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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. They simply want to know if you have any foreign tax residencies. If you're from the US then the answer is yes, you do - even if you haven't been there for a very long time. If you're from almost anywhere else and have resided in Thailand full time for years then you won't have any other residencies as they tend to be based on actually staying in the country for a certain number of years. If on the other hand you don't actually live in Thailand full time then they're going to want your foreign tax id numbers so they can report your balances every year like CRS mandates.
  2. It you're flying you need to leavea minimum of 4 to 5 hours before departure - depending on road works, etc. I've been hopping over to and from Cambodia a few times recently and the 'airport run' is a complete pain - takes far too long and you have to build in contingencies just in case of extra traffic Normally you end up sitting there in the airport like an idiot with nothing to do for hours - if there's no traffic. The worst part - my flight time is only 50 minutes on these trips!
  3. Is it ever the other vehicle drivers fault and therefore their insurance pays for the hospital bills or are you on your own every single time?
  4. Did you already have a Thai tax ID from previous employment, reclaiming interest earned on savings, etc in past years gone by or anything like that?
  5. Yeah and when I lived in the UK the only place you would find Kangaroo was in the fridge or freezer as steaks
  6. Also if you live here and are not resident in your country of origin or anywhere else then the whole thing is quite redundant - they won't want or need your income details in say the UK if you've lived here for a decade and are non resident. This whole CRS thing seems to be confusing people - from the Wests approach they're looking for people who have accounts in Thailand who actually live in the UK / Europe, etc but secretly use a Thai account to avoid paying UK taxes - that's why they want the information - but it's only relevant if you are a tax resident in the foreign country.
  7. So your bank instructed you to get some kind of proof of tax filing a full month before it's due even though you didn't need to do one. Did you already have a tax id number? That is really odd
  8. I don't know about that - they made us do it and nobody questioned it. It was normal anyway, like I said - nobody cared or had any concerns.
  9. I always used to have a carbon monoxide alarm when living in a house that used gas.
  10. They made me take one when I was in school. Lined us all up and did one after the other. Been doing it for decades - nobody cared.
  11. The original origin was almost certainly a bat. The route from bats to humans 1000km away is unclear but that doesn't change where these things live and have existed for 1000s of years. Bats.
  12. I heard you can attach a supplemental document explaining things not covered on the form - is this true?
  13. Not normally, if you just have a bank history showing all your remittances and there's no attempt to launder or hide it then I believe you get hit with a bill including penalties. Evasion is lying on the forms for years and then getting found out. This is how it works in most of the world. Never sign your name unless you're sure - it's better to not sign anything - but there will be civil penalties - this is the difference - civil vs criminal. Now each country takes a different view and I have heard it called evasion in Thailand before but I believe they are incorrect, perhaps someone with solid 100% knowledge can confirm this. I am aware of cases where back taxes were due and they simply settled the now larger amounts including the penalties in Thailand. Not paying up is however a problem.
  14. There is a big difference between evasion and simple avoidance / not filing based on what I heard. If they decide you should have filed and owe them then you will get a bill with penalties and it could be quite a lot. If you pay it then there's generally no problem - based on what I've heard. It's when you can't pay that there are problems. Same everywhere. But it can become evasion if you declare the wrong amounts or attempt to hide things from them. That's what they would be looking for if they want to get you for evasion.
  15. Get loans from the bank where you send your money if they offer them - those are the people who know your history.
  16. Trump should ban them outright, no visas, no entry and deal only with the official government of Ireland.
  17. We all know that bats around the world carry many coronaviruses and all sorts of other nasty stuff that are as yet unknown to humans and haven't even been catalogues or investigated - it's always been this way - likely for thousands of years. Going looking for them and taking them into a city is the issue here - not that there's another one. I have news for people who are not aware - there's thousands of them and out of these 1000s of viruses some of them will certainly be transmissible to humans - especially if you place them in the middle of a city. The only thing that changed here is constant meddling with bats - which is a danger in itself.
  18. Well that's all nice and lovely but it's time for you to wake up! The world is full of the dumbest hominids to ever walk the earth and it's only going to get much worse. Watch the movie named 'Idiocracy' - it's prophetical.
  19. Images from the gofundme page linked in the OP, I believe these are more recently uploaded hence the update : Original link here : https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-bring-our-dad-home-urgent-medical-fundraiser
  20. So how's he doing, is he recovering from this really quite dire situation?
  21. As you're a non US citizen and non US resident then you should be able to file forms to reduce the withholding tax, not sure on dividends, I think they still want a slice of that.... Anyway I would discuss it with the accountant to be sure as it can get complex pretty quickly
  22. It's a little unusual but not uncommon in the non western world. This situation arises as in Thailand they only tax you on remitted income and not on worldwide income. No remittance = no tax. If they come looking you're going to have to show them where your money comes from and when it came from. Trading in the US does have implications and there are withholding taxes and dividend taxes which may apply unless you file certain forms with the broker and / or IRS. That's the area of concern. If you are of course remitting the income in some kind of 'around about way' indirectly then that may be considered evasion instead of avoidance.
  23. Maybe he learned his lesson from last time - nobody really cares what he thinks, Trumps going to be in London whether he likes it or not - and he knows it. Also he's just a Mayor
  24. Sometimes not, but if you're a Thai tax resident in the year the profit was realised then when it is remitted to Thailand it will be taxable, even if it's in a future year - this is due to the recent change in the interpretation of the law. Note that the law itself didn't actually change - they changed their mind on how it's going to be applied. If that money never comes to Thailand then it's never going to be taxed, anywhere. This assumes you have properly ensured you are no longer a tax resident of Israel which I believe requires some paperwork - and proof of tax residency in a different country.
  25. Who told you this exists?
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