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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Before pointing my finger, I would like to wait and see what happens with this story. Something wrong to me but if this is the truth, no mercy.

    Mr. Mah Nle Belly is NOT a Belgian name at all.

    Don't get hung up on the spelling. It's spelt 3 different ways in 3 different news stories, eg.

    Mr. Baillie


    Mr. Chinle Belly

    btw, the Belgian has already admitted and confessed to the offense of molesting the two boys.

    Its Manoël Bailly have a look at his facebook page


    Creepy, every single pic in his photo album is of him. that's just really bizarre....

  2. The fact stated that the father of one boy was walking in the park with another young boy when "they encountered the perpetrator on the bench." The article states that the perpetrator then used "persuasion and money" to get the boys to submit to molestation. Where was the father at this point when the perpetrator was "arranging" this criminal act, performing it and then rewarding the boys with more money, 1700 baht, for candy and snacks?

    The father should be put to the test by police as a prime suspect for "pimping." The father sounds like a pimp, based on the story. It doesn't excuse the molester, but there is a lot of pimping in Thailand. This is simply a fact. Until Thais start living in the solution instead of living in the problem where "anything is for sale" attitude, pedophilia and other sex and abuse crimes will continue.

    Something along these lines is more likely. Doesn't excuse the guy, if he did what he is accused of then sentence him full...but I don't think we even know half of the real story. Could be the father wanted more?
  3. The real question in China is not so much about how many gay men there are as about what those spare men will do to work off their frustration. Rape? Violence? Gay sex in desperation? Or just be soured against any kind of sex?

    I don't think men in general would just be soured against any kind of sex. Of course, I would hope for gay sex in desperation but don't see that in the current Chinese culture.

    That leaves rape and violence sad.png - or prostitution in order to prevent those. I don't see prostitution to become legal in China but know there is a big market in Shenzhen. I don't know about other parts of the country.

    I've heard that sexbots are becoming more and more popular.
  4. The fall of Ayutthaya happened because King Ekkatat at the time refused to turn the canon on the Burmese in fear of waking his 1,000 consorts. That was an intelligent move! The Burmese on the other hand learned from their continued mistake of repeated invasions and trashed the city rather than keep returning to be repelled. But let not the truth stand in the way of a good story. The history books are never written by the vanquished but in this case they were.

    To make a film of this sounds interesting as there are a couple of other screenplays floating around about this subject for a major movie. This period, the following 10 years, created the beginning of the present Chakri Dynasty.

    The figures of the viewings are way out (reported here) with more than 200,000 already

    Any chance of a version with English subtitles or dubbing?
    To make it more Thai-friendly they need occasional 'boooooiiiiinnnnngggg' noises throughout....
  5. Maybe Thais and farangs look at rape differently....I have a daughter, and if this were to happen to her, things most assuredly would not go well for the rapist.. It would certainly be sad if he were allowed to pay a few baht to the family, be freed, and continuing raping other girls.I was just talking to a friend of mine in the gym who was telling me a story about his village back in Ireland. A local person in the village raped a 8 year old girl. And shortly thereafter, he was found dead with his appendage in his mouth..

    This sounds like the same justice that is dished out back where I am from.

    The only problem with vigilante justice is that often the wrong man is accused and is dead before the conviction can be corrected.

  6. Yes blame the victim mentality, she should have known better rather than he should have known better and that it is not acceptable to assault a girl or a woman. Perhaps if this blame the victim mentality were not so prevalent then the idea that its alright to assault women wouldn't be so prevalent either.

    If I were a man I would be offended by the notion that I was totally incapable of controlling myself because of my gender and yet, this seems to be the idea some men have.

    I don't recall any post that was inferring this? Can you identify the post you found saying this?

  7. .

    At the bottom of each post there exists a small box saying "like this".

    I propose the powers that be add one next to it saying "do Not like this".


    I have often thought that would be a great idea...

    Back to topic. Thailand has lost in every court case, not really sure why tthey continue to make fools of themselves on the international stage. The face system works really well here ( sarcasm button off) , but looks pretty buffoonish in a world court.

    Reddit is built like this, and 'karma' points are given out...you can then easily see who is being prickish and who is contributing to the conversation.
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