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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. The thing here is that it's perfectly reasonable to expect to isolate in your hotel if you test positive because that's what all the sane countries in the world do. Thailand deserves to suffer extreme economic damage due to this policy - and it will. Only the power crazy countries who trust nobody at all to comply with any measure due to the general lawlessness of the population put people who test positive for covid in prison. China do it, Thailand does it - I'm sure there's a few others but I really don't care to spend time looking them up.
  2. Of course they weren't - if they knew this then literally nobody would come to Thailand for a simple holiday, ever.
  3. It doesn't matter if it's a non event, the problem is in how they handle it. They're locking people up in isolation for weeks when they 'catch' covid. Do you not see that as a bit of a problem?
  4. This is the stage where I would have removed the cover, why didn't you simply smash it off? It clearly isn't supposed to be there..... I always check the card slot for any attachments and now due to your report I will check the slot before I use a machine. I've never found any attachments so far but it I did I would remove them. If you were to make a withdrawal and couldn't get the money or simply forgot to take the cash and walked away (this does happen occasionally) then the machine only waits a certain amount of time (not very long) before it takes the cash back into the machine, this probably differs between each ATM model depending on how they configure it.
  5. I believe all ATMs have cameras built into them, they're often used in the case of some crime that happens nearby to the ATM.
  6. This kind of thing happens every now and again, in which case you take out a new policy with a solvent company.
  7. That would be the governments fault. Surely there's some kind of regulator / oversight in place ? ???? If the government are not doing their job properly then things fail...you seem like a reasonably smart guy so I know you already know this. Great failure = great misery, that's always been the way and it always will be.
  8. The entire system will collapse in just a few weeks time, if I had to guess and I do, and will, then I'd say by around Jan 15th everything changes.
  9. C'est la vie, they should practice risk management with a dose of reality otherwise they deserve everything they get - all of it. If the entire industry needs to declare bankruptcy then so be it, something better and more efficient will replace the current bunch of ineffective morons.
  10. Bitcoin is going mainstream and some of the big investment banks are already involved. Likely front running their eventual clients by accumulating huge amounts during this year. SCB being involved is another similar sign.
  11. Ponzis offer a rate of return, Bitcoin doesn't - that nullifies your hypothesis.
  12. Related - the bubbles of history. Note that none of them ever reinflate after they 'pop'. Except for 'Bitcoin' which appears to be somehow different. The first inflation / pop event looked just like the others, that's where the similarity ended.
  13. Do people still seriously think it's spreading by personal contact as opposed to aerosol transmission?
  14. Up, up and away, 10k to 20k per day in the next week or two. This certainly won't be the real number though, just a sampling based on the tests they can be bothered to do.
  15. I eat a little Alpen cereal bar for 'breakfast' if I remember after a couple of coffees then have a lunch 3 to 4 hours later.
  16. They definitely had an election and everyone who wanted to placed their vote. I believe there was some swapping of allegiances by the MPs after the election which lead us to here - so yes, they voted for those who then backed the current group in charge. As the PM pointed out, he didn't need those extra hand picked senators in the end anyway.....
  17. Most people don't care about COVID so much. The massive problem we have here which is almost unique to Thailand is that they force isolate and lock people away at expensive facilities. That's what killed the tourist industry in Thailand - the forced isolation / treatment centers and the expensive fees. If they did it any other way then the tourist industry would be flourishing so they have caused this 100% themselves You get what you vote for and you deserve every minute of it.
  18. That's what I'd like to know, I suspect the cameras were 'being serviced' at the time.
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