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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Please don't doubt that the farmers will be "paid" before the elections.

    Remember you Thaksin lovers, it's these policies that created a strong Suthep, and sooner than later it's these policies that will send Thailand to ruin, while earning the shinawat dynasty even more wealth.

    Yingluck needs new Burberrys, and by god she is going to get them!


    Strange Yingluck is being condemned...when the real perpetrators are suthep and the democrats...have you not read what suthep and his mob demand...

    Indeed. Any idea how Yingluck's family incl. 10 year old son have been threatened (to death). She is a human and humans can show emotion. She well deserves to show emotion after the VERY wise decision not to seek violent action against her own citizens. Abhisit found it necessary to start using his 'rubber' bullets.......

    She is always called puppet of Thaksin on this post........any idea how much puppet factor involved for Abhisit towards General Prem?? In politics always puppets; examples enough.......Medvedev - Putin, Blair - Bush, Sein - Burmese Junta...... It does not mean she didn't do her job well. Thailand is not doing bad at all under her 'regime'. Sure Suthep will focus again on this pathetic issue with the (border)temple to distract attention from National Politics. So soldiers, be prepared to sacrifice again. Democrats, if it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious. Jealous pricks.




    When was Yingluck's son "threatened (to death)"?

    nowhere near threatened. YL pimped out her son as a publicity stunt.
    • Like 2
  3. When did this happen? Very bad indeed. Despicable acts normally reserved for red shirt thugs.

    Blimey, you're improving. Normally at this stage you would swear blind that it was the UDD that were responsible. Note that you still use the good old catchall phrase of "red shirt thugs", haven't quite thrown that off yet.

    Haha have another cold one, your delusions get better the drunker you get!

  4. It's indeed 2014 but sadly in Thailand they only have hunger for power and want to be in the center of attraction.

    The middle and high class are without a doubt the minority and wouldn't care less for the poor class.

    The reds going to win the elections again and let's do this all over again in a couple of years.

    These people should get arrested and prosecuted according the law.

    Your note about the middle class not caring for the poor is ridiculous. It is the taxes from the middle class that pay for the poor class to survive.

    I just wish that my high taxes would go towards the education and well being of the lower class and not to sucky corruption schemes. Wish I could decide where my taxes to went.

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