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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. About 3 years ago I went to renew my work permit. The man handling my application told me that the following year I would be more inconvenienced as I would need a police check from my home country. I politely asked him why and he told me that I was male and working with children and could be a Paedophile. I get where he was coming from but then asked him if the Thai teachers in my school had to do the same thing. His reply was that Thai men aren't Paedophiles - it was accompanied by that certain look that says - "it's obvious - Duuh!".

    A couple years a go there was a special club of Thai male teachers in an elementary school right outside Bangkok that were routinely raping boys 8-10 years old. Parents found out because of blood in the boys' underwear. After it was happening for awhile, a few parents complained. At first the principal tried to play it down as not a big deal, calling the complaining parents 'troublemakers', but then the parents went to the police and press and they reassigned the teachers to other schools.

    It is also fairly common knowledge that boys going to the monkhood during holiday should expect to have to service the adult monks. Very sick, indeed.

    For many years the police station on the pier in Pattaya protected and made money off a bar, right next door to the station, which had young boys and girls as young as 6 years old for sale, who would be dressed in underwear for the customers to ogle.

    Boy and girl brothels with very young kids are common in Thailand, but are kept to strictly Thai only. A huge boy brothel was busted in Nonthaburi a few years back with dozens of boys as young as 8 and up. A registry of the customers was kept. Plenty of politicians, military and biz biggies were on the list.

  2. Man after my own heart, bonobo. I actually carry a valve stem remover for just such an occasion. No nead for vandalism and they can't claim insurance. But, having 4 flat tires sure causes an inconvenience. I usually leave a note on their windshield as well... just to let them know WHY I did it.

    Careful you don't take the air out of the wrong person's tires, you could end up with someone taking the air out of you! Take your chances if you dare....

  3. Besides, the whistling system is entirely wrong, at least for farangs, since it should be the other way round, that is to say as long as the whistle remains silent (after the initial starting blow) then one could continue reversing the vehicle more easily, and should the whistle starts blowing, then one knows one has to stop, unfortunately, this not going to happen.

    That's what I always have thought.

    Also, I just ignore them, as they seem to be directing me into walls or other cars sometimes. I have two friends here that have hit other cars because of the attendants' miscalculations. However, I smile and am nice with them as they will keep an eye out for thieves, and if they push a car away for me they get a twenty.

    My philosophy here is to do as the Romans do, and maybe try and show a little bit extra gratefulness to the Thai people for inviting me and welcoming me to live in their country. If that means I give a big smile back or a tip that means nothing to me financial-wise but can buy them a nice snack or lunch, then I am happy to do so. This practice has made my near 20 year stay in Thailand great.

    Some of the posters here seem very sour about living in this great country/culture and maybe for their own good should go back to the orderliness of the West.

  4. Anyone seen these items for sale anywhere here? I looked all over my local IT place but nothing, even went to the Apple store and asked if they had them and they shot me some very dirty looks while shaking their heads no, haha. Angry I guess because by the time the iPad gets to their official shops the market will already be saturated, I suppose.

  5. I just got a question: if the kid was yours, were all of you still supporting the paedophile farang and blaming Thai justice? LOL

    And if he is innocent? If he was your kid, and someone was picked up under suspicion of being the perpetrator, would you not care whether or not he did it? Would his imprisonment without a trial or real investigation be OK with you?

    Strange world you live in.

  6. I had some problems with my notebook a few months back; I brought it to a shop for repairs. I waited while they removed the screen panel and told me it would take an hour; an hour later, it was still on the table. I waited at the shop and finally they got it done 30 minutes later

    I guess I would bring it for repairs to a shop that looks neat the next time :-)

    One problem with service in Thailand, you need to stand and watch the people complete your service, if you go away they will disregard what you need done and take care of other people who come in and watch what they are doing. Then when you come back and nothing has been done, you need to stand there and watch them work. Something I've learned here in Thailand, if you want something done quickly, do not leave the side of the person doing the fixing.

  7. Funny, I have been having many problems with my True internet the last couple months, lots of dropouts, and have had the repair guys over here many times. Finally, I was rummaging through a box of old electronics and found a few splitter boxes, and figured to install them. Oila, things were fine. Don't know why the True guys never noticed that I didn't have splitters......

  8. <br />A Huawei mifi device is available in Pantip Plaza on the first floor (near the restaurant) from Total Aircard and yes you can put your sim into it. You can also check out the total aircard web site.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Thanks abcd....that sounds more what I am looking for...I would rather be able to control the mifi sim card myself, and not be tied down to a subscription. I would assume that an edge or 3G sim would work in the Huawei?

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