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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. indyuk, on 30 May 2013 - 12:34, said:

    I am disturbed by the number of comments that imply that the Red Shirt Protest was a kind of battle whereat fusilades of rifle fire were streaming between the Red Shirts and the Army personnel. That was clearly not the case. Futher the referral to the mysterious men in black is no mystery. The Thai Military police 'PARU' wear black uniforms with blacked service badges and rank insignia. The PARU may well have bee sent in to take out 'targets' on either side of the alledged battle line.


    In many situations that clearly was the case.

    It strange that the Thai military police that wear black uniforms were able to roam freely behind the red shirt barricades, and even had their own tents within the protest area.

    Not something our resident red-shirt apologist cheerleaders ever like to bring up...a bit like never mentioning Arisman and his terrorist threats against innocent citizens and private property.

  2. Meanwhile, back on topic, the RTA shot the man and should be held accountable.

    Like who issued the orders, rules of engagement, immediate superiors, after action "inquest" ( bad choice of words there, sorry.) accountability for discharge of a weapon etc etc...........

    Looks like he was murdered by the army.

    Can they plausibly deny it ??

    Don't think so.

    You mean like you do with the men in black, violent intent from Arisman, armed reds etc... ?

    He's baaaaack! Arisman again.

    Arisman's name must be mentioned often, together with his infamous "burn list" because so many posters dishonestly try to either deny the existance of his incitement to terrorism, or flat out claim not to have heard/seen his incitement. Ironically, I remember you being one of them.

    "Whether posters have heard of him or not (and actually I hadn't until he was brought to my attention) there is a ludicrous aspect to his constant invocation by those who wish to justify repression.There will always be rabble rousers around."

    So it's ok to stand in front of a massive crowd of paid off illiterate farmers, feeding them lies that they soak in like hungry sheep, inciting them to burn, kill, destroy? You don't feel the govt. has a right to protect it's citizens, their lives and property, from these thugs?

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