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Posts posted by Boater

  1. If they where in honest business, they would never enter your property. Goes for any public service and Police, if they enter your property without clearly being invited to do so, they are in breach of law, as civilians, as public employees, as retired "army"

    Similar guys knock on my front door on occasions, I tell my rottweiler to bark if he hasnt done so already

    monks do it all the time , and it is very hard to tell if a real monk or fake one

  2. you could always buy a cheap car?


    I personnaly NEVER drive a scooter, far to dangerous, and no matter how good a driver you are, there are just so many nut cases on the road !, and it is not a question IF but WHEN you will have a crash, or someone crashes into you ( i stopped driving when a taxi hit me !, oh and he never stopped, gave the taxi number to the police and they where not interested at all ! )

  3. Hi Mike

    regardless of what car rental company you go with, most of the insurance is the same from the brand companies, only local companies may have different levels of cover

    now Thailand being Thailand, if you are to have a crash, say a drunk Thai Driver crashes into you on his un insuraed Motorbike, depending on the officer on scene, area of thailand you are, you my be liable to PAY for the drunk driver, reason being that he cannot get medical care of YOUR insurance unless you admit fault, plus the BIB might also just see you as a meal ticket..

    i had a friend who had the best insurance coverage, a drunk thai pulled out, BANG, but he still had to pay 250,000 THB !, TIT

  4. Be grateful if you can receive government electricity. I cannot get it and I pay 5.7 baht per unit plus VAT from my local developer.

    I am lucky - some developers charge LOTS more. (I have heard up to 29 baht per unit in one case!)

    heard of this as well, but in some cases, it is not the developer charging, but the person who owns the land/cables that are sending the electric to the development, either way its WAY overpriced

  5. safest option at the moment what you are planning to do


    Not a bad idea for a pinned thread ' When will you be doing your Visa Run ' , as members could get together to arrange to share the cost, or a ' visa run car pool thread ' and you can post the dates when you plan to do the run and members could link up together? ..... could also work on the penang route as well?

    just a thought

  6. You might want to consider donating them to Jesters for their next charity auction. Aussiechick sponsors that booth. I would guess you could drop them off at a number of locations and she would eventually get them?

    i think this by far is the best idea, if the are original DVD's, i am sure they could be worth anything from 50THB - 100 THB, give it to charity so they can make a little bit of money

  7. Many are blaming the problem on poor refuse collection and street cleaning services which causes drains to become blocked

    i am nt to sure if this happens where there was flooding, but i always see thais in bangkok dropping fat, food you name it down the drains, also just leaving rubbish in the middle of the path wating to be picked up, not even put into proper black bags...

    i always find in thailand, the blame is always shifted to someone else, and no one will ever claim responsibitly

  8. i think the real crime committed here was the price he paid for the Gun !, only worth 500-1000 THB if that!, i thought they where cracking down on overpriced scams?

    Mr. James confessed that the weapon, a BB gun was his gun, that he bought from a Thai guy for 6,000 THB, he thought that it was not dangerous so he just put it at his waist for fun, he also apologized if he made ​​people frightened. The police seized the “BB gun” weapon and let him free.

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