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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Nonsense. I've never had a problem with any Thais, but I see constant reports of others and how they are treated - this does affect my view of the entire country. So there's no hate, no experience of hate, even the immigration department who are a constant source of annoyance to many foreigners and banks, etc for me have all been positive experiences. In fact I've walked through life for some 15 or 16 years here with pretty much no problems at all. Yet my view is still tainted by the experiences of others that I hear about locally and read about in the press. Just because they're not coming for me today, doesn't mean they won't come for me in the future. This is something that you might want to consider.
  2. This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever heard of. He had a permit, was it in his name or his wifes name I wonder? Does it matter? What if my wife had a gun with a permit - is that mine too?
  3. If I were you I would get a fasting test done and then the other test where they do the fasting test first and you drink something containing a high but measured amount of glucose and then test the BG readings (perhaps more than once) after some period of time to get a reading based on the glucose drink. In other words, get a fresh diagnosis.
  4. Remember that time when the only nuclear power in the world dropped two nukes on Japan? Excessive?
  5. I believe it does as it specifies 'scheduled backups' in the features, but I shut down my system every night and don't leave the backup destination drives lying around and definitely not connected to the computer unless they are bign used to create a backup so I don't use the schedule. When I do a backup I need to unmount my encrypted filesystem and I back it up as a single large file and then backup 'the rest' of whatever I backup as separate tasks. You can specify many tasks and configure them separately.
  6. Have you tried 'GoodSync' - it syncs files one or two ways to a local destination, keeps directory structure and leaves the files intact and usable directly on the destination with no 'container' creation - that's one of its selling points : "Access: Unlike traditional file backup services, GoodSync directly backs up and updates the actual data files themselves in their native formats rather than images of the source data. In the event of data loss in the source folder, files in the destination folder can be launched immediately, thereby reducing any unnecessary downtime." https://www.goodsync.com Not sure how it handles cloud drives though. It's not free but does have a free 'tier' that is no doubt limited in some way, but you get what you pay for which is why you're having problems. It's $21 for the paid personal version - this is your solution. It works very well and I've been using it for many years to sync to USB / thunderbolt external drives.
  7. Or a harbinger of things to come elsewhere.....
  8. What doesn't make any sense at all is the crazy new visa fees announced in NZ
  9. Them elephant farms must be real profitable to pay 1 million baht a month in rent
  10. You're right of course, I'm just 'ahead of the curve'. Look back on this post in 5 to 10 years time, it will still be here.
  11. I prefer to think of Bitcoin as a treasury asset
  12. I doubt it - how much did this new mouse cost?
  13. Correct which means personal income tax rates apply, that they wanted 7% on top of this was an industry killer. What Thailand needs is a bunch of crypto ETFs which are treated the same as all other stock exchange funds - which means you are not taxed on profits, only dividends - of which there would be none in an ETF holding only crypto. So - when will Thailand get a Bitcoin ETF which makes it tax efficient to invest?
  14. I'm saying that immigration officers who act like this hate us, definitely not all of them, in fact most of them are pretty good and efficient at their jobs. This attitude? I was born with it.
  15. You need a different medication, that's what you need, if any. Your BP is not that high. Check out this website for BP ranges : https://bloodpressureok.com/ There are many alternatives, discuss this with your Doctor, Amlodipine is merely one of dozens of commonly available medications. There is no reason to ever put up with medications that don't work for you especially if they introduce side effects when there's so many alternatives available. For example my father was taking Lisinopril (Lispril brand here) and was also on Furosemide (a diuretic) for a separate condition (Oedema of the feet) which made his BP too low (like 80/50 low) so they dropped the Lisinopril as it really is so very effective at reducing BP, one of the side effects is low BP and reduced the Furosemide, now he's just fine. If your normal Doctor is not too familiar with all the treatments then go and speak to a Cardiologist who most certainly will be.
  16. Doesn't have to be never ending but lets say it lasts for 100 years, is that essentially the same as forever? One day longer than we live and it's not a zero sum game. It doesn't need to 'go up forever' and the supply of fools is in great abundance.
  17. Yes, it is very convenient to have the Elite visa but don't kid yourself for one minute - they still hate you, it's just that now they're currently not allowed to kick you out or deny entry.
  18. Yeah, I find it really weird too. Fake plates were used in the past to avoid detection of stolen cars, not to brag about special '8888' lucky numbers which are obviously fake. I think these people are more than a little dim
  19. They have now revealed a 'weak spot' on which they are ultra sensitive.
  20. But my 'home country' is merely the country that prints my passport every 9 years. I don't even go there any more. Does this mean I'm excluded or need to be scrutinised by the UK tax man? I guess what I'm asking is do they open 'offshore' accounts for people living in Thailand?
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