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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. I'd like to know the height of the balcony in question.....before they replace it
  2. They should do nothing, absolutely nothing, just allow them in the same as everyone else. I've already read articles over the last few days which mention the exact same variants inside China have already been detected in Europe, etc which means they are going to be here as well. There's nothing to 'keep out' and keeping it out clearly doesn't work, there's also no need to 'slow it down' as covid is raging all over the world right now. If another variant comes then so be it, new variants are the way out of this.
  3. Everyone trying to keep the latest variant out of their country which is absolutely doomed to failure without exception, even China couldn't manage it. Unless you want covid to stay the same then variants are the eventual way out of the covid situation. Remember when the much more harmful Delta was circulating in Europe and the much milder Omicron (perhaps by a factor of 100) emerged from Africa - what did they do - they tried to keep it out and keep Delta instead - the exact opposite of what they should have been doing. If 'they' had their way they would have kept it out and Delta would still be the current version circulating in the Europe area countries.
  4. Lol, it's standard tit for tat diplomacy and has nothing to do with the medical situation. You do realise that the most of the world runs on petty disputes between foreign ministers right? India are especially guilty of this sort of thing
  5. Reciprocity is required here, all Indians must be subject to testing prior to boarding any flights to Thailand. Also make it a type of test which is particularly expensive and require that all original paperwork is presented both in Indian and then separately translated into Thai and notarised at the Embassy - all within 24 hours of the flight ???? The Chinese are coming back now, there's more important things to consider.
  6. They're coming and when they get here there will be an onslaught of new variants....for a while. New variants are however the way out of this mess so maybe it's a good thing. Nothing any government does will make any difference, the virus is clearly in control.
  7. One step away from making them compulsory. I know what they're thinking here, all those Chinese coming without 'proper' vaccines being used - they wll never say it though, so it will be for all.
  8. We've gone full circle, almost three years ago back in early 2020 the first COVID cases arrived here direct from Wuhan. We had a woman patient on holiday from Wuhan in hospital here in Hua Hin with COVID back in January 2020.
  9. Yes, at 50 or above you would indeed qualify for a 'retirement visa'
  10. This problem is caused by money, or should I say a lack of it and the greed of the commerce platforms. Most of these delivery companies are franchises, each one along the chain gets a small cut I heard that the delivering branch can get as low as 8 Baht per package. It's a race to the bottom as they all out compete each other for the business and the commerce platforms keep most of the delivery fee that's paid anyway. Everyone else fights over the scraps. The staff are made to work very long hours and not paid very well by a lot of them. They also have limited space and the delivery routes can be long. This is why there's problems and it won't end, ever.
  11. Quite possible that he needed to go that far forward to get a clear view if anything is coming. Looks like there are signs are barriers which may obscure a clear view of the track - I've see that before.
  12. Some of these recent overstays date back to before the period when the golden boy of the immigration police declared that there's nobody on overstay in the country any more. It's a big joke really ????????
  13. Agree 100% on the above, the people (conspiracy theory believing nut jobs) who think someone wants to control them could be compared to worker ants. Nobody knows they exist, 'they' never will and certainly don't care about controlling them, what they think or anything they do. There's nothing to control, they're mindless workers, even more so once retired.
  14. Yeah it took about 3 months when I did mine last year, good job I did it about 9 months before I really needed it - because I know just how lousy the service is.
  15. It is pathetic that it takes 6 weeks to renew an essential document. This level of service is simply unacceptable.
  16. Nope, if you look into it (which I did before I posted my 'question') you will find as others have pointed out since that the statute of limitations does apply and murder cases are closed in Thailand after 20 years.
  17. My mother got some Tramadol once for an issue with her back, something to do with inflammation between two discs. After a few days she threw it away and vowed never to take it again, she said she was 'all over the place' with it - it messed with her mind and she would rather have the pain than continue to take it. A bit extreme I thought - surely there would be a lower dose to try instead of rejecting it outright but she was adamant and to this day has never touched it again even though she still has back pain issues.
  18. You're right, I just looked at the envelope from the latest bill and it does say 'nt' on it - I've never heard of them before (the mrs takes care of the bill payments) - still good though ????
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