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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. For all: to get the most out of your ATV, do this: install VUZE and PLEX. Then install PlexConnect for ATV. This will connect you to all the content on the bit torrent networks and allow you to use the ATV to view content downloaded via VUZE, via the Trailers hack. Of course, if you want to subscribe and pay for content, you can always do that too.

    I just download stuff to my mac, and then airplay it to the ATV. Or if I wanna get fancy, I add all my movies to my iPad, and airplay from there.

    Need to make sure they are MP4s...works great!

  2. Yingluck has offered to resign. Surely that is good enough for a start. This guy keeps demanding more and more: "total extermination". I don't believe this govt has done anything wrong in the way it has handled this situation. Sure, the amnesty bill was badly managed but insufficient grounds to be demanding that the clock to wound back to suit these uber nationalists

    She has not.

    She has been flip flopping daily for the past week

    You can never trust YL to do anything she says she will or won't do. Slippery little eels she and her puppeteer brother are!

    • Like 2
  3. Is difficult to know who shot the guy, while going to Siam Paragon on Tuesday I passed in my bike two tracks of antigoverment "peaceful" protesters near to Aree and some of them got machetes and guns so lets not just blame the red shirts. I also think that we do need better police, I just wonder if this kind of mob would be tolarated in the US, Spain or any other Western country.

    Show me proof or I don't believe you.

  4. Thailand is trying to have a democracy for a couple decades now, something that it has never really had before - Feudalism ended what 100 years ago. no one said this was going to be easy.

    "Feudalism ended what 100 years ago."


    I think 'feudalism' is alive and kicking in Thailand, it is part of Thainess, their culture.  It's all part of the wais and the wherefores. 


    Liege lords abound in this country, particularly in rural areas where the peasants (farmers) are beholden to the local poo yai.


    Banharn, Sanoh, Newin are typical examples. 

    No real change til the social pyramid is flattened out.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. "However, 14% says they would try to stay away from HIV patients, whom have been described as "disgusting" by 2% of the respondents. 4% say they feel disgust toward AIDS patients."

    Such enlightened, empathic and heart warming views. Lets hope they stay safe, hey.

    I bet some part of the USA would be much much worse that these scores.

  6. lots of problems with the new Operating system... seems to b just a headache... bummer sounded cool

    as for the air - i think there is absolutely NO point in getting it - if you want somethign portable and small get an ipad and if u need to type get a macbookpro end of story! wink.png

    Update has worked perfectly for me.

  7. "We have seen many protests and uprisings. They [the politicians] always make big promises with a straight face, grandiose pronouncements. And then? They come and go, but at the end of the day we are the ones who still have to suffer. And nothing really changes."

    Sad, but true. Nothing really does change much here. When they actually want it to change, really change, they'll make it happen. Until then, they'll swap one set of thieves for another and the cycle will continue in the guise of "democracy" and "Thainess".

    Real change will come to be when the social pyramid is flattened.

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