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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. To be honest, I would have no problem with that!!

    I would simply tell them that surely it must be a case of mistaken identity as I was over 1,000 Km away with the wife watching TV at this time.

    So, please tell me what your version of events would be in telling the police about this blatantly false accusation.

    To be honest, I would be surprised if the police didn't apprehend you for wasting police time!!

    I would also have to consider taking you to court for muddying my reputation (or whatever the legal jargon is for making such a deplorable accusation) as I consider myself a fine, upstanding gentleman!! .

    Now now, remember what I said about trying to deny the accusation, it only makes you look more guilty! :)

  2. I still think that a lot of the pervs are set up.

    Temptation is placed their way, they take the bait and then they`re pwded.

    So they took the temptation.

    They had the thoughts and acted upon them.

    I mean do you think that is ok ?

    I do wonder about 'no smoke without fire'.

    Why arrest a man for sexual deviancy with 12 year old boys if he has not done anything at all, or succumbed to temptation?

    Many in everyday life go about their lives without being arrested for something like this.

    I agree, they are not going to drag someone up for something as serious as this for no reason at all are they!!! They even give the age of the children which is not something that is going to be invented (plus they name the ladyboy who set it up and how much this animal paid for each boy). Then, the dates of the incidences are given.

    I think all of this PC stuff about 'innocent until proved guilty' in this particular case is a load of BS. After all, O'jay Simpson was guilty until proven guilty and then he was found innocent because of an ill-fitting glove. He couldn't have worn the same gloves when he was found guilty of a later incident when he threatened people in a hotel room with a gun!!!!

    For those from my home country of a similar age, can you remember the campaign to 'free George Davis he is innocent' whereby they tore a strip out of the Oval or Lords cricket pitches just prior to a test match, got him his release then a few months later he was caught red-handed commiting an armed robbery!!! A second campaign to free him was never organised, unsurprisingly!!!!

    Does that mean I can say I saw SICHONSTEVE walking down the street dragging a 12 year old girl behind him at 11pm last Sunday night? And then I saw a woman who told me it was her cousin who she sold to him for an hour for 500 Baht? You are busted SICHONSTEVE. Sorry, no trial, no chance for you to defend your innocence. Too bad, so sad, off to the clink you go. We all know I would never make up a story with sooo much detail. With ALL that detail I must be telling the truth! And don't even try to claim your innocence, it will only make you look worse. I mean, we don't need a trial or investigation of SICHONSTEVE's case. You can trust that my detailed accusation has to be true!

  3. I still think that a lot of the pervs are set up.

    Temptation is placed their way, they take the bait and then they`re pwded.

    So they took the temptation.

    They had the thoughts and acted upon them.

    I mean do you think that is ok ?

    I do wonder about 'no smoke without fire'.

    Why arrest a man for sexual deviancy with 12 year old boys if he has not done anything at all, or succumbed to temptation?

    Many in everyday life go about their lives without being arrested for something like this.

    Let's say he pissed off some hooker or policeman or mafia. Or someone wants him off the street. That's the point of having his day in court - to see if the accusers are full of shit or if he is guilty.

    • Like 1
  4. Feel sad for the boys concerned. They will 99% end up becoming gay men.

    You are joking yes?

    Approx. 75% of the "social workers" working in gay oriented bars is straight.

    How do you know this? Can you provide a link to the supporting research? Or is this just from your own experiences?

    Demographics? There just aren't enough young gays in a whole country to fill hundreds of gay bars and massage joints with staff if the usual quota of homosexuals, 2 - 3% of the population, is correct. Thais also seems less restricted by morals or aversions to do odd jobs for money than we Westerners. I knew some girls whose boyfriends worked in gay bars myself, even one ladyboy with boob job and padded buttocks, but married to a woman and two kids of his own. Gay for pay, all too common.

    But is gay for pay gay?

  5. Here we go again... he is ALLEGED to have done these things.. he's not convicted yet so have some decency and treat him as innocent, until proven guilty.

    The same as someone who kills someone in front of multiple eyewitnesses is still ALLEGED to have committed the crime when there is absolutely no doubt.

    Alleged means nothing and everyone knows that, and the posters who assume guilt in these paedophile cases are normally correct.

    The posters who want these despicable persons assumed innocent have another agenda.

    And what agenda is that? You don't believe in a trial? If I go to the police and tell them that you have been raping young girls and they come and arrest you and put your name and face on the front page, and you were innocent, is that ok?

    Do you understand why we have a system in place that charges, investigates, decides, and punishes (or not)? I think you might do better in Afghanistan? The Taliban are looking for a few good sheep like you.

    • Like 1
  6. Controversial Monk Appears On Air Purifier Advertisement

    Posted Image

    BANGKOK: -- The controversial monk who had been much criticized by the public for his luxurious lifestyle and shady financial background has appeared on an advertisement endorsing a brand of air purifier, a revelation that would likely attract further scrutiny to the monk.

    Scandals surrounding Luang Pu Nen Kam Chattiko surfaced when he was filmed riding on private jet plane and sporting brand name bag. Soon, it emerged that the monk has been cultivating a network of fervent and wealthy supporters who had donated hundreds of millions of baht to his monastery.

    Few years ago, he also started gathering donations for construction of what he called the biggest Emerald Buddha in the world, an enormous statue made of jade. The project is said to cost over 150 million baht and is under final stage of decoration.

