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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. People don't seem to realise that speed varies greatly depending on where you're connecting to. It helps if the base speed which is measured by these speed testing services is really high to begin with - but that's all. If you have 1000 Mbps connections to Bangkok yet can only download that file from say Miami at 10 Mbps - it's almost certainly nothing to do with your ISP but the fact that you're connecting almost exactly half way around the world and it may not have an optimal route back to you. The actual measured speed from your computer to some 3BB connected server in Bangkok is mostly irrelevant when you're connecting to third party services like foreign streaming services, especially if through a VPN - the VPN could help it to continue to be real fast or really slow it down depending on how it's routed, where it is and what type of connection / how many users they have on the node you're connecting to.
  2. Not a problem, the UK tax people know exactly what an NI number is
  3. This will make sure they do, especially if they somehow turn the tables on youtube itself. They (Youtube) will ban any content about the entire country 😂
  4. Well I'm currently living in Cambodia for slightly over half a year which will technically make me a resident here. They're not in the 'CRS club' down here and I don't have a tax id as I don't work here, own a company, etc, etc Also they don't just hand them out on demand, not yet anyway. But you do need one if you get a job which I have no intention of doing. So in the event my bank contacts me I will write resident in Cambodia, with no tax id. The second they see the word Cambodia they're going to know that the CRS system doesn't exist in Cambodia. Or if they don't know it (highly likely) then their computer will.
  5. Yes, just use the NI number if you don't have or know the other one. Others have used it and it worked.
  6. This is what many expect, unless some sort of new announcement is forthcoming which exempts all pensions. It hasn't come yet and I don't expect it ever will - so the devil may well be in the detail here. The RD could make things a lot easier for many people or hammer them hard and do a huge amount of work to collect relatively little. How they will proceed is anyones guess right now and nobody knows for sure
  7. That statement right there tells us all what will happen to everyone who used a company to purchase any property. They intend to take it all. Second time in a week I've read something that led me to believe this is playing out right now.
  8. They should have stuck with Biden, screwing him over lost it for them. Meh.
  9. That may be the case of course but it really depends on how much money you 'earn' during the given year / years For example, lets say you have that house sitting there in one of the many countries where your primary residency doesn't get taxed when you sell it and you decide to sell it and get say $1.5 million US for it. Zero tax due back home, if you're a tax resident in Thailand during that year of sale then you will be taxable for the rest of your life on any of those funds that are remitted with no time limit. People will fall into this trap by accident, for example, if you sell up in March to retire and then move to Thailand an May and make the mistake of staying all year - then you're in the net and on the hook for tax on that money forever. That's a definite reason to skip a year during the selling of very profitable assets regardless of what they are. Cambodia can be done for $10k a year easily, far less or more if you like all depends on how / where you want to live.
  10. It won't - you are not required to be a tax resident to hold a Thai bank account. That kind of thing is an issue in the UK because I believe the retail branch level banks aren't allowed to act as offshore accounts for previous residents.
  11. Yeah they keep saying that but when you look a little deeper things happen very differently on the ground. For example, look up how to make a personal tax filing in Cambodia without being an employee or just getting a tax number without a job being employed at a Cambodian company. See how far you get.......hint - not far. Everything about global taxation in Cambodia you read is a lie - it doesn't exist.
  12. They're coming for your company held houses aren't they? All of them.
  13. If they ask then just tell them your NI number, job done and forget about it.
  14. When did you last visit these areas? How many decades ago?
  15. Does it really cost £4,000 per KG in the UK?
  16. From what I heard you get one only when filing your own tax returns, if you're a PAYE tax payer then you won't have one - simple as that.
  17. The TIN for British nationals tends to be the 'National Insurance Number' - I have only ever used that in the past but I am going back a long time here, like 15 to 20 years
  18. Has anyone who's not from the US received this email...so far? I see they mention CRS as well which is a non US thing.
  19. Oh yes, less of this sort of thing, whatever that may be as the article sure doesn't mention what they did.....
  20. Indeed, I once drank some 'Johnny Walker Black' with Coke which made me a bit ill, can't remember exactly what happened as this was a long time back and I've been ill on a few occasions, it was maybe 8 or 9 years ago. Anyway I complained about it to the owner of the bar and she said something along the lines of 'that's the last time I buy whisky from the police'.
  21. No coincidence that a bunch of government workers who negotiated these treaties exempted their own pensions and ignored everyone else. That's the civil service for you.
  22. The article specifically states this : "Methanol, unlike ethanol found in standard alcoholic drinks, is highly toxic and often used by bootleggers to increase alcohol content cheaply but with lethal results." which implies it was added deliberately by someone and that this is a normal kind of thing for bootleggers to do. It's not. Why would someone do this deliberately? Well it's been done before by a government (10,000 dead from it) I might add, see here : https://slate.com/technology/2010/02/the-little-told-story-of-how-the-u-s-government-poisoned-alcohol-during-prohibition.html
  23. Nonsense. It's added by poisoners who want to kill people.
  24. Surely he kept his mouth shut and called the insurance company who will handle any payments or negotiations on his behalf. I hear that sometimes they make payments to them just to make them 'go away' and stop being a nuisance, even if the 'victim' is at fault - because it can cost less in the long run.
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