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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. I stay far away from any animal that's too large / heavy to pick up and throw and most things that bite.
  2. Well known for a very long time, they need the votes so threat some people differently. Simple as that.
  3. Wow, imagine how much tax she's paid over the years while making all this fortune 😉
  4. They're teaching everyone to grow up into educated independent women.
  5. Far from it, they banks put these measures in place to protect themselves from losses. Now things might be a little different in Thailand but in most of the sensible world if money is stolen in some unauthorised manner then it's always the bank that pays. So all these people worried about getting their credit card numbers hacked or bank accounts accessed are worrying about nothing in general - only the banks profit will take a hit and they are well used to losing billions per year to fraud.
  6. Note to self, buy a big prominent safe one day and fill it with junk then keep anything of value somewhere else and tell nobody.
  7. In many places it comes down to counting the days and nothing more but you're right about some countries going the extra mile to keep people inside the net for as long as possible or even forever if there is no other tax residency but those are the exception rather than the rule. Fortunately I do not come from such a place or visit any. In fact the UK just removed one major millstone regarding inheritance tax by removing the concept of 'domicile' from the next tax year with a sliding scale based on years away.
  8. Yes, there's no escaping the land of the free. So much freedom 😂
  9. So you're telling me that a Thai who stays for less than 180 days is still considered a tax resident?
  10. Indeed, the best way to proceed is not to make mistakes, then it can all be done.
  11. Exactly, why not introduce VAT on all food and other VAT exempt items, that'll raise lots of extra funds. It's only fair after all, isn't it?
  12. So are those in hospital, believe me on this.
  13. Lets hope they've got insurance as we all know who's going to be paying for their treatment.
  14. Which is all fine and good if you have plenty of time, I read something about what they're calling the 'wall of death' - not sure how accurate that is.
  15. I was on a flight earlier today, seemed just fine to me.
  16. It's not, there's 365 dangerous days in most years, 366 this year due to it being a leap year.
  17. Sir Richard Deerlove, the former head of MI6 came right out with his take on the event as it was just ramping up back in June / July 2016 First they laughed at him - yes, the former head of MI6 was mocked. They're not laughing now. Source - 100s of these but many behind paywalls : https://unherd.com/newsroom/sir-richard-dearlove-british-elites-are-chinas-useful-idiots/
  18. Yes, I currently have two leases on the go in different countries.
  19. Unless you can get it into your checked baggage then all liquids are subject to the normal security rules and regulations in force at the point where you leave the 'specially segregated secure arrival zone' and enter into the departure zone. So yes, when you do a transit stop they will normally take everything off you - consider a general rule of thumb as if you were walking in off the street because that's the same standard that will usually be applied - everywhere. The one caveat here being that it's a domestic flight but I doubt that matters as it likely departs from the same secure zone in the airport. It's all about controlling the flow of materials into this secure zone.
  20. Nothing happened in 2020, do you mean January 2021, when also nothing happened apart from President Biden being sworn in as expected.
  21. Potential? There's nothing potential about Jan 20, it's carved in stone.
  22. Having being taxed elsewhere or not is inconsequential if you're also a non resident.
  23. They're sending someone who hates Trump because the current British government also hate him - this Mandelson character represents their interests completely and precisely. He shouldn't be allowed to step foot inside the US.
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