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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Why would I gloat? As a neutral observer I just saw the report and thought I would post it for the benefit of those who are under the impression he is broke. He appears to be anything but broke. Makes no difference to me.
  2. It would appear reports of Trump's money problems were greatly exaggerated. 4 Billy. Not too shabby. 😄 https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68667664
  3. The left always try to justify silencing people. Normally it's under the banner of hate speech, which roughly translates as anything they disagree with. In this case it's their ability to look into a crystal ball and predict what someone will say in the future. Laughable. Although at least you've moved past the "partial silencing isn't silencing" nonsense.
  4. Agree. I have a Camry Hybrid and I get over 1000 kms on a tank. No charging required. Best of both worlds. I'll still buy a Diesel truck for the farm though as the roads sometimes flood and a colleague of mine had loads of problems with her Hybrid after driving through a flooded area, never could get it right and ended up selling it. I wouldn't entertain the idea of 100% EV. Especially one made in China.
  5. I haven't changed my tune. Partial silencing is still silencing. It's already been noted several times on the thread. Your pedantry and trolling is boring in the extreme. 😄 If I say you can talk about these 3 issues but not these 5 others issues, do you have freedom of speech because you can still talk about 3 out of 8? Can you claim to have not been silenced? Of course not. Trump has been silenced. That doesn't mean he can't talk about anything at all. 😄 But you already knew that...
  6. It's already been pointed out in the thread that it is only a partial silencing. There was no need for me to repeat it. Just as there is no need for you to expose your ever worsening TDS.
  7. Ah, I see they are now silencing him as well. I can see why. If he came out and exposed the truth it would be extremely embarrassing for certain people. The plan appears to be first to silence him, and then to jail him before he can serve a second term. Democracy and Freedom of Speech. US style. Makes you wonder what will happen when he wins. Could we see the US go full banana republic and overturn the result on a legal technicality like Thailand did, allowing Biden to remain in power? Wouldn't surprise me at this point.
  8. Good luck Julian. And well done Australia. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are two principles that any civilized society must uphold. The US government must not be allowed to trample over both to cover up their dirty, not so little secrets. Keep fighting the good fight.
  9. Spielberg throwing truth bombs. The rise in anti semitism is indeed extremely worrying and was happening long before Israel reacted to the horrific terrorist attack on their citizens in October. The fact that some are trying to use Israel's response as justification for even more anti-semitism is as predictable as it is disgraceful.
  10. Highly unlikely. https://time.com/6589369/donald-trump-net-worth-estimations/ Even conservative estimates have it at 2.6 Billion.
  11. The Libs are spooked. You can see it all over this thread. Losing their heads 😄.
  12. Another one who doesn't know the difference between millions and billions. 😄 These TDS threads are becoming a bit "special".
  13. That's great. Although you might wish to note that 468.2 million is still substantially less than the 464 Billion quoted in the post I was responding to. But hey, millions, billions. What's the difference right? You Biden fanboys not too good at maths. I guess that's why you believe him when he says he's done such a great job 'cutting the debt'. 😄
  14. Of course. $464 Million was set so high in order that he couldn't meet it and they could begin collecting on it while his appeal was still in process. Hardly a fair process. What happens if he wins the appeal, he can buy back all the properties he sold at fire sale prices to stop them collecting? Of course not. A nation of laws, with biased judges... We see it time and time again. The Fani Willis farce another example. Again, the correct decision to reduce the amount. Still high, but not quite so obviously an attempt to cripple him financially in the build up to an election.
  15. $464 billion? Wow, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger 😄.
  16. While clumsily worded, Carville has a point. The Dems need to focus on issues affecting normal Americans, not indentity politics, trans issues, reparations and other Woke nonsense. As for the black vote, while they can try and buy that with reparations, it doesn't help matters when Biden calls young successful black men "boy" and tells them if they vote Trump, they ain't black. No wonder the polls are showing Trump leading, despite all the court cases designed to stop him.
  17. This highlights how ridiculous the #believeallwomen campaign was. Assuming someone is good/bad/truthful/whatever because of an immutable characteristic is the kind of ridiculous notion that identity politics plays into. Good to see her get her just deserts. This kind of behaviour causes issues for not only the men accused, but for other women who ARE telling the truth. It also provides an out for men who have actually committed such crimes. Shameful behaviour.
