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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. There is still a great deal of AVI material out on the web, and in personal archives.

    Despite all the hype, who really want to watch a film on a 2" x 3" screen??

    MKV is one of the standards for HD video, and I am downloading quite a few of those.

    Matroska (.mkv) is a container format similar to avi/mp4 but is open in specification. The main advantage MKV has over other containers is the ability to store unlimited audio, video, subtitle tracks within a single file.

    H.264/AVC High Profile is the standard for HD.

    I wish my Phillips DVD player (with USB port) recognized MKV!

  2. I'm still a Win PC notebook and desktop user. But for music players, nothing beats the iPod, for a phone, nothing beats the iPhone, and now for tablet PCs, nobody is even close to the Ipad. I try out my gadgets and do a lot of careful selection, and these are my conclusions.

  3. You have yet to tell us what your Ipad does better than a Netbook, I suppose because the answer would be nothing.

    Anyway, no point on replying, I won't see it as you have been added to my ignore list for the personal insult.

    Please never buy or use an Ipad, keep your head buried under the sand!

  4. When you connect your Ipad or Iphone to your com via itunes to download stuff, you periodically make a backup of your device's contents. Then if you have any problem at all, you just plug it in to the com, turn on itunes, and click on restore. Voila, your device is back up and running!

  5. I have a Samsung netbook for reading books at the moment, same drawback as the Ipad ....... battery life 6hrs.

    I see no point in the Ipad, any netbook will do the same job but better, battery life of the Ipad not much better.

    Now the Kindle and Nook can be used for a week without a recharge, great for trekking in the jungle or out on a dive boat for a week.

    Don't know if an e-ink display is better for reading, everyone who owns one seems to think so .... I just want better battery life.

    The Ipad seems a pointless gadget, wildly overpriced and does nothing all that well.

    Wow, I nominate you for ignorant poster of the year award!

  6. I'm still not quite sure why comparisons are being made with the Kindle and the Ipad.

    The Kindle does one thing, and according to my brother, that one thing it does it does very well. I played with one for awhile and it is quite pleasant on the eye and is a cute little uni-function reading gadget.

    But to compare it with the Ipad is not really possible. First off, I read for long periods of time on my Ipad, and do not get eye strain. I read novels, many longer articles I pull from the internet which are fabulously reformatted and organized via the instapaper app, full color magazines (PDF) in all their glory, comic books with a couple of my favorite comic book readers, and I have a couple very excellent RSS readers (Pulse, anyone?), and of course I get on the web and do anything I want, except play flash games. I also have instant access to my dropbox for access everywhere cloud storage, and can open any office file and edit and send back files in a snap with one of my few office format editors. Of course all of my different email accounts are a one button push away.

    I can play one of my way too many games, including scrabble, backgammon, chess, racing games, and so many other games it would make your head spin.

    For music, which I play a lot of (piano and guitar), I have a few different music creation programs, Studiotrack, a 4 track recorder with oodles of mixing and effects, plus the easy ability to bounce tracks for a basically infinite amount of tracks available.....easy to use and great to sketch out songs on the go. I have midi sequencers, loop players, a great tab reader which hooks right up to guitaretab.com, so that I have instant access to half a million songs, so that I can just type a song in, and presto there it is, I can place my Ipad on the piano and set it to auto scroll and away we go, hours of fun...

    I have instant access to youtube, a great service called Newsy (a video news service), and as well with some easy converting (though a little slow, you'll want to batch convert your vids when you are sleeping) I can have any video on my Ipad I want.

    That's really just the tip of the iceberg. Whatever else you might need is only a few clicks away. for example, I am going to Hanoi for a biz trip, and wanted to learn some common phrases in Vietnamese. A quick search in the Apps store led me to a free app which has the most common phrases, which you can click on and listen to, read, and repeat to yourself. A simple app, nothing fancy, but free, and is exactly what I needed, nothing more or less. This is just an example of the power of the Ipad.

    So these strange comparisons being made between the retro looking one trick pony kindle, and the Ipad, which can do anything programmers can imagine for it to do very well (albeit it weighs a little more, which by the way hasn't stopped me from using it all the time) is for the most part ridiculous.

    Plus when I'm out lying in the sun, I don't read anyway, I listen to my Ipod! :)

  7. Still wondering about this school, they say they are opening in August but the last time I went by it there was still obviously a lot of work to be done. Anyone heard about this school? Also still no notice whatsoever on their website of accreditation plans for the school, which is always a bit scary - they could be hiring anyone there! Also all the photos on the website are details of their roof and outside foliage. What about the classrooms?

  8. Thought I would throw this out here. I have a lot of favorites, but will start with one and see if people want to contribute to the thread or not.

    My obsession the last couple days is "Instapaper", a cool service/app that you use to collect stories from the web you want to save later to read on your iPad (works on iPhone too). So often I see something I would like to read when on the web but don't have time to. With instapaper you can install the instapaper applet in your bookmarks toolbar of any browser that you download it to, and it will reformat it and save it to your online instapaper account. When you later log in to your app on your iPad, it will download all the articles you have saved, and they are reformatted into a very nice to read text format, with lots of settings to tweak for your liking. You can then save them into various folders of your own making, and read them offline. You can also save your favorite stories with a star favorite, and then share your account name with other people and they will then receive those articles. Good for people who are information sharing on a common topic or interest.

    It took me a half hour or so to get into instapaper, but now I find it very useful and a great way to archive things to read on the road from the web.

    Check it out at instapaper.com.

  9. Thanks for all your replies. I have a better idea of my situation now and will try and work it out with one of my friends who is better at this stuff than me! Regarding using an N Router, I have a Belkin N+ router, which I was using before and works great, but when we wanted to move the internet upstairs they told us to use the other phone line, so we did, and had to set up a new acct, using the True router provided. I got that all set up, but for the life of me when I try to switch to my Belkin and replicate the settings it still does not accept the Belkin. I then thought it might be easier to use my Belkin as a bridge or repeater. Eventually I'll work this out, I appreciate the replies and good advice here. Cheers!

  10. I would like to add another extension to my router's reach in my house...it covers the second floor very well, as well as the room below the mezzanine where it is located. It has a very low power in other parts of the house however, so I would like to set up what I guess is called a bridge or repeater on the first floor where the signal is decent to get to the rest of the house.

    I have a couple working wireless routers left over, and am wondering if these could function in that way, or if not then what do I need to do or buy? I'm not against spending a little bit of baht, hut not too much!!!

    Thanks in advance!!!

  11. Handbrake does the job, but personally I use Air Video to stream from my computer to the iPad. It converts in real time so no need to wait for conversion or to hold multiple versions of the same file.

    Thanks for the suggestion! I tried the free version for 20 minutes, then gave in and forked over the price of a beer for the full version. This app automatically got a prime piece of real estate on my iPad! Cool!

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