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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Yes, this kind of thing doesn't give you much faith in them. I wonder if they ever do ultrasound scans or go straight for the most expensive option every time. Why they would suggest an MRI for the above is anyones guess
  2. Sounds to me that this is what caused his current predicament. His insurance expired, many people think those '1 year' insurance they get with their credit card covers them for the year. I've met them, they told me about their credit card or bank account related insurance and I gave them the bad news - it's very often extremely time limited - this is a big issue many people seem to overlook.
  3. If I were incapacitated in hospital and for whatever reason the insurance company decided they won't pay I would like to think people could somehow pay for my treatment. I do know people here and they have plenty of money so I'm pretty sure I would be taken care of. In my case I do have plenty of funds available to pay for any treatment for months or longer if needed but it would not be accessible to anyone if I'm unconscious. The big difference being I could easily pay it back with a simple wire transfer after recovery or from my estate should I die. But who would know this if I were in some foreign country? This guy could have a couple of million pounds in investments but nobody will be able to even look at his balances never mind cash them in to pay his bills.
  4. Have you used any of the higher end paid for subscription models?
  5. I do, but many will simply pop along to the post office and buy the cheapest policy available. They can be very limited and you really need to read the small print. What good is 30 days cover per trip if you're going for 3 months and you have no idea it's limited per trip. Many are like this. Like others said you can always increase or even take out new policies if you bother.
  6. The problem with yearly insurance is they often limit the length of a trip to some duration. That might be as low as 60 days per trip, or even less depending on the policy. If he extended his trip it would be easy to break that limit and not realise it unless he read the policy - most people don't appear to read the policy at all. They just read '1 year insurance' and off they go....
  7. The reactions of the morons are completely irrelevant and best ignored.
  8. Nice of her to let the elected officials what she's decided to do, even if it was a surprise for them 🤣
  9. If they want pure social harmony then they have to give up the tourist money. Lets face it, the government want (need) the money. With mass tourism comes certain issues which you simply have to deal with - or ban them all from coming. It's a trade off
  10. As with many things in life - it's a trade off. They want tourism money, well that brings all sorts of issues. Anywhere that becomes extremely popular is doomed to go down the road of 'Benidorm' in Spain.
  11. Were they really working though? I don't think so
  12. This is in theory the rule as I understand it. Plenty of people suggest hedging on this though and being non resident during both years (year of sale and year of remittance) absolutely ensures that no tax liability in Thailand. In this case if the house is a main pace of residence in the UK - ir - you actually lived there then sold it then there is no capital gains tax due, but if it was rented out over the years then that changes and I'm sure the rules get complex if that applies....
  13. Hardly smuggling - they are kind of designed for global usage and allow global travel but it is time limited when away from home. Think of private planes and yachts.
  14. I heard you can bring one from the US or Europe over and use it for up to 2 months 'out of region', not sure how accurate that is - but I would imagine it needs registering and using in the home country before being turned on in a 'roaming' region. I don't have one at this stage.
  15. This is why we can't have nice things. I heard Starlink will work outside of its registered home country including in and around Asia for up to 2 months before the terminal must 'return home' and service stops. Certain countries go to extraordinary lengths to prevent any use of satellite communication, occasionally arresting people as spies simply due to having an emergency satellite phone for example. The countries that do this are not good countries.
  16. Very true - it is an important issue when tax planning, especially if you're an Aussie - I watch and read a lot about taxation and international residencies over the years as it's something I've been keeping my eye on - boring I know but kind of interesting. I was quite alarmed by something I saw recently on youtube that mentions it can take 3 years to lose Aussie tax residency - after you leave! What a nightmare, I think Germany has something similar and you have to prove residency elsewhere as well. Coming from the UK there is none of this nonsense. Small blessings I guess.....
  17. Indeed, it is significant and I hope this guy sues this developer and gets every Baht back.
  18. Oh really? Where did you get this information from? I believe you're referring to the mythical 15% withholding tax that while discussed was not implemented on any Thai exchange - has something changed since I looked it up last year?
  19. Sounds like a scam - who is this 'business broker' and has it been 'red flagged' by their bank or the 'broker' themselves?
  20. Your wife would have already paid tax on this money so it's not really being generous is it?
  21. Thailand taxes capital gains but they do not have what we might refer to as a 'capital gains tax' back home - something that is normally taxed at different rates to personal income tax. It's all personal income tax in Thailand. Their system is VERY primitive and not suited to the modern wider financial world. In any competition they will lose as the more money you have (if remitted) the more you will pay - and it's more than you would pay elsewhere which can be reduced to zero with careful planning and a little luck depending on where you come from and where else you live each year.
  22. It's in US Dollars on kraken.com - the US version of Kraken, so the wire is in USD and gets converted to whatever currency the recipient account is in - in this case Baht when I sent some funds over last year.
  23. Indeed, look at this for one of my January orders from Amazon : I ordered a couple of pairs of jeans and some shoes.
  24. I suspect that this is the beginning of some kind of scam. Beware.
  25. For now nothing has changed, they must be taking a massive hit on remittances All those people who sent tens of millions last year likely sent nothing this year. I'm referring to the January 1st depositors who took full advantage of the previous year earnings rule. They have a full months data for January and I'll bet the difference between every year before now and 2025 is absolutely massive.
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