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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. There's a massive lack of housing. More people increases the problem. Doesn't matter what they do. It's a numbers game. Same for school places. Same for nhs beds. The uk has enough people. We can be choosy and bring in the cream of the crop. Not everyone who fancies it.
  2. Well that aged well, didn't it... https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68641441
  3. You are deflecting. We were discussing whether uncontrolled, illegal immigration benefits the economy. In my opinion it costs the taxpayers millions, increases crime, puts pressure on services and destroys the culture. You are welcome to your opinion. But yes, Rishi Sunak is a total waste of space, I think we have already established that. That's why some polls are showing Reform only 4 points behind the "Conservatives".
  4. You're right. I'm sure these guys have all their paperwork in order 😄.
  5. There is some truth to that. There is also some truth to the fact that some people use "Israel" or "Zionists" as a euphemism for Jews to avoid being called out as an anti-semite.
  6. Anti-semitism has always been there. Primarily from the left and amongst Muslims. The terror attack on Israel on October 7th has allowed people to justify expressing it openly, mainly due to Israel's robust military response.
  7. Huge generalization. Some do, some don't. In my opinion legal immigrants tend to do well, illegal immigrants are a scourge. What it does do is put huge strain on housing, schooling, the NHS, the police etc.
  8. Why not? We let everyone else in. At least it will provide some eye candy for the locals, which was sadly lacking last time I was there. Unless you like overweight, tattooed women with orange skin and hair like Worzel Gummidge.
  9. Since logic appears not to be your strong point, allow me to simplify. The climate changed before there were humans. The climate changed after there were humans. You're welcome.
  10. How can this be? So much mass immigration and still a huge rise in poverty. Could it be that bringing in lots of unskilled, unmotivated, undocumented people doesn't boost the economy like they told us?
  11. Which proves that climate change is not man made. Thanks for confirming 😄.
  12. What an intelligent comment. I do hope your posts going forward are equally insightful or you might get banned again and have to create yet another username 😃.
  13. It's amazing how the countries with the highest rates of immigration are also the ones doing so badly financially, ridden with debt. It's almost like the whole "immigration is great for the economy" line is a pack of lies to placate the people who don't like importing the world's problems and conflicts to their neighborhoods in order to provide cheap labour for huge corporations. Maybe I should stop thinking too much and just be a good boy and repeat the mantra 100 times "Diversity is our greatest strength", "Diversity is our greatest strength", "Diversit.... 😃. Otherwise I might be labeled a heretic, or worse...
  14. Yep, same as Gates et. al. Same reason they fly around in private jets. They know it's a massive scam to control to masses. Scare them into complying with their world view and hand over their cash. Scare them into a subsistence lifestyle while they lord it up. More room on the beach for them. Now they just need to convince the turkeys to vote for Christmas.
  15. Still refusing to state your views? I wonder why? 😃 Cheer up Chomps. You're not alone. https://metro.co.uk/2024/03/19/woke-linked-unhappiness-anxiety-study-finds-20489659/
  16. Oh rly. Here's what I said.😆 oh rly. Here's the opening line of the post I was replying to. 😆 Try harder. 😃
  17. I actually pity the Wokies now. Many studies are showing the links of Woke beliefs to anxiety, depression etc. I guess that's what happens when you think everyone is racist, the world is about to end and your identity defines everything about you. Must be awful. No wonder they're so angry. https://metro.co.uk/2024/03/19/woke-linked-unhappiness-anxiety-study-finds-20489659/
  18. Absolutely. Get your popcorn and wellies ready, those Lib tears are gonna be flowing. 😆
  19. I'm not sure what's worse, you ability to quote properly or your ability to form a coherent sentence. I guess the climate doomsday alarmism is aimed at people like you. 😆
  20. Bro, I was talking about the World News section, not specifically this thread. Do try to understand basic sentences every now and then. Good lad.
  21. Great to see the judge's pathetic ruling appealed. Even during questioning he was acting like Fani was his boss. Almost apologizing when ruling against her or telling her to get to the point instead of avoiding the question with 5 minutes of babble. He should be investigated, he seemed either terrified of her or infatuated with her. Maybe he's another "good friend" of hers? She seems to have had many.
  22. I found the same thing in restaurants. People will quip that you are just unlikeable and now they know that, but in reality I think they believe you are now a regular and will come back anyway, so better to focus their energy on the new customers and try to make them regulars as well. The opposite of back home where I get far better treatment once they know me as a regular. It's strange, and I find myself trying new places just to get that decent initial level of service again. Of course, with girls it is better to play the dumb, 2 week millionaire than the "know too mutt" long timer. If they think you're going to leave soon and potentially send them money every month they tend to be very friendly.
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