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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. RIP the girl

    but a human scull does not degrade like this in days unless it is coocked and/or stripped


    I'm wondering if that is just a stock photo of a 'skull'...that would make sense if they didn't have the original. No way that could be her skull after just two weeks. As well, wouldn't the body have smelled? I know it is a desolate place but still there must be people around there, as there always is everywhere in Thailand.

    Poor girl, such an awful thing to happen.

  2. To all the guys out there writing about possible lack of experience, please let me remind you that all your experience counts for nothing in certain situations, as I only last week came to realise after some clown in a small white minivan sideswiped me whilst overtaking me on a right hand bend, Only by the grace of God am I hear today writing about it and my7 year old son who was with me escaped, very luckily with only minor grazing to his right leg where the van wheel caught him.

    I've been riding bikes, both big and small, old and new for over 40 years so would say I have a little experience when it comes to riding a bike, but "hey", an accident is an accident, it can happen to anyone, it can happen to you, so all of you who are shouting "good riddance" remember, one second is all it takes.

    Let the guy rest in peace, He was one of us. My thoughts go out to his family and all his friends. RIP.

    They said he was going very fast, and it was in a residential area. No excuse for that.

  3. Motorcycles like these should be outlawed in Thailand. Throw in motor bikes and scooters as well, anything over 50cc.

    Allow only motor boards, something like this, problem solved (well at least most problems, because it's questionable if you are able to ride these in most sois given the pavement condition). But at max speed of 15 mph it's unlikely that you can kill others and/or yourself.


    That looks like fun...can you get these in Thailand?

  4. Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, 'Wow! What a Ride! ~Hunter S. Thompson

    Though Hunter went out in his late 60's... not mid 20's.

    I guess not for want of trying.

    He had his wife shoot his ashes out of a cannon!

    He also shot himself int he head while on the phone with his wife. He was dying from cancer and was miserable.

  5. Good, one less threat to me on the road.

    Another stupid comment, someone died here, don't you have any decency or compassion?

    Whatever you do don't ever change...

    Too bad he had to die, but that's not my problem. His reckless driving could have easily killed somebody else, a child, a family, or even a dog. If he wants to be reckless or suicidal, he should do it in a place where only he is at risk.

    • Like 1
  6. Not sure about the Chinese, but for the Vietnamese that I have experience with, they generally learn English very quickly if they need to. I also find that on the whole their critical thinking skills, independent learning and study skills, and overall drive for learning itself to be higher. I won't say that they have a higher IQ, but I do find they have a higher intellectual drive.

    • Like 2
  7. They want to exterminate the "feudal elite". Except for their master feudal lord Thaksin. For him, they will lick his crevices clean, with mirth and glee.

    So there is "they" and then there is "we", right? Those pesky peasants outside Bangkok are all just stupid yahoos! That attitude is so typical for arrogant expats, living in Bangkok...a dime a dozen.

    FYI, it is not 1992 or 2006 anymore. Thais outside Bangkok are also now wealthier and paying for votes is getting harder and harder.

    I was only quotes what they had to say. Truth hurts, huh?

    • Like 1
  8. Let's make it real: 1. Electronic voting using machines from independent western country that all parties can agree upon. 2. Those with valid ID only allowed to vote. 3. Allow 3-5 thousand foreign observers to watch on voting day. 4. Any politician caught buying votes gets automatic 5 year ban. This would take a couple months to organize I think.

    Voting machines of any type, from anywhere, can be easily compromised, as was demonstrated conclusively in the USA in 2000 and 2004. Diebold Company management was quite cozily in bed with the Republican Party. (See Greg Palast, "The Best Democracy Money can Buy.")

    Valid ID to vote? That is reasonable. (One valid point out of four isn't too bad, good on ya.)

    Foreign observers, 3000 - 5000? This will never happen, even if the "Democrats" were in charge. Farangs, observe Thai!? Fuhgeddaboudit!

    Vote buyers get a five year ban? Who will catch them, and what court will hear the charges?

    Keep on keepin' it real.

    hey, I can dream, can't i? :)
  9. I'm into Samsung and I don't like complex I like something easy to use which I find Samsung to be...Oh and a good freind of mine was an apple man until he saw me playing with my note, he'd been an apple man preacher and everything else was inferior to him...Now to him apple sucks and he's a Samsung preacher...Funny how things like a Samsung can change you...ohmy.png

    I've flirted the las couple week with getting the the Note 3 and selling my beloved 4S. Finally decided though that my 4S as a phone does everything I need very efficiently and the Note 3 while very beautiful takes a lot more manipulation. If I want fun I have my iPad. If I want to get to business I have my iPhone.

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