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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. The official regulations will be ignored when the country is overwhelmed with cases. I'm sure they will still be locking up foreigners but for the vast majority of the population nothing will happen - it will be ignored and allowed to play out. Remember, they said it's 'under control' - believe those words because they are the truth, nothing is happening that's not allowed to happen, perhaps not officially according to the law but it's allowed all the same. They can't open the floodgates and deliberately welcome Omicron with open arms, but they sure could have kept it out for months by cancelling the arrival of all the 'test and go' tourists which they chose not to do. There's a reason for that.
  2. When they have tens of thousands of cases every day all these rules and regulations will be abandoned.
  3. Makes sense, so many people have covid that it really doesn't matter any more. Thailand is not in this situation yet, but it will be and soon.
  4. I'm not so sure about that, most people are woefully uneducated about foreign rules and regulations. Just look at the problems people get themselves into with immigration issues - most have no clue, we've even had people on the elite visas overstaying and being banned. Hardly anyone actually reads all of the smallprint.
  5. This line says it all. This greedy <deleted> of a man has just destroyed his cash cow by being obnoxious, bankruptcy awaits him.
  6. Oh dear, this guy is in for a very big surprise. He's not in charge, the virus will run rampant throughout the whole country, millions will get it. However I suspect it won't really matter, nearly all of them will be just fine after a few days, not because of anything Anutin does but despite anything he does.
  7. Indeed, staff absences due to isolation regulations at the hospitals are causing serious problems in the UK There's plenty of 'beds' available but less staff, I did read something about ICU staff being redeployed to other areas where they're needed more, the reverse of what was happening in the Delta wave. This is different and brings a new set of problems, however they will only be temporary, each wave of staff absences will pass after 7 days, how many waves of absences there will be remains unknown - it will likely continue until they've all been infected which could take a few months.
  8. A bit like gold which isn't used for jewellery or electronics purposes, the kind that sits in bank vaults guarded 24/7 at great cost and under constant threat of violent theft?
  9. Did you put a claim in? It's too late to file a new claim now but if you previously claimed then I would expect a distribution some time this year.
  10. It matters not what he says, the virus is clearly in charge, not the politicians, doctors or scientists. There will be many more variants, the more cases there are then the more variants there are, For example, covid swept through India last year giving us Delta, well now Omicron is taking off in India, I expect newer variants of Omicron to emerge in the next few months. Perhaps they will be even milder than Omicron, one thing's for sure, once it gets to India it's on a journey which passes through every country between India and China and all the bordering countries along the way, including here.
  11. When someone books a holiday they should be warned that they must have between 4000 and 5000 Euro per person ready and available to spend just in case they test positive for COVID at any point during their short holiday because this is what they will be charged for the non emergency (not medically justified or required in any way) hospitalisation that is mandated by whichever moron is in charge. That will either end the tourist industry until the law changes (if it is a law) or put an end to this nonsense - one or the other.
  12. Are more people dying on the roads than from covid? I would look up the numbers but I can't be bothered due to lazyness and also not giving a sheet one way or the other really.
  13. They clearly don't know the rules in Thailand or they would never dream of coming here. We're talking about people who look at a picture of a hotel / beach and then click 'book'. That's going to be the extent of their research. I can't really blame them though as what's happening in Thailand when someone tests positive is not typical of what happens almost anywhere else in the world outside of China.
  14. Indeed an international insurer will pay up for emergency treatment. The word 'emergency' doesn't apply to the asymptomatic, and the insurance company doesn't give a <deleted> what the Thai government think. They don't need to go to hospital at all if they're asymptomatic so they won't pay and they never will, it's as simple as that and this will never change.
  15. It's kind of hard to imagine what kind of moron goes to a zoo and then ends up beating one of the animals when it moves towards the food....
  16. Yet elsewhere around the world this is exactly what's happening. For some reason everyone is becoming infected with Omicron and by some unknown mechanism this is stopping the spread of Delta. I believe it's due to immunity between the common viruses. One thing did strike me though, Delta does appear to avoid whatever hurdle was in place during the 2020 strain spread in Thailand, we don't know if this is the case with Omicron as it did not evolve from Delta at all. Personally I suspected the high temperature and humidity combination did a lot to slow down the original covid variants during 2020, that situation only seemed to change when Delta came along in 2021. With Omicron I wonder if the temperature and humidity will again play a factor in delaying the spread of Omicron. If it does then there are some not so great scenarios that I can think of, like the tropical regions of the world becoming a human reservoir for Delta. One thing's for sure - if they don't 'allow' Omicron to spread around then it definitely won't replace Delta.
  17. Vodka being merely ethanol (pure alcohol) with some amount of water added to bring it to the correct percentage of alcohol as dictated by the marketing department and local excise regulations, so in a way if you've ever drank any alcoholic drink you have indeed drank 'vodka'.
  18. They've been busy buying all the food supplies available around the world for the last 2 years, funny that.
  19. Allow 2 to 3 months for a UK renewal if you're from the UK, they haven't got a clue what they're doing over there.
  20. That mask is to protect them from you, nothing more, they don't care. I came across something interesting on Twitter, someone in the US posted it, can't recall which state it was but he went to a sports stadium, mentioned there were 3 different lines to get in, one for the fully vaxxed who didn't require testing, one for people who already have a recent negative test and another line for on the spot testing. The guy being double vaxxed wasn't concerned but wanted a test just to be sure so he had a test, tested positive then proceeded to go to the double vaxxed line because being vaccinated he was allowed in, no problem. Makes sense right...because they only care about themselves....almost everyone, everywhere.
  21. They came with TUI which is the rebranded Thomson holidays. As such they do cheap 'packaged holidays', the type used by people who have no idea that there's a difference between charter and scheduled flights.
  22. Well that is inevitable I think but they will probably spend as much time as possible locking people up before the numbers overwhelm them. It could take months to get to the stage where they give up on the covid prison thing.
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