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Posts posted by Boater

  1. Joe should set up a road side stand...

    A green/environmentally friendly idea. Has growth potential, but probably needs seed capital. Long term however, if the business gets into the red it just cannot work. Maybe it should be canned?:ph34r:

    Groaaaan - but PDG :lol: (or we could sauce them from someone else???)

    Sorry - forgot the main point of the post.

    Pork prices are going to go up, and pork will be in short supply soon.. Pork is the main meat staple in China and they have a shortage (not enough pigs apparently). So - they are buying pork wherever they can.

    they are flying them from the uk at the moment !

  2. unless they are every six weeks, for two weeks at a time !, then just move over the road..

    but i dont mind the markets, but as you mentioned it is the music they play to god knowes what hour, i would mind if it didnt sound like a straggled cat..

    but what can you do ?

    You could alway go back to your own country? :whistling:

    I live several hundred metres up Soi 1 and it's been driving me nuts too.

    Interesting point about losing face here ... the very fact that they can't sing a note and sound like cats being tortured doesn't cause them to lose face. But it's only because nobody tells them this. If the audience started throwing bottles then the singers would lose face and not want to sing any more. But for anyone to criticise them means that they (the complainers) are being impolite and thus they'll lose face. It's a no face-loss circle-jerkle. :jap:


    If the audience started throwing bottles

    haha , reminded me of this clip, but hey throwing bottles made them change there music :whistling:

  3. If you mean the market set up opposite Samui Cable TV, then they seem to come round every 6 weeks or so!

    I'm not sure, it is near Soi 3. Well every six weeks is not too bad I guess, I'll just have to join the next time, cheers Bluebell

    unless they are every six weeks, for two weeks at a time !, then just move over the road..

    but i dont mind the markets, but as you mentioned it is the music they play to god knowes what hour, i would mind if it didnt sound like a straggled cat..

    but what can you do ?

  4. Anyone here about that prick in Samui who acts as a volounteer, think he's isreal chap.. takes his power right to his head.

    chased a guy on a motorbike for not stopping when pricko steped in front of him. then got him locked up overnight.

    roumor has it he got a good beating in soi regae for poppinng his chest out and sticking his nose in.

    tuff love baby tuff love

    you on about the guy with the massive afro and afro comb always in his hair?

  5. How shocking sex shows in Pattaya well done BIB these people give the place a bad name :rolleyes:

    Could Pattaya survive without the sex trade? What would attract all the tourists, the polluted beaches and scammers?

    a big NO , pattaya is pattaya because of it , if people deny this they really need a reality check ......

  6. ebay will never work in thailand due to honesty to put it lightly....

    ebay relies on a banking system with paypal which will not operate in thailand unless through a business..

    untill thailand upgrades its banking system from 1976 it wont prgress, but ebay would be great here, but i think, and why it isnt here , just wouldnt work

  7. ment to post in genral - can the mods move please

    James gets his posts moved much quicker mate...whistling.gif

    But he had refused to give investigators the password for his encrypted laptop which prevented them finding further evidence to charge him with more serious offences.

    Burnside with his head down the toilet.....or surely someone can unlock it? Summon the Apple guys in to sort it out <deleted>. What a joke.

    Anyone who has been robbed this way (as I have) would love to see stiffer sentences for this type of crime. Its no different than robbing your house!

    very true, but i would rather see people who can crack systems like this , or do similar be employeed by these companies to prevent this kind of stuff and be paid for it, i remember a few companies in the past have offered this, but with banks, i suppose the fat cats only get to keep the money...

    PS , nit saying what they do is right, but there talents should be used, as they are far more better then the curent people the company employees

  8. think so would 3 million people presently unemployed, i did it years ago, but then you could always walk into a job in a call centre. the taxi job is done by a few but getting a licence is tough and people aint going out anymore in the UK. so i would forget it. mate of mine used to work for windscreen fitting company who wanter workers in summer months, another is HGV and works delivering to stores for 5 months in the lead upto christmas then comes out for 5 months. the offshore and security work in middle east also drying up

    i have been back in the uk for about 2 weeks, thought i would send my CV off and upload to a couple of sites, MY phone has been non stop with interviews !, even been to 2 and offered a job....

    trouble is , many people in the uk get so many hand outs, why work? , its like being retired at 25-35 years of age... 2 bed house, sky TV, plazma, 1 holiday a year, enough to eat, packet of fags a day, 2 nights out a week, and a few hundred.. even more a month doing cash in hand work? .... thats why the figures are so high!, there are plenty of jobs here, its a case if people actually want to do them


  9. Beeckmann, from Nakowatachema, Thailand, had adapted his circuits for use in shops. 'One could easily achieve £25,000 a day. The figures could be astronomical,' she said.

    The 26-year-old, a software expert living in Thailand, pleaded guilty to having the 17 circuits for use in fraud and failure to disclose his password.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2049182/Thomas-Beeckmann-jailed-caught-hi-tech-cashcard-scamming-kit.html#ixzz1ammymHUv

  10. A computer whizz-kid was jailed today after trying to bring new bank card scamming technology into Britain.

    German Thomas Beeckmann, 26, was stopped in June at Victoria coach station having just arrived from Holland.

    Police found 17 electronic circuits capable of stealing £150million a year from chip and pin machines in shops and restaurants.

    Caroline Haughey, prosecuting, told the Old Bailey three of the devices had already been adapted to be used with Bluetooth.

    For the first time crooks would have been able to get banking details automatically as cards were fed into ATMs at banks or when purchases were made from stores.

    The crook would receive the details on to his laptop or mobile phone up to 100 metres away, she said.

    Beeckmann was thought to have been on his way to demonstrate the technology to potential buyers in the UK.

    But he had refused to give investigators the password for his encrypted laptop which prevented them finding further evidence to charge him with more serious offences.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2049182/Thomas-Beeckmann-jailed-caught-hi-tech-cashcard-scamming-kit.html#ixzz1ammmGFBt

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