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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. This kind of article really draws a bright line between the two main types of expats I've met here;

    The live and let live, adventurous type...

    And the pitiful, angry, and sad little men that simply could not hack it, socially, back home. Now they spend their evenings with their rental girls and their days trolling ThaiVisa to talk about how proud they are of the tiny aperture through which they view the world.

    Fun fact:

    Calling a trans woman He, Him, or It doesn't make you look smart or witty. It's the exact opposite- especially in Thailand.

    You should be embarrassed for yourselves.

    If you visit her FB page you can obviously see that she is a very good at ironic comedy. I like her attitude: <deleted> off, I'm going to be me, I am a dirt poor farmer living with my grandma and love to wear women's clothing on my time off from work.

    All of you haters and judgers out there, good luck peering through life from your little Victorian keyholes. Just glad that she has found a way to express herself and find some happiness in her fame, even if it is only flittering.

    • Like 2
  2. Raped little girls, abused babies, sick pedophiles, and parents / officials who doesn't give a shit. (As long as someone has paid in cash!)

    Just another day in Thailand. wai2.gif Mai pen rai!

    Wen you can tell me of a place on earth that doesn't have these sorts of problems, please let us know! These types of stories are promote on TV because they attract readers and sell clicks.

    I was going to say that this thread was refreshingly devoid of any 'Thaier-than-Thai, Thai culture apologists.

    Why is it that the 'Thais-can-do-no-wrong' crowd all have usernames like 'AndyinBkk' or 'GarryloveThai'?

    Anyway, to answer your question, yes many places on Earth "have these sorts of problems" but more often than not, in civilized countries anyway, the perpetrators are held to account. Their 'influence', or even a token monetary payment, doesn't enable them to escape justice.

    Some people here don't understand that Thailand and Thai culture isn't criticized because posters on this forum hate Thailand and Thai people. Quite the opposite in fact.

    We can all agree that it is a horrible situation, and I wish that justice was easier to find. But when the likes of you use every negative post you can find about Thailand to make it sound like that kind of stuff only happens here, I tend to wonder where you are hanging out and why you have become so embittered with Thailand. I'm not making apologies, just pointing out that you make it sound that Thailand is unique in the world in its violence and corruption.

    As well, if you don't think that high and mighty aren't protected in more developed countries, and that nobody gets away with corruption, well, hold on to those rose colored glasses as tight as you can!

    • Like 1
  3. Raped little girls, abused babies, sick pedophiles, and parents / officials who doesn't give a shit. (As long as someone has paid in cash!)

    Just another day in Thailand. Posted Image Mai pen rai!

    Wen you can tell me of a place on earth that doesn't have these sorts of problems, please let us know! These types of stories are promote on TV because they attract readers and sell clicks.
  4. his parents must be so proud !

    Naturally. Why wouldn't they be?

    Another five budding wannabe ladyboys sitting on a tractor. Their parents will be encouraging them to follow in his footsteps, now that he's a big star!... Umm assuming that he isn't their father anyway, or should that be mother?

    It's all very tongue in cheek. there are some hilarious pics on the facebook page. S/he's taking the piss for sure.

    • Like 1
  5. Trannie dancing around in front of young boys, huummmmmmmm. Not the sort of thing I would want my son watching, would want him to wait til he was at least 18, Then he can watch whatever he/she he wants prance round in his budgie smugglers.

    So you will keep him blindfolded til he's 18? Heaven forbid he see anything sexual before then.

    • Like 2
  6. 544K likes???????? who is calculating these stats, TAT? I just checked the video and it has 13,550 view and 71 likes.

    Well at least there are no complaints from TAT about this guy tarnishing the image of Thailand as sickening as it is.

    They're talking about likes on her Facebook page.

  7. Taking the new job yesterday, Yanyong unveiled a plan to release more than four million tonnes of rice from July-September so the government can cut its spending on rice stocks and get money to send to the Finance Ministry. The release price should be more flexible - in line with the market or about US$500 a tonne of white rice.

    Their plan is to dump the rice in the market at a lower price than what they paid for it... Hmmm, what could possible go wrong with that? facepalm.gif

    Is that the poisoned rice that was rejected by the US?

