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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. How many people go on holiday to Saudi Arabia? That's the future for this place.
  2. Don't forget what they said earlier in the year - everything's under control. Believe it.
  3. Interesting, I wonder what happened last time there was widespread flooding....
  4. What part of having to test negative on arrival do you not understand? There is no risk, none at all.
  5. They seem to arrest quite a few people just one or two days before the statute of limitations runs out. I wonder if the 'negotiations' didn't go as the police planned.
  6. I don't think I've ever come across a regular holiday insurance package which offers such a low amount of coverage, it's always far more than that. All they need to do is specify that COVID is covered then any of those off the shelf policies should do the job. Of course Thailand will likely require something very specific just to them which isn't provided by any of the insurance policies making things infinitely harder and more expensive.
  7. They say there's 50k a day right now, that's definitely nothing near the actual number of infections, they know it, everyone knows it. Apart from the kids who are force tested most people are ignoring it. It's treated as a cold unless you get really ill - which is how it happens when you have an actual cold which makes you really ill and you end up in hospital.
  8. Not really, they're gathering as much data as they can, if other countries are too dim to see that then that's just hard luck. Ban travellers from the UK based on slightly more accurate numbers and see how much the British government cares - not much. They're sequencing genomes from people arriving from every country - when a new one is found it will be attributed to the country where it came from.
  9. There will be more than one such drug, in fact this one might be deemed useless long before people appreciate depending on the others and when the trials finish.
  10. That's not happening - you're either staying in the hotel or you're not coming.
  11. Until this complete nonsense ends I suggest that people cancel their plans to return to Thailand for holidays. If you live here then of course you don't need bars or even alcohol in restaurants but for people on holiday I find they often like to relax with some alcoholic drinks and it will 100% be a deal breaker. The no alcohol message needs to be reinforced to would be tourists before they book any holidays in Thailand after the reopening in 2021. When they get here - everything you do on holiday has been banned - do not go to Thailand, go somewhere else.
  12. Thailand in its perpetual state of delusion believes it's the number one place in the world and when the doors are opened everyone in the world will want to come. To them the problem is that they must restrict the number who do come because far too many will want to arrive all at once. They all believe this 100% - it's been indoctrinated and beaten into them since they were dumb little brats, now they're older and in positions of authority. I can't wait for the reality to hit. European booking a holiday next year : There's slightly less restrictions in Cambodia, forget about Thailand, just go there instead. 'There' could be any one of 100's of different countries in the world, like the Caribbean for example.
  13. If the UK reduced the number of tests they did to just 50k per day like they do in Thailand then I guarantee that they would have one of the lowest number of covid cases in the world. Instead they tell the truth.
  14. Why should they? Everyone is tested. It's the same virus, it's already here and very widespread and everyone's vaccinated with the vaccines which definitely work.
  15. Yes, I suspect it's mostly about the weather. Look at Russia, nice and cold, COVID deaths at record levels. Europe - not so cold, not yet anyway - but it's coming.
  16. This is why there will be 1000's of cases, not mere 100's - people are recovering at home, if others get ill then so be it.
  17. Very convenient for me here in Hua Hin, should I go on a road trip to Bangkok and hope there's some left when I arrive?
  18. Hilarious, this 'delta' is now the dominant strain everywhere. Everywhere in Thailand that is, already. What difference does it make if there's a few more?
  19. Sure, doesn't matter what one minister thinks though. The thing about ministers that make problems is that they get replaced.
  20. Dream on, that's the one thing that will definitely survive no matter what happens.
  21. It's going to be an interesting couple of months ahead of us.
  22. Yes, and once you go through all this nonsense there's a very good chance you will catch COVID just like anyone else already here if you mingle with the locals who are actively hiding their infections unless they need to go to hospital or get caught up in an active contact trace investigation. If that happens then be prepared for a world of restriction, quarantine and possibly incarceration if you don't want to stump up their special fees for 'hospitel' quarantine.
  23. He just announced the death of Tourism in Thailand. It's over. He's far too dumb to realise it just yet but that realisation will come, probably some time in January 2022 once everyone who's conned into coming here realises that it's one of the worst places to go for their winter trip. RIP, final nail, etc, etc.
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