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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. That's far too much hassle to go on holiday, cancel it.
  2. Lol, British Airways is an old and somewhat crappy airline, many people gave up flying with them a decade ago. Whenever I previously flew I preferred KLM or Lufthansa with a transit stop in either Amsterdam or Frankfurt but routing changes at Lufthansa and the KLM Air France merger really messed with the schedules which didn't suit me. I haven't been back since.
  3. Crypto doesn't require any form of permission in a global sense. It can be restricted locally but that won't stop someone who wants some, nothing will.
  4. One of the team of US journalists that travel with these guys has COVID, isn't that clear? What might not be clear is that when people like this guy travel - they bring the US press with them - sometimes on the same plane and other times (like when the President travels) they come on a separate plane if they need heavy media coverage. Bringing COVID into Thailand from another country is what this is about, COVID rates in the US are not relevant to what's happening here.
  5. Interesting, I wonder if the new majority shareholder of Bitkub will offer any input into the process?
  6. Lol, not a chance. Check the dates on everything. I have had several experiences with bad food as well recently, they don't throw it away when they don't sell it all....
  7. Yeah, the quicker everyone gets ill and recovers, the quicker I can return to my normal routine ????
  8. My money would be on about January 3 after the New Years Eve parties.
  9. Lol, Bintabaht is dead, forget about that dump of a place. I hope it doesn't come back, ever.
  10. I've been thinking about Omicron in Thailand or the lack of it. There are a lot of big differences between Delta and Omicron. We know that Omicron is not a mutation of Delta in any way whatsoever. It's a mutation of the summer 2020 strain which came far before Delta. The genetic lineages and common ancestry information is available which demonstrates this. Now - with that in mind lets consider how successful the summer 2020 covid strain was at spreading in Thailand - it wasn't really that successful was it? The whole thing was a bit of a damp squib. Only Delta managed to overcome whatever hurdle it is that prevented the summer 2020 covid from spreading wildly out of control. Will Omicron be more like summer the 2020 covid strain or more like Delta? Nobody knows for now. If Omicron struggles to gain a foothold and spread rapidly in Thailand then I see no reason why Delta can't continue to dominate inside Thailand continuously instead of being replaced by Omicron - this is not in any way a good thing - it's a worst case scenario. I'm not seeing any reports of Omicron spreading locally - this to me is a very bad omen because if Omicron doesn't replace Delta then we're stuck with it. Just thinking out aloud here, I know Omicron is doing really well in South Africa but there are climate differences, it's a bit cooler and the humidity is lower over there in SA and we know this combination really has a big impact on viral transmission.
  11. I noticed that Omicron somehow mutated directly from one of the original 2020 strains, the strains that didn't spread very much in Thailand
  12. Oh I'm not going to be out drinking in any bars for the foreseeable future, there's no chance of that until well inside next year. I'm keeping my eye on the pandemic and what's about to happen is something I would rather avoid - so I'm going out of my way to avoid it.
  13. The bars are open, either there's a bit of a rebellion going on right now or something big changed but there's been no announcement.
  14. We're not going to have to wait long That one guy who had it in Norway at the party where 120 others caught it.....
  15. I noticed that Tamarind Market is completely full like a busy night during high season. I also read on facebook that Soi 80 and the new Soi 94 bar complex 'wonderland' are also open and look pretty busy as well. No word on Bintabaht - does that still exist? Something's changed very recently and it's very busy out there tonight in Hua Hin.
  16. The interesting thing about Omicron is its genetic ancestry. It doesn't seem to have much of one. You would think that this new variant would have evolved from one of the versions of covid circulating in the place where it first occurred, but no - that's not the case. It mutated directly from the summer 2020 strain of COVID and has none of the other changes which have been circulating for more than a year between summer 2020 and autumn 2021 - now that's unusual and the scientists are taking note. Here's some light reading on the subject : https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/12/01/1055803031/the-mystery-of-where-omicron-came-from-and-why-it-matters From the link : Note he says it's rare to see, not unprecedented, I won't go into this in any detail as 'there be dragons' is clearly signposted along that path.... Research on this subject will not stop until they find out why the above happened, even if it takes years and years - just like it did the last time something like this happened, and it has happened before but not with COVID
  17. A storm named Omicron is coming, enjoy it while you can.
  18. Yes, you were lucky there. I bet you check the stamps in your passport every time now don't you?
  19. They don't need to catch it, all we need is for Delta to be replaced by Omicron in circulation then the situation changes a lot.
  20. My thoughts : Omicron will end the pandemic in a few months as it replaces Delta. I give it 3 months max then it's over and that's me being a pessimist.
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