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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. The most beautiful (and useful) Christmas present for Thailand would be to see Suthep locked up behind bars, where he belongs rolleyes.gif

    Multiplying the charges against him and his followers is just the right thing to do, since they systematically disregard the law, commit crimes and treason, ... all this thinking that the majority supports them. I should say "dreaming".

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Actually the best present for Thailand would be for Thaksin to drop dead.

    • Like 1
  2. Bangkok Post said the security officials have estimated 270,000, and we all know being in the control of the government that the quote will be definitely played down.

    So was it the big million + ??


    Bluesky was reporting 3.5 million. police reported 135,000. so somewhere int he middle is probably correct. I would say about a million or more!

    • Like 1
  3. reforms like free speech and free media

    why are there no reports of the protests today in Bangkok ?

    Zero Zilch Nothing

    Plenty of one-liners, and the odd photo, on the 'Thailand Live 22nd December' thread.

    Nothing at all all day on channels 3, 5, 9, 11, or Nation channel. Thank Goodness for Bluesky and Twitter. Shame on the media for their cowardice and lack of integrity to report on the revolution.

    • Like 2
  4. ..., with his black-shirted goon squads taking away his opposition at night.


    Like before? We certainly can't have that happening again can we???

    Thaksin has no qualms about extrajudicial execution. Look at his record as PM, thousands of people killed without trial or recourse. Something you cannot deny.
    Ahh.... so the opposition were druggies and bottom feeders?

    I reckon Suthep and those of that ilk are a bit left-field but I would never have ascribed their actions to yaaba.

    Try and divert as you may, but Thaksin has no qualms with extrajudicial executions.

  5. he's comfortable sitting on the street and eating from a foam box.

    BlueSky shoulda done the decent thing and vaselined the sight of him stuffing his gob with moo kratiem and yakult. There was a guy sitting behind him yesterday picking teeth with his forefinger. How down to earth is that?

    Anyway, what's next? Feeding from a trough?

    Maybe he should be stuffing his craw with Dom Perignon and Beluga? Oh wait, you have to be in a castle in Dubai to do that!

  6. ..., with his black-shirted goon squads taking away his opposition at night.


    Like before? We certainly can't have that happening again can we???

    Thaksin has no qualms about extrajudicial execution. Look at his record as PM, thousands of people killed without trial or recourse. Something you cannot deny.

    • Like 1
  7. tominbkk, on 21 Dec 2013 - 07:05, said:snapback.png

    While I disagree with most of what Sutehp says nowadays, we can thank him for keeping the Shinawat Regime in check. Without Suthep's sometimes looney actions over the last several weeks, Thaksin would probably already be back here in Thailand, with his black-shirted goon squads taking away his opposition at night.

    Suthep exposed YL and her regime in a bright bright spotlight, revealing warts and all to the Thai people. I don't know what the endgame will look like, but as long as YL is trying to get brother (daddy?) back in power, she'll be needing to look over her shoulder, and we need brave (crazy?) people like Suthep to be there smiling and poking her in the back.

    shouldn't the Democrat party be doing this in Parliament and not this loose canon on the streets?

    Retires from politics? I think he is after Prem's job.

    They have been trying but are just ignored and in some cases not even allowed to speak by the neutral speaker.

    They have exposed rampant corruption in the rice scheme in the censure debate and been laughed at by PT who believed that having a majority of seats and therefor voting power in the house that they could do anything they liked.

    Suthep and the crowds that are coming out in his support are proving to them beyond any doubt that they can not.

    What Robby says. Demos try to work within the system but are being bulldozed by the PT.

    Lest you forget, "Thaskin Thinks and PT acts". This has been their motto since the beginning, and all Tahskin thinks is that he wants to come home. The PT party cares nothing for democracy, but only to get the shining leader of the reds back onto the throne.

    • Like 2
  8. Better the government lose a few billion on a pledging scheme than 30 million rice farmers lose money on each harvest. Imagine if there were 30 plus million rice farmers protesting losing money on each crop. It costs them more to grow rice than the farmers would make without government buying it. Lets think again, 30 million farmers with no income for two years just loses from growing rice. They would protest in mass and burn the country to the ground.

    Why aren't they encouraging rice farmers to grow something that they can actually sell rather than just be subsidized for?

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