  8. If the Thai rice exporters chairman is to be believed and the scheme has already cost up to 700 billion, it is conceivable that by the end of this year it will have cost 1000 billion aka 1 trillion baht. Quite a considerable sum.

    I would like to stop paying income and company taxes to protest the sheer wastage of taxpayers money, but wouldn't be able to renew visa if I did that. Shame.

    I feel the same way. I probably pay more in taxes than 95% of the thai people, and that is fine. Just wish that @$@# tax money was spent wiser.

  9. Dare I say it, but if you cant grow rice profitably, don't do it. Ok, this is simplifying the matter too much, but I am tired of this topic, as the government does not understand market forces.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I've seen examples of farmers using their land creatively, growing unique crops in part of the land and having a garden to grow food year round for their family. But the lure of the quick buck, low interest loans, etc. won;t be available if they don't buy into the program. Now the farmers are stuck from the the government's get rich quick program and can't get out.

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  10. .



    I wonder why he has the potential for the no-fly list?

    Got me stumped ... rolleyes.gif


    IS this his REAL pic?

    If so, I guess would spook many.

    This is a photo from the news conference upon his arrival at LAX.

    There is an article that can be read, along with many other items, if you Google his name.

    You can come up with such things as his Facebook page, possibly another item that drew suspicion.


    I see nothing suspicious on his facebook page.

    • Like 1
  11. Hell hath no fury like a Chalerm scorned !

    I do believe he's telling the truth about a government and system that he has happily been part of and benefited from for many years and he of all people should know that telling the truth in Thailand can be hazardous to your health.

    He better be careful or his driver may strangle him with a shoestring.

    • Like 1
  12. Really...being a pedophile is a criminal act? Are you sure you're sure on that? lol

    If you define "being a pedophile" as one who has committed acts of pedophilia, then most certainly. If you are inferring that one can "be" a pedophile without having (yet) committed those acts, then you may have a semantic argument, but only a thin semantic one.

    The argument would be similar to the man who was arrested for burglary under the statutory provision that possession of burglary tools constitutes intent and guilt under the law. The defendant told the police that under that logic, they may as well arrest him for rape, too.

    Pedophiles are special kinds of criminals, not just against the laws of the land, but against all things. It is my opinion that pedophiles should have a special system of justice to deal with them swiftly and finally.

    It is a simple matter of fact that one can be a pedophile whether or not one has ever actually had a sex with a prepubescent child. Pedophilia is not defined as an act but as a psychological disorder.

    It is NOT analogous to being a burglar or murderer or any other description based on the commission of a crime. This is not semantics but logic and scientific fact/forensic psychology.

    I see what you are saying. You could have a strong desire to be a serial killer, but unless you actually do it, how can you be punished?

    Imagine if authors were punished for what they wrote in their novels because they were illegal acts.

    I would imagine there are a lot of people out there with twisted desires but who have figured out ways to fend themselves off from actually committing them. Should these people be punished? Should thought crimes be made punishable?

  13. To be honest, I would have no problem with that!!

    I would simply tell them that surely it must be a case of mistaken identity as I was over 1,000 Km away with the wife watching TV at this time.

    So, please tell me what your version of events would be in telling the police about this blatantly false accusation.

    To be honest, I would be surprised if the police didn't apprehend you for wasting police time!!

    I would also have to consider taking you to court for muddying my reputation (or whatever the legal jargon is for making such a deplorable accusation) as I consider myself a fine, upstanding gentleman!! .

    Now now, remember what I said about trying to deny the accusation, it only makes you look more guilty! smile.png

    I think that the accusation is supposed to have some semblance of substance before they will act on it. I deem that I have more than substantially proved my innocence with plenty of compelling and reliable allabies to show that I did not commit this act.

    As for making myself look more guilty - I don't think so!!!!!!

    It implies that you are either a fantasist or a compulsive liar.

    Well if the tranny wanted to get him in trouble, that would be a good way to do it. Line up a couple boys she knows, and go to the cops. Seems the cops see a good chance to get publicity, get a big payoff.

    Anyway, we'll see what the outcome is, or it may just disappear.

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