  18. Correct decision. Just as I said last week, $464 million was a ridiculous amount solely designed to stop him appealing. Good to see sense prevail, although I still think $175 million is essentially a Trump tax. If it was Joe Bloggs it would have been a fraction of that amount. Hopefully these silly games stop now and we can let the voters decide who leads the US, not judges.
  19. I don't. I blame the spineless, woke, bottler of a manager. Hopefully United snap him up in the summer and we can have Old Trafford covered in Rainbow flags, that would be highly amusing. Your posts. Back on topic. Sunak seems to be heading in the right direction for once. If he keeps up with such Conservative values he might just retain his spot as leader of the Conservative party. Otherwise, watch the voters continue to switch to Reform UK. The tide is turning.
  20. It is almost identical to the Omnisexual flag. Which of part LGBTQIAA++. It's like wearing a swastika badge and then when rightly called out, arguing that it isn't a Swastika because the shade of red isn't quite right and the black is actually dark grey. It's cowardly. We both know what it is, own it. I'm sure an LGBT activitst like you knows what the colors represent. Either way, it no longer bears any resemblence to the St.George's cross and Nike have no right to change the colors of our national flag on our national shirt. Try that in Thailand and see where you end up. Nike, an American company should really desecrate the American flag before they do it with the English flag, but they probably don't have the stones as they are all about profit, as their hypocritical use of third world labour shows. I have no doubt this will be a massive commercial failure and we will end up with some kind of Bud Light/Mulvaney disaster/rollback. They never learn. Go Woke, Go broke. 1.4 Billion. Virtue signalling just got expensive.
  21. Regarding point 3, he finally appears to be reading the room with his recent criticism of Nike's decision to ridicule England fans and desecrate the St. George flag by recolouring it in LGBTQA+++ colours on the national shirt for to be "playful", in other words to take the pess out of their customers, much like Bud Light did (and look how that worked out). Of course I don't believe this is a genuine reaction from him, he's as fake as they come but it is further evidence that people are growing tired of the insulting propaganda being shoved down their throats (no pun intended) by Woke multinationals and Sunak has finally realized this. Hopefully England fans refuse to buy it, especially considering the extortionate price coupled with Nike's proclivity to use cheap third world labour for maximum profit while virtue signalling. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68632034 I suspect if the useless Woke simp Southgate wasn't in charge this never would have happened. Hopefully the fans make their feelings known and he is sacked and hired by Man United to embarrass himself there. Even if Sunak's reaction is fake, at least he is now able to see the direction of travel against Woke idiocy. Kudos for that. We've had the rainbow armbands, the taking the knee to BLM and now this. The fish rots from the head and it is time for Southgate to go and the working class fans to push back. Sunak has seen this, albeit too late. Better late than never Rishi Sunak (or Rasheed Sanook as your decrepit hero Biden calls him).
  22. Biden doesn't really have a political future. Even if he wins in November (which he won't) he is too old to serve out his term. Unfortunately he is the best chance the Dems have of remaining in power so they'll keep wheeling him out for the odd speech until the elections. After that, he's done, irrespective of the result. Hopefully his family show him some compassion and give him the care he so obviously needs. Although looking at his family, that's highly unlikely.
  23. Nonsense. The Conservatives are frequently labelled CINO (Conservative in name only) since in many ways they are similar in values to Blair's Labour party. Twenty years ago they would have been considered Liberal but the goalposts have shifted so far that some on the far left still consider them to be on the right. If they had stuck to their conservative values they wouldn't be in the mess they are now, and this explains why Reform are only trailing them by 4 points in some polls. The Conservatives have essentially abandoned those with conservative values and now those with conservative values are abandoning them. Getting your excuses in early, I see. People have grown tired of seeing their countries damaged by Woke, liberal, lily livered governments who look to put every fringe group's demands above the majority of their own hard working own citizens. Same happened in NZ with Ardern's demise. The pushback against this far left extremist ideology has begun and long may it continue. People are sick of it.
  24. I suspect the government are well aware but that there are certain 'incentives' for them to look the other way.
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