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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. An interesting thread Because I also don't see any positives in drinking now, Yes I do wake up with a fuzzy head,lethargic , and generally not a 100% Mostly I'm home with dad and will drink from 4 to 8 cans of Leo ,the trouble is being from the UK this is how we are, I'm 45 and seriously thinking of going tee total, to see the benefits , However it's not the socialising bit it's that tipsy happy feeling we are trying to reach, which is nice beyond that it's Hangover in the morning, feeling like shit, and for what ? Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Know the feeling! And after several weeks of not drinking, you suddenly realize that the payoff of being clear headed and ready for the day with a smile on your face so outweighs what you can get from a beer buzz at night. Give yourself a week dry and see what you think.

    I also could not recommend Allen Carr's book more. And check out Rational Recovery or Smart Recovery. Best of all is the Reddit Stop Drinking forum, lots of positive and welcoming people there, that welcome all no matter which angle they are coming from in their quest to get sober: http://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/

  2. Haha no not a virgin. With my partner now for twenty plus years.

    Some VDs do not respond to Penicillin. Never mind, there are some smart drug cocktails that will do the trick!

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    • Like 1
  3. If you live in Thailand, go to a bar pick up a sexy girl and lock yourself into an apartment with her for 14 days.

    This will definitely clear your mind and also make you loose weight.

    Good Luck.

    PS. Careful it doesn't clear your pocket also.

    The only weight you will lose that way will be from your junk rotting off. Or wasting away from VD.

  4. An otherwise healthy person shouldn't experience any negative effects by drinking less than half a liter (or up to one liter depending on body constitution) of light beer every day - quite the opposite in fact, there are health benefits for moderately drinking beer.

    Poisoning yourself with alcohol of any amount is never healthy. Not going to kill you, but not healthy.

    Many scientists are of the opposite opinion:


    And then on the other hand:


  5. Thaksin Thinks, Pheua Thai Acts. This is how it is, how it has been, and how it always will be. Thaksin is getting agitated, he knows he needs to get that amendment through and time is slipping by to get it done. Heaven help us all if he gets back here. That's when you will see REAL bloodshed (extrajudicial killing squads are Thaskin's specialty).

    • Like 2
  6. And there are many more that are alcoholics trying to control their drinking.

    Actually, in AA they tell you if you're not sure, belly-up to the next bar, and come back when you are. At least that's what a friend told me.

    Although I appreciate what AA can do for some people, its philosophy (as exemplified in the saying above) seems really snarky and off-putting to me. I find Rational Recovery, SMART Recovery, and other secular programs (like Allen Carr's book) free of this 'holier than thou' attitude that oozes from of all of those cute AA catchphrases (they must all be in a book that people memorize, there are so many of them and people are always chanting them like mantras).

    I'm glad that something has worked for you. AA is working for me and I am far from religious. Bashing another program of recovery, in my opinion, is dangerous and unhelpful. There may be people reading this thread who might be put off from AA and in fact AA might be the thing to help them. Please be careful what you post, you might be unknowingly harming someone.

    Very well, sorry about that. Whatever works for you!

  7. Learned long ago that the US embassy warnings mean nothing. Actually less than nothing, because now, what should i believe? Is it serious or more bs US PR crapitude? This is what happens when you dcry wolf every two minutes, you put your own citizens in danger. Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Nothing wrong with warnings, that is what the embassy is for. I know from the floods how quickly stores can be depleted. Though with cash in hand, I think you will always be able to find a meal here.

  8. And there are many more that are alcoholics trying to control their drinking.

    Actually, in AA they tell you if you're not sure, belly-up to the next bar, and come back when you are. At least that's what a friend told me.

    Although I appreciate what AA can do for some people, its philosophy (as exemplified in the saying above) seems really snarky and off-putting to me. I find Rational Recovery, SMART Recovery, and other secular programs (like Allen Carr's book) free of this 'holier than thou' attitude that oozes from of all of those cute AA catchphrases (they must all be in a book that people memorize, there are so many of them and people are always chanting them like mantras).

  9. An otherwise healthy person shouldn't experience any negative effects by drinking less than half a liter (or up to one liter depending on body constitution) of light beer every day - quite the opposite in fact, there are health benefits for moderately drinking beer.

    Poisoning yourself with alcohol of any amount is never healthy. Not going to kill you, but not healthy.

  10. I'm beginning to search out interesting places in chiang mai where i live to go to in the evenings where i can get some decent alternative drinks. So far if a place has whole coconuts and/or green tea, then they get my business. But again, it's not easy to drink this stuff for three hours or so!!

    I often wish nighttime venues would sell ginger beer. Now, i can drink that for a while! I could even begin with a coconut with my meal, move onto green tea, then finish off with ginger beer. I could then happily avoid any urgings by others to get a beer in.

    Then i'd probably not bother with beers again, unless i was visiting the UK where the beer is just too delicious - and not a ridiculous 5% abv minimum - to avoid.

    Soda and lime is not exciting, but certainly a palatable drink. a few of those in a night works great when I socialize.

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