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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. To all those who think the Reds in Thailand are somehow an exception, I'd remind you in nearly every country on Earth, EVERY left-wing party employs a set of tactics where they silence the right-wing opposition by demonizing them, whether as "bigots" for standing up for culture, or as "fascists" for standing up for business owners, or as the "1%" or whatever method they can use. As the left in most countries lose ground due to rising living standards/technology which makes the average person content, they have to resort to ever harsher rhetoric (they've only gotten a slight boost due to global recession).

    Really the Reds are just a step ahead of their left-wing counterparts in most places. I just see them as an extension of Occupy Wallstreet type mindset. You might think that not true since they are led by a billionaire, but you'd be forgetting that the Occupy movement was also funded by billionaires (Peter Lewis/Soros/etc.). Most people once they reach billionaire status stop focusing on earning more money (Gates/Buffett) and instead on increasing barriers to entry in business markets (big businesses love regulation because they have thousands of employees that can handle it while smaller competitors get buried under paperwork).....or they just outright want less humans to compete with for space and Buffet/Gates' foundation was exposed for this (see

    or why

    So the fusion of Billionaires and the left is quite compatible.

    And if you think the US democrats wouldn't act like the Thai red shirts, just imagine if the Supreme Court ordered Obama's arrest (whether for funding Al Qaeda in Syria or a different crime). There would instantly be riots across America and martial law would have to be brought in.

    The yellow shirts did not try to break up red protests.

    • Like 1
  2. So when do you think Thaksin makes the move back to Thailand? We should set up a TV pool on this....

    Can I pull the Never option? I love certainties.

    He ain't ever coming back, and for all the weird and wonderful conspiracy theories knocking around on these forums.............who among you thought that nigh on two years since Yingluck was elected he would still be out of the country.

    He's not back here because the people that truly run this country have barred him.

    I would imagine the passing of one important person would be the nod for Thaksin to return.
  3. Where I come from, most teens start with a min wage job, then move up. Many like myself work thoughout university, and when they have gotten certification and experience move into progressional jobs that pay well.

    Here, a person making min wage will rarely ever get more than that. Training is not promoted.

  4. Bout time the heat came down on him NO EXCUSE for the number of civilians killed and he was the one in charge, time to pay the piper AV

    I think you will find it pretty hard to find an instance of a prime minister being charged with murder of protesters anywhere. Seems like you conveniently forget the number of civilians killed during the drug crackdown, Krue Seh, Tak Bai under another administration where no one has been charged.

    Completely different case and has its own arguments what we are talking about is van drivers MURDERED Journalists MURDERED Civilians MURDERED 91 in total with several bullets proven to come from government troops someone has to pay for that and AV gave that order to open fire on civilians. No excuse for that.

    The red shirts instigated terrorist activities on innocent civilians, creating a chaotic war arena in the process. To regain the territory form the red shirt terrorists, the government moved in as they needed to do to restore order for ordinary citizens. Unfortunate a couple innocents perished in the process. war is hell. Thaksin and his red shirt hooligan terrorists are the only one to blame for their horrific actions against the everyday law abiding Thai citizen.

  5. Wife and I tried El Gauchos last night and was impressed with the service and the food Both had steaks with five side orders a couple of beers for me and couple of glasses of wine for her. Bin came to a little over 5000 thb. The wife and I really enjoyed it but just make sure you hit the ATM or have a credit card before you go. I'm going back.

    I like a good steak, but 5000 baht for one? Yikes! I can get a couple kilos of good NZ steak for that kind of money and BBQ at home. I know going out is nice, and I do it sometimes, but paying a couple hundred dollars for dinner, even though I can very much afford it, kinda goes against how I was raised. Wish I could feel less guilty about spending money that way...haha.

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  6. http://www.manoel-bailly.net/katsudou/

    Defenitly quilty:coffee1:

    The evidence as has been reported would suggest exactly that! and looking at his facebook http://www.facebook.com/manoel.bailly and also the link you supply

    http://www.manoel-bailly.net/katsudou/ very strange indeed! did you notice he is always wearing that orange T shirt on both links in 99% of the pics:blink:

    It looks like he was doing a 'photo shoot'....
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