailand.

    A gas lance was used to reignite the furnace in a special ceremony. The move will mark the resumption of steelmaking on Teesside following the mothballing of the plant in February 2010.

    Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/uk/steelmaking-reborn-at-teesside-site-16145147.html#ixzz1s972YCHr

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