    Recently it surfaced that he might also serve as a product endorser. In the 6 minute long video on Youtube titled "Experience of Luang Pu Nen Kam Chattiko", the monk could be seen recommending the air purifier manufactured by Thaiunovus company to his spiritual followers. He said the device made the air in his monk residence very fresh and helped keep him in good health.

    At one point, Luang Pu Nen Kam even pointed out that the purifier comes with exquisite wooden controller panel "like the one in the Rolls Royce my followers have donated to me". He urged the faithful to donate the air purifiers made by the company to monks around the country because "donating clean air [processed by the machine] to monks is similar to donating medicine to monks". [more...]

    Full story: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNM01qRTJOalk0TUE9PQ==

    -- KHAOSOD English 2013-06-26

    Something definitely stinks about that guy!

  7. Van Driver Injured By 2010 Crackdown Wants To Confront Abhisit

    Posted Image

    Mr. Samorn Maithong showing the wound he said was caused by soldiers' gunfire.

    Image: KHAOSOD English

    BANGKOK: -- The van driver shot and injured during military operation against the Redshirt protesters in May 2010 says he wants to meet Former PM Abhisit Vejjajeeva at the court and ask him what the former leader has to say about the operation that led to his injury.

    Mr. Samorn Maithong was driving his van in central Bangkok on the night of 15 May 2010 when he encountered a roadblock manned by the soldiers who were tightening their grip around the Redshirts′ main encampment. The van was subsequently shot upon, and Mr. Samorn was injured by the gunfire. He had insisted the soldiers shot him.

    While Mr. Samorn escaped with gunshot wound, others were not as lucky. A taxi driver and a 14 year old boy were shot and killed as they observed the gunfire from a distance. The court′s inquest has said last December that the taxi driver, Pan Kamkong, was killed by the soldiers who manned the checkpoint.

    Recently, the Division of Special Investigation (DSI) forwarded the files about his injury to the Attorney General in order to process the criminal case against Mr. Abhisit, whom the DSI named as the person responsible for authorizing the military operation. Mr. Abhisit is scheduled to appear at the court this 26 June, but it is not certain whether he would show up in person.

    Speaking to our correspondent, Mr. Samorn expressed his pleasure to know that his case is being processed by the DSI and said he would attend the court hearing tomorrow (26 June) as well. He said he hoped to meet Mr. Abhisit there so he could ask the former Prime Minister about his feeling for what he had done. [more...]

    Full story: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNM01qRTFNek0zTVE9PQ==

    -- KHAOSOD English 2013-06-25

    Play around a war zone when the military is trying to clear up a terrorist operation and you are asking for it. Too bad, so sad.

  8. What is happening to this world? Posted Image

    The entire male population of the planet is being feminized to make them more docile, like cattle.


    The rapid growth in the number of gays worldwide over the last 20 years is staggering. It is an environmental dilemma which we are doing to ourselves through chemicals.

    I don't buy the "you are born that way" mantra which is so popular in the community.

    No JT, I am not taking a shot at you.

    i think your tin foil hat is wrapped a wee too tight!
    • Like 1
  9. Drop the prices Mr.Apple, thats why android is in the game, its cheap and sort of does the job...giggle.gif

    Apple is a company that makes both the hardware and the operating systems. Android is an operating system running on a multitude of devices. Comparing a small family of Apple devices with cheaper Android-capable devices on price alone is ignorant at best.

    A different and perhaps more realistic way of seeing market share: http://techpinions.com/androids-market-share-is-literally-a-joke/16709

    Or to put it another way Apple is ripping people off by overcharging.

    Android or other phones with the specs and quality of an iPhone cost just as much if not more.

  10. nonsense, there are plenty of sources of free content.


    as for purchasing an ipad with no internet access, dont bother

    What I actually meant was can I use the Ipod without having to be logged on, so I can watch movies and listen to music I have downloaded, but Harrry is right about Apple, it is hard and awkward trying to download Apps etc, sometimes they don't recognise your password. I think Apple is best avoided.

    Would you prefer not having to have a password? Some apps are very expensive, I think the password is there to protect you! If you know you password, it is very easy to download apps. :)

  11. I cant see this desicion as a laughing matter. What i think is real is that the the public riots in 2010 could have been solved with a totally different metod, like water cannons, massive tear gas and so on. No need to go in with blazing guns and snipers. If we look at the arab spring, the top guys who tried to resolve the uprising the same way now find them self in the dock, some have even been given life sentence.

    The reds/blackshirts were armed and had already used those munitions. First rule of a fight, if you can't walk away (because the city is being destroyed both physically and economically) then you don't take a water cannon to a gun fight.

    Blackshirts armed and issued with army boots ?

    Your arguments are bordering on the pathetic now. There is a fella round the corner sells army boots in his shop, would you like me to mail you a dozen pairs, come to think of it, if I put a pair on does that make me a member of the army.. Go check you tube yourself, there are many vids of the Blackshirts, both in action AND parading with the reds, standing on/behind the stage, standing for inspection by Sae Deng before his own people whacked him. I have no idea what type of old sailor you are but it's definitely not military (or will you claim to be SBS or Seal), you appear to have not the slightest clue about what was going on, who was armed, what they were doing and what the responsibility of a Government is when a city is under seige. You also have no idea of what rules of engagement mean and what the sworn responsibility of the soldiers is. So, save your response and send it to the Beano.

    Not sure what kind of old sailor he was but I am sure he has seen his share of seamen! hehehe

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