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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Remaining non resident is the best option all around if you're making decent money until the dust settles, I am continuing to take this approach for the next few years.
  2. Lets say I sold a couple of million USD worth of Crypto last year, is this not real money?
  3. This says it all, they are quite happy with the way things turned out. Nobody gives a <deleted>
  4. I suspect many of us will have provided similar information when updating addresses, passport numbers, etc over the last few years. I signed a load of crap to do that a coupe of years back, that might make me current - but they didn't ask for any tax ID - I definitely don't have a Thai ID and would need to dig deep in my files to find the old UK one that I last used in the late 1990s. No email here at all, got a few million Baht sitting in the account and I withdrew 50k Baht a few days ago from an ATM.
  5. Could it be that his 'parole' period has ended and he's now free to do whatever he wants? Maybe this incredibly wealthy man checked with his lawyers before doing something...just a thought
  6. I've got an LG which is also about 11 or 12 years old and its perfect. Sometimes you just get a dud and there's nothing you can do about it. Luck of the draw. If it dies, just buy a new one. I've also got a couple of Mitsubishi upright freezers, also zero problems, many, many years old.
  7. Inis Mor is a small island off the west coast of Ireland.
  8. I once ordered an ear thermometer which required a medical import license before they would deliver it. They have stolen your item and you will never get it. It's not a DHL issue - it's a customs issue.
  9. Indeed, which explains why it's so popular in the UK 😂
  10. Yet this burning is what makes it a big problem at times when they burn, the other things are year around.
  11. Oh yeah, what did this email say?
  12. Not yet but I guess I can look forward to it 😂
  13. People can be retarded, this is an example of that.
  14. Lol, this is hilarious and the double standard they would like to apply is astounding.
  15. You can't move from the UK to Thailand without first living in the UK. So yes, he does have a UK address.
  16. There's no need. The reasoning is obvious. When the big bust part of the boom/bust cycle comes they won't have to pay out anywhere near as much - it's as simple as that - reducing potential liabilities. So you lose your money and they get to keep theirs.
  17. Well he certainly has a UK address right now so that should be good enough to get him going.
  18. Wow, welcome to the 20th century where actions have consequences. Can't wait until they catch up to the 21st century.
  19. Not a new virus, even the pensioners likely had this as children.
  20. Yes, so it would now seem. They often don't publish personal details. So she was indeed picked up by the police and is now in a hospital. They knew full well where she was. I guess nobody asked them, or if they did then they were not telling.
  21. Could she have been arrested for something?
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