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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Indeed, it's quite reasonable to expect a balcony to collapse after slightly more than normal use, I'm sure it happens all the time ????
  2. I have a feeling he will have plenty to say once he's free to do so.
  3. Of course not, he's been found guilty and already sentenced in the media. Why bother with evidence. I can't wait to hear his side of what actually happened as soon as he gets back home.
  4. The vast majority of Omicron cases will 'get in' the same way Delta did. It will walk over the border.
  5. The main risk being that they breathe air, air that contains Omicron. That's all it takes, vaccinated or not.
  6. I suspect it was correct at the time but they backtracked after some serious government begging to save face. The 'forged quarantine' will be the single thing that destroys the tourism industry in Thailand.
  7. Why do they not think they will get 50,000 to 100,000 cases per day like everywhere else? I see no reason why this level can't happen by mid January but I see plenty of reasons why this level will never be detected. Of course they're never going to detect more than 50,000 tests if they only test 50,000 people per day and that would be with an unprecedented 100% positivity rate - something which never happens - and if it did it suggests there's a whole load more cases than can ever be measured with the infrastructure in place. If they took a year to build a network of massive testing facilities then they would be able to measure the spread with some degree of accuracy but they don't appear to have done that.
  8. The word 'fever' is missing from most descriptions of Omicron symptoms around the world, not all of them - but most of them. If you're looking for active cases of Omicron, fever is not a good way to identify them which leaves the temperature scanners largely redundant.
  9. Obviously he was infected inside Thailand due to the period of time that has passed since his negative test on arrival.
  10. Stand and watch as the spectacle continues....at least they did something, they watched.
  11. There's a lot more on the way.
  12. I believe it's only recent overstays that are considered, I have multiple overstays but they are from way back, like 10 years or more and I'm on my second 5 year membership. From the 5 year membership application form, end of 2019 version when I renewed my membership (the screening process is going to be identical) : It costs nothing to apply, email them, fill out the forms make the scans they require and send them back and you will have your confirmation. I'm going to be very surprised if old overstays such as the short one you had will make any difference at all.
  13. Well in that case there's no mystery where any infections are coming from - they're all catching it on the plane.
  14. Is that still the case? I heard that the airlines do require tests and would like to know if this special exemption from testing is still in place on any airlines, especially Thai.
  15. One doesn't bother with such trivialities for the petty cash transfers.
  16. If you use a 'real bank' on both sides of the transaction that have their own accounts with SWIFT then there is no 'intermediate bank'....there are no mysteries here, not all banks are equal.
  17. I don't know what you've been doing for the last decades but I've been sending my money in pounds sterling through SWIFT, it gets converted on arrival at the prevailing rate. It is you who does not get it.
  18. It costs me £9.50 to do an international SWIFT transfer from Lloyds. This fee has been fixed for years now. The problem is not with SWIFT, it's that your UK bank like to overcharge you for what should be a cheap service. Lloyds must be making a profit on that £9.50 charge because they don't do anything for nothing.
  19. That's the question which they can't answer, because they don't have a clue. One things for sure - they didn't bring it with them, it was a 'community infection'.
  20. This is all about shifting the blame away from the people in charge and onto the tourists You're going to read a lot more about foreigners testing positive with Omicron in the next few days because it's already started to be reported